Day 15/243, Story 11, Chapter 1

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Day 15/243, Story 11, Chapter 1

Warning - this will be a lot spicier to what I normally write


Ayanokouji and Sakayanagi were sitting in Sakayanagi's room.

Ayanokouji started.

"Sakayanagi-san, that thing you said to me earlier... about human warmth - I don't quite understand what you meant by it."

Sakayanagi turned to look at him, her violet eyes attempting to read his expression. She smiled to herself.

"Fufufu... personally, Ayanokouji-kun, I think that the best way for you to learn is to experience it for yourself. Let us consider this as... intimacy practice, if you will. Of course, there are no deeper meanings to the things that we are about to do. What do you think, Ayanokouji-kun?"

"If I'd be able to learn more about human warmth, then I'm fine with it." Ayanokouji nodded.

"Fufu, very well then."

Sakayanagi, who was sitting on the bed, motioned towards herself.

"To begin with, wouldn't you like to sit next to me, Ayanokouji-kun? A princess such as myself should not be left alone in such a manner."

"Is this necessary, Sakayanagi-san?"

"Wouldn't you like to learn more about human warmth, Ayanokouji-kun?"

Ayanokouji hesitated, before letting his curiosity get the better of him. He stood up slowly, making his way towards her. Sakayanagi followed him with her eyes. Fixing his uniform beforehand, Ayanokouji sat down on the bed.

Sakayanagi, noting the slight distance between them, patted the space next to her, urging him to move closer.

"If you wish to learn about human warmth, Ayanokouji-kun, you must first narrow the physical distance between yourself and others. Please, do not be so shy." Sakayanagi chuckled. The boy nodded in response.

Ayanokouji edged closer towards her, scooting modestly along the bed cover. Smiling, Sakayanagi attempted to stifle a laugh. Once their shoulders were touching, Ayanokouji placed his hands on his thighs and looked at the floor.

"Fufufu, this will not do either, Ayanokouji-kun." Sakayanagi grabbed Ayanokouji's face softly with her hands, forcing him to look at her. "It is important to maintain strict eye contact whenever conversing with another person."

Sakayanagi could feel her palms warming Ayanokouji's colder cheeks. Ayanokouji's face remained expressionless.

It took a second for the two to realise that their noses were almost touching. Sakayanagi pulled away slightly in embarrassment. Ayanokouji felt his cheeks grow even warmer.

"Is this the human warmth that you were referring to?"

"Fufu, not quite, Ayanokouji-kun."

Sakayangi cleared her throat before continuing with her lesson.

"Now that we are sitting next to each other, why don't we start with holding hands?"

Sakayanagi stretched her left hand towards the boy. In turn, Ayanokouji grasped her palm with his right hand... and gave her a handshake.

"...What are you trying to do, Ayanokouji-kun?" Sakayanagi questioned, confused.

"Handshakes were originally used to show that neither person was carrying a hidden weapon."

"This is not what I had in mind when I said hand-holding." Sakayanagi corrected the situation by intertwining her fingers with his. It was immediately obvious that their hands were quite different - Sakayangi's smaller, softer palms contrasted with Ayanokouji's larger, much rougher ones. The two dropped their arms to a more natural position.

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