Day 18/243, Story 12, Chapter 2

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Day 18/243, Story 12, Chapter 2


"I... have some very bad news for you. I'm afraid... your wife and child did not make it. I am very sorry."

My father once had a dream. That dream was to create the perfect being - a perfect being that did not rely on talent, but rather hard work.

I decided to reject my father's dream.

I rejected my father's dream by making human connections. I rejected his dream by learning more about humanity. I rejected his dream... by learning about human warmth.

I grew up in the White Room. I experienced pain so much that I could no longer feel it - I became numb to it all.

So... why do I feel so cold? And... why does it hurt so much?

I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders. That face... it looks familiar... oh, it's my father-in-law. I think... he's trying to say something to me, but... I can't quite make out what it is he is trying to say.

I... think he's starting to cry.

Of course he would.

His daughter just died.



His daughter just died.

His... daughter just... died.

So that means...


I unconvincingly brushed him aside. My arms were butter, but his arms were oil. He tried to grab hold again, but I didn't let him. I couldn't let him. Because...

Just... because.

I started to walk towards my car.

I opened the door.

I climbed inside.

I drove home.

I opened the door.

I hit the floor.

I sleep.

I lied.

I won't sleep.

I can't sleep.

I'm hungry.

I want to eat.

I don't want to eat.

I'm thirsty.

I want to drink.

I don't want to drink.

I get up.

I walk.




Even if I ate, I don't think this hunger would go away.

Even if I drank, I don't think this thirst would go away.

Even if I slept, I don't think this fatigue would go away.


Maybe a bit of food won't hurt. A bit of water. A bit of rest.

I eat. I drink. I sleep.

I woke up.

I wiped my eyes.

I thought I should think a bit more.

I thought.

What did I want?

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