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*3rd pov*

Lights.... Camera.... Action!

We open up to a litteral curtain draw, seeing a man around 19 in a crisp black and red suit with golden trim. Stepping out slightly he takes a deep breath as the music swells, our pov zooming out revealing a Vast opera Hall complete with overhead balconies, theatre sets and the regular over the top decor and elegance you would find in any other high society event.

Suddenly the show properly starts the person starting to sing, swelling his voice with the music while coming across as cold and stiff.

???:Mirror.... Tell me somthing~..... Tell me who's the loneliest... Of alllllll~

The crowd being caught off guard the lights turn a cold shade of blue as small sequins slowly falling from the rafters of the stage, as the scene behind Y/n bejng changed to a cold icey forest a large castle being seen in the background.

Dancers coming in the man's eyes open revealing that they are a beautiful shade of Emerald contrasting him even more with his cold surroundings. The beat sudennly drops as the music slowly mixes with dubsteo which supports the operatic tone.

???:MIRROR! Tell me somthing~ tell me who's the loneliest.... Of allllllllll!

Slowly his stuff stance loosenes as he starts to dance along with the background dancers, said dancers leading the coriography and making it seem like the man was simply a puppet for them to move as they pleased.

???:MIRROR MIRROR WHAT'S BEHIND YOU~! Save me from the things I see! I can keep it from the world, WON'T YOU LET ME HIDE FROM ME!

Taking our attention off of the man we pan over to the very back of the opera Hall we see a small group of men in tuxedo's, one being a sceezy yet snazy man smoking a cigar the man never taking his hard glare off of the opera singer for a second.

Tuxedo #1:I'd that da guy boss?

Snazy:No... Its his kid.

The tuxedo man looks surprised before taking a sip if a small flask.

Tuxedo #1:And uhhhh.... Why are we after his kid not yknow. Him?

Snazy:Pfft, lousy bastard put his kid down as collateral for his loan... So the bastard didn't pay. So we get his son.

Chcukling quietly to himself the goon turns back around just in time to catch the last part of the show, the man back flipping Into a kneel as the man poses with his left arm to his chest and his right outstretched.

???:I'm~ the loneliest....... Of alllllllllll~.

Sudenly the man on the other side of the snazy man whispers into a small earpiece, setting of a rube Goldberg esc contraption, with goons after goons setting off small parts of the plan before suddenly.

The stage lights drop crushing the man under it just as he was taking his bow, leaving the man's crumpled and bloody body shocking the opera go'ers into a frenzy as they run out... Well except for the snazy man and his goons.

Calmly he takes the cigar out of his mouth before throwing it to the ground.

Snazy:Sorry Y/n... But the game was rigged from the start.

The place quickly going into flames the group leaves.

*Y/n pov*

That.. Hurt. A lot.

Well at least it's over an I died... Honestly it's a pretty good place.

Large rolling fields, a sky completely blanketed in clouds with light snowfall, light winds and I'm even surrounded by easter lilies... My favorite.

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