Day 10/243, Story 8 - Sakayanagi's Birthday!

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Day 10/243, Story 8 - Sakayanagi's Birthday!

I am extremely late to the party, the day has already finished but...



Ayanokouji knocked on Sakayanagi's apartment door. Almost immediately, the door opened.

"Happy birthday, Arisu." greeted Ayanokouji.

"Thank you very much, Kiyotaka." replied Sakayanagi, smiling and closing her eyes. "You arrived precisely at 3:00. Would it hurt for you to arrive earlier, even if it's just a few minutes?"

"I intended to arrive on time."

Sakayanagi pouted upon hearing this, before welcoming him in. Ayanokouji strode in, carrying a small box and a gift bag, which he set down on her kitchen countertop.

"Still, what an unusual request to make, Arisu. And are you fine with me being the only person to come today?" Ayanokouji asked.

Sakayanagi chuckled.

"Fufufu, Kiyotaka. Despite how long we've been together, it appears I am still constantly reminding you of how much you mean to me. As the heir to the position of head of the Sakayanagi family, I have had my fair share of extravagant parties - however, I have never had such an interest in those sorts of affairs. My only wish is to enjoy the time that we spend together."

Ayanokouji was slightly taken aback - his lack of response earned a blush from Sakayanagi.

"You didn't tell me much about what was going to happen today. What do you have planned in particular?"

Sakayanagi placed a finger to her lips and winked at him.

"That is for me to know and for you to find out."

'What a cliche line.' thought Ayanokouji. 'Is it my birthday or yours?'

"The first thing that I had planned was a meal at a restaurant. Shall we head out together?" Sakayanagi stretched out her hand.

"It would be my pleasure, Arisu." Ayanokouji said, bowing and taking Sakayanagi's hand.


The two exited the restaurant.

"Thank you very much for paying, Kiyotaka." Sakayanagi said, joining hands with Ayanokouji.

"It was the least that I could do, Arisu. It is your birthday after all."

"Fufufu, I suppose it is..."

Sakayanagi placed her head against his bicep.

"Was it okay for you to not have dessert? It would normally be your favourite part of the meal."

"What are you saying, Kiyotaka? We will have our dessert at my apartment, will we not?"

"I am only afraid that it will not live up to your standards."

"Do I seem like that kind of harsh woman to you, Kiyotaka?"

Ayanokouji paused before giving his answer.

"...Of course not." Ayanokouji opened the door to the passenger seat of his car.

"Fufufu, I sense hesitation, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka-san." Sakayanagi sat down in his car.

"No such thing." Ayanokouji climbed into the driver's seat. "Besides, why are you suddenly being so formal?"

"No such thing, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka-sama."

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