Day 2/243, Story 2, Chapter 1

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Day 2/243, Story 2, Chapter 1



"Fufufu, I suppose that I must hang up now then, Ayanokouji-kun. Good night."

Sakayanagi placed her phone down on her bedside table before collapsing onto her bed and stuffed her face into her pillow.

'Ahh, he's soooo cute! I think I love him!' thought Sakayanagi, kicking her legs against the mattress. Rolling onto her side, she then grabbed her pillow, wrapping her arms around it tightly and rubbing her knees together. She whined softly, bombarding her pillow with affection.

'I want him to pet me and call me by my first name!' Sakayanagi continued her romantic delusions. Snapping out of her fantasy, she finally let go of the pillow, letting it fall to the floor with a soft thump. She turned to face the ceiling. "I wish to see him again..." she muttered to herself quietly, placing the back of her left hand to her forehead. A silent blush crept onto her face.

Her idleness was interrupted by a knock at her door. Sakayanagi grabbed her cane leaning against her bedside table and sat up. Using her free hand, she attempted to fix her hair and uniform before slowly standing up. Eventually, she made her way to the door.

"How wonderful it is to see you at this time, Masumi." greeted Sakayanagi.

Kamuro was standing outside her door, her left hand on her hip, her right hand holding a small notepad. "I've brought my report on the current targets."

"Oh my, carrying such important information out in the open?" Sakayanagi eyed Kamuro, tightening her grip on her cane. "It seems I have not trained my pawns well enough." She ushered her in, closing the door behind her.

Kamuro scoffed. "My phone was out of battery and I didn't have enough time to charge it before my report was due."

"That warrants you a punishment, Masumi. But I suppose that that will have to wait."

Kamuro walked towards Sakayanagi's coffee table, lifting an eyebrow at the pillow that was on the floor before placing her notepad down. She then sat on the pillow.

Sakayanagi took a seat on her swivel chair. Kamuro sighed before starting. "Well, since I'm here, I may as well review some of the information with you." Sakayanagi stared at the floor absentmindedly before replying with a small nod.

Kamuro began flipping through the pages of the notebook. "Regarding our targets in Class C, I think that we should be looking out for these individuals in particular." She held the notebook up towards Sakayanagi, pointing to specific details with her index finger. Sakayanagi simply looked at her for a few seconds.

"Well? What do you think?"

"...Is that so, Masumi?"

Kamuro frowned, taken aback by Sakayanagi's reaction, or lack thereof. She continued nonetheless. "Furthermore, regarding Class D, I think that continuing our usual surveillance is adequate."



Kamuro winced slightly, but didn't let Sakayanagi's nonchalance bother her. "Also, I think that our class's unity is still as strong as ever. None of us have seen any signs of opposition for the time being."

Sakayanagi brushed some hair behind her ear, smiling to herself, before replying.

"...Sounds good."

Sighing, Kamuro finally put the notebook down on the table. "I think that I've caught you at a bad time, Sakayanagi-san. Everything that is worth mentioning is written down here, so please look over it yourself."

"I apologise for my behaviour, Masumi." Sakayanagi began to stand up from her chair.

"There's no need to see me out, Sakayanagi-san. Please make sure to lock the door afterwards and get some rest. I think that our class needs it."

Sakayanagi nodded. "Very well, Masumi-san. I shall see you tomorrow."

After a few seconds, Sakayanagi finally heard the door close behind her. Sakayanagi walked towards the door, checking that Kamuro had truly left by looking through the peephole, before locking the door. Sakayanagi suddenly crouched down, letting go of her cane. She hugged her knees before placing both hands on her head.

'Ahh, I can't believe what I just did!' Sakayanagi rubbed her cheek with her left hand. 'I really did try to focus on what she was saying, I really did! I just couldn't stop thinking about him. I tried my best, I promise!' She finally grabbed her cane and made her way back, staring in disgust at her pillow and grabbing the notebook from the table on the way. Taking a seat on the edge of her bed, she lay down, clutching her chest. She flicked through the pages before arriving at a particular person's profile, reading through the information with passional eyes.

"You truly do such mean things to a pure maiden's heart, Kiyotaka-kun." she chuckled to herself, closing her eyes.

Suddenly, she heard a sound emanate from her phone. Was that... a cough?

"Um, Sakayanagi-san... I think you forgot to hang up."

The End

Date: 26th February, 2022


(A/N: Honestly, I have no idea what I wrote. This came to me suddenly last night and I decided to write it but I didn't realise how OOC Arisu would be - to me, it almost seems like she's been possessed by Kei! Oh well!

At the very least, I enjoyed writing it and I hope that you enjoyed reading it! I do think that it took me a while to write though - an hour at least, although much of it was written in a single, quick burst with very little stops! Still haven't quite reached my goal of writing in 30 mins but baby steps for now.

I will probably write something focused on Ayanokouji for tomorrow - I have something in mind. After that, I might write some oneshots inspired from a word generator to see what it's like.

Hope to see you in the next chapter!)

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