Day 6/243, Story 5, Chapter 1 (W)

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Day 6/243, Story 5, Chapter 1 (W)

Words: injury, bench, close

(Set in AU)


"Should I aim a bit more to the left, I wonder?"

Sakayanagi was bent forward, leaning against the table of a stall. With a fake gun in her hands and her left eye closed, she was aiming at a prize on a shelf - a small teddy bear with dull-looking eyes. Supporting her weight slightly, Ayanokouji was standing on her left, his right arm wrapped around her waist. The table was slightly too tall for Sakayanagi's liking; she was currently on her tiptoes, the heels of her bare feet hovering above her geta sandals.

Sakayanagi pulled the trigger. The piece of cork flew through the air before colliding with the tarpaulin behind the shelf. The teddy bear had escaped unscatched from three attempts on its life.

"Ahaha, unlucky, Ojou-chan." The old man running the stall chuckled. "Feel free to grab a consolation prize."

Sakayanagi set the fake gun down before staring at the measly pile of cheap merchandise, pouting. Ayanokouji passed her her cane and pink kinchaku pouch.

"No thank you," replied Sakayanagi, turning to Ayanokouji. "Would you like a go, Kiyotaka-kun?"

The boy shook his head. "I'm good."

"Very well then. Let's have a look at the other stalls." Sakayanagi said, pointing forwards. She took a few steps, before realising that she could not sense the presence of her childhood friend beside her. Turning around, she saw him bowing slightly to the old man before he proceeded walking towards her, quickly catching up.

"What was that about?" Sakayanagi questioned.

"Oh, nothing."

"If you say so." Sakayangi smiled, grabbing Ayanokouji's right wrist with her left hand. They proceeded to stroll through the sea of people, staring at the variety of different stalls.

"I want some takoyaki." Ayanokouji blurted out loud. Sakayanagi nodded. The pair went to stand in line.

"By the way, Kiyotaka-kun, why didn't you wear a yukata for today?" Sakayanagi asked. She was currently donning a yukata with a white and light purple colour scheme and floral patterns; her hair was different from normal, being held up with a lilac hair claw clipper. On the other hand, Ayanokouji had simply turned up in a black t-shirt, jeans and a pair of sports trainers.

"It turned out that the yukata that we had was too small for me." Ayanokouji answered, moving closer to the front of the line.

"I suppose it makes sense. We haven't gone to a festival together since the last year of middle school. How time flies." Sakayanagi clutched her chest softly. "It truly is a shame - I wanted to see you in a yukata, Ayanokouji-kun.

"Maybe next time, Arisu-chan."

Sakayanagi giggled. It was not long until they finally reached the stall.

"Could I have one takoyaki, please?" Ayanokouji called out his order.

"Coming right up! That will be 300 yen." The woman running the register replied.

Ayanokouji reached for his wallet, but Sakayangi suddenly placed the correct amount in the tray next to the register.

"I'll pay for this. Buy me a toffee apple later and we can call it even."

Ayanokouji nodded.


The woman passed Ayanokouji a styrofoam container with six balls, topped with mayonnaise, takoyaki sauce and katsuoboshi. The two moved out of the way, allowing the next in line to place their order. Ayanokouji picked up one of the takoyaki balls with a toothpick and started blowing it.

"Open wide, Arisu-chan." Ayanokouji pointed the takoyaki ball towards her as Sakayanagi opened her mouth, happy to comply.


Sakayanagi slipped the ball off of the toothpick and began to chew. An audible crunch was heard as she penetrated the coating, the savoury flavours of the toppings dancing elegantly upon her tongue, while not overpowering the octopus meat itself.

"Would you like another?" invited Ayanokouji. Sakayangi shook her head, deciding not to speak until she had finished chewing. Sakayanagi swallowed, clapping her hands lightly in honour of the snack.

"No thank you, Ayanokouji-kun. Please feel free to finish the rest."

"You've got a bit of mayonnaise here, Arisu-chan." Ayanokouji pointed to his own cheek. Sakayanagi wiped her face before looking at her finger, seeing an absence of mayonnaise.

"I'll get it for you." Ayanokouji removed the mayonnaise before licking it off of his thumb.

"How cruel of you, Ayanokouji-kun." Sakayanagi said, looking at him with false tears in her eyes. Ayanokouji stared in confusion before he started eating.


Ayanokouji stared at his watch once he had finished eating.

"There are about 30 minutes until the fireworks, so after I buy you a toffee apple, what do you want to do next?"

Sakayanagi thought for a second. Suddenly, a young boy ran into her, knocking her over.

"Sorry, onee-san!" He shouted before running off again.

Sakayanagi turned to face the young boy, however nothing but the back of his head could be seen, which was slowly getting smaller. Ayanokouji ran over to help Sakayanagi up.

"Arisu-chan, are you okay?"

To be continued

Date: 6th March, 2022


(A/N: Hello everyone! Sorry for the three day break! Ended up not writing because of tests. I only have one more chemistry test left so I have much more time to write.

Going to finish this off tomorrow. Very cliche but I enjoyed writing it. I was going to write a bit where they try to catch goldfish with poi but I ran out of time. Also the boy was lucky that he apologised, otherwise he was gonna end up like Yamauchi.

I hope you enjoyed today's chapter! I hope to see you in the next one.)

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