Day 17/243, Story 12, Chapter 1

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Day 17/243, Story 12, Chapter 1


"Mama! Papa! Is Grandpa coming soon?"

The child in front of me, sitting on the windowsill of her bedroom, is my four year old daughter, Sakayanagi Koharu. Her hair is like her mother's, Sakayanagi Arisu, and her eyes are like her father's, Sakayanagi Kiyotaka (formerly Ayanokouji Kiyotaka). And her face is the cutest that one could possibly imagine.

"Koharu, you've asked that about twice in the past minute." I chuckled.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

"Ah!" exclaimed Koharu. She quickly left the room and descended the stairs, heading towards the front door. "Papa, come quick!"

"Wait a second Koharu, I'll need to help your mother down the stairs."

My wife, Arisu, is waiting for me just outside Koharu's bedroom.

"Fufu, how kind of you, Kiyotaka."

I supported her as we headed downstairs, at around the same speed as Koharu. She is truly a growing child.

Eventually, I reached the front door, opening it. My father-in-law, Sakayanagi Arinobu, was waiting.

"Grandpa!" Koharu greeted happily. She ran towards him and wrapped her arm around his leg. He responded by patting her on the head, before picking her up and hugging her. Arisu and I looked on in jealousy.

"You've gotten so big, my little Koharu."

Koharu giggled into his shoulder.

"Well, it's very nice to see you too, Father." Arisu blurted.

"Ah, my apologies. It's nice to see you, Arisu, Kiyotaka." Arinobu replied sheepishly.

Arinobu set Koharu down.

"Grandpa, follow me! I learnt this new chess opening that I wanted to show you!" Koharu beckoned, darting towards the living room.

"Would you like a drink, Father?" I offered.

"No thanks Kiyotaka, I wouldn't want to keep you." declined Arinobu. "What time do you intend to come home?"

I nodded in response.

"9pm at the latest." Arisu replied.

"And what time is bedtime?" Arinobu continued.

Suddenly, Koharu poked her head out of the living room door.

"Grandpa, what's taking so long?"

"I'll be with you in just a moment, Koharu."

"Shall we set up the chess set, Koharu? Let us see who can complete it the fastest." Arisu suggested.

"Okay Mama! I'll set up white." Koharu retreated back, with Arisu following slowly after her.

"Around 7pm should suffice." I stated. "Everything should be written on the piece of paper in the kitchen, but feel free to call either of us if you need anything."

"Oh no, I wouldn't want to interrupt. Please enjoy yourself, and Arisu too."

"Thank you again for coming to look after Koharu, Father."

"It is no problem whatsoever, Kiyotaka. In fact, I only wish that I could spend more time with my beloved granddaughter."

It wasn't long before Arisu and Koharu returned to the front door.

"Papa, I managed to beat Mama!" Koharu boasted.

Arisu simply smiled at me, putting a finger to her lips.

"Well done, Koharu." I knelt down to pat her on the head.

I checked the time on my watch.

"I think that it's about time we head out." I began to change out of my slippers while Arisu went to get her shoes.

"Koharu, Mama and Papa will be heading out for a bit. We'll be back when you're in bed." I conveyed while tying my shoelaces.

Arisu and I were finally ready.

"Mama, Papa, kisses!" Koharu stretched her hands towards us.

"Fufu, of course!"

I picked up Koharu, bringing her into a deep embrace before planting a kiss on her forehead. Arisu wrapped her hands around our daughter, before giving her a quick peck on the cheek. Arinobu watched happily.

"Hehe, I love Mama and Papa." Koharu giggled.

I set her down on the floor.

"Koharu, make sure to be good for Grandpa." I reminded her.

"Un!" Koharu nodded.

"Psst, don't tell your Mama and Papa, but I'll let you break a few rules." Arinobu whispered to Koharu. "Enjoy yourselves, you two."

"We'll see you later, Father." Arisu said. Arinobu bobbed his head slightly.

"Bye-bye!" Koharu waved.

Arisu and I smiled, giving our own little waves. I opened the door and the two of us stepped out, linking arms. Arisu placed her head on my shoulder as we started walking towards the car.

"Look Grandpa! Mama and Papa are all lovey lovey!" Koharu pointed from the living room window.

"Fufu, I wonder who she takes after personality-wise, Kiyotaka." Arisu commented.

"Hmm... I think it would be you, Arisu."

"I'm not too sure about that, Kiyotaka~."

I opened the passenger door of the car, letting Arisu inside, then closed it after her. She placed her cane in the back seat.

I climbed into the driver's seat and checked the mirrors. I stuck the key in the ignition, starting the car, before placing my hand on the gear stick. I felt Arisu place her hand on top of mine.

"Let's have some fun by ourselves, Kiyotaka." She smiled, looking at me. I gave her a kiss on the cheek before driving off.




At least, that was how everything was supposed to go.

The obstetrician walked out of the delivery room.

"Sakayanagi Kiyotaka-san? The husband of Sakayanagi Arisu?"

I nodded.

"I... have some very bad news for you."

To be continued

Date: 21st July, 2022


(A/N: Hello everyone! Hope you enjoyed today's chapter - it's an idea that I've had for a while now. This is one of the few chapters that I've done in the first person - I think. Honestly, I always find it a bit weird to write in the first person because it feels like I'm trying to self insert, but maybe that's just me. I'll try to write more first person chapters in the future.

Personally, it's always been a bit of a headcanon of mine that if Kiyotaka and Arisu were to get married, Kiyotaka would marry into the Sakayanagi family and change his last name instead. Just thought it would be kinda cute for that to happen.

I don't think that Papayanagi has an actual first name yet, so I've just given him the name Arinobu. The first part (ari) is the same as the first part of Arisu. The second part (nobu) means trust, which I think is quite fitting for his character. If Kinugasa ever tells us his first name, I'll start using that one instead. I also wasn't sure how Ayanokouji would refer to him in the text - but it just felt confusing if he was referred to as Sakayanagi, as it would almost feel distant, even though he's meant to be his father-in-law.

Also, the name Koharu was a name I randomly came across and thought would be nice for their child. I think it means child (ko) and spring (haru)? Finally, I know that the phrase is normally "lovey dovey", but since Koharu is quite young, I thought it would be cute for her to mess it up.

I plan on finishing this tomorrow.

I hope to see you in the next one! Bye!)

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