Day 16/243, Story 11, Chapter 2

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Day 16/243, Story 11, Chapter 2


"If this is the game that you wish to play, then so be it. I shall play my part, so please play yours in turn. Let us begin." Sakayanagi closed her eyes again.

Ayanokouji bent towards Sakayanagi's face, gently pressing his lips against hers. It did not last very long - two or three seconds at most. Ayanokouji pulled away before coming in for another kiss, very similar to the last. Then he pulled back again.

Sakayanagi opened her eyes and sat upright slightly, leaning on her elbows. She looked towards Ayanokouji, smiling.

"Fufufu, a commendable effort for an emotionless, mass-produced product. Are you definite that you still require my assistance?"

Ayanokouji brought his face close to Sakayanagi's ear, whispering.

"Don't think that you can get out of this situation now, Sakayanagi-san. I still have plenty of attacks in mind - you'll be in checkmate before you know it."

Ayanokouji finally let go of her left hand. Instead, he used it to run through her hair, preparing for another kiss.

"Fufu, how interesting. Your attacks or my defence - which one will come out on top, I wonder?"

Ayanokouji brought his face closer to Sakayanagi's. This time, Ayanokouji was much firmer, being a lot more aggressive than before. He was attempting to dictate the tempo, preventing Sakayanagi from getting too ahead of herself. He moved his left hand down, caressing her cheek. In response, Sakayanagi moved her hands up, clutching Ayanokouji's blazer. Sakayanagi opened her lips slightly, inviting Ayanokouji inside, to which the boy happily accepted.

After some time, the two finally broke away from each other. A thread of saliva connected their lips.

"Fufu, where did you learn all of this, Ayanokouji-kun?"

"It was all instinct."

Ayanokouji got up from the bed.

"Give me a second, Sakayanagi-san." He removed his blazer and unbuttoned the top button on his shirt, taking off his tie. Then he placed his clothes on a chair.

Sakayanagi stared at him, focusing on his exposed forearms - they weren't skinny but also not too muscly. It was evident that Ayanokouji worked out regularly, but with a greater emphasis on strength than appearance.

"Let us resume, Ayanokouji-kun." Sakayanagi drew Ayanokouji back towards the bed.

Ayanokouji returned to his previous position. Sakayanagi closed her eyes, anticipating another kiss. However, this time, Ayanokouji brushed her hair to the side and blew softly into her ear. Sakayanagi squealed, before quickly covering her mouth in shock.

"It appears your ears are quite sensitive, Sakayanagi-san."

Sakayanagi opened her eyes, removed the hand hiding her mouth, before pulling her signature smug look.

"How cruel of you, Ayanokouji-kun."

"I warned you beforehand that I had plenty of attacks in mind. Surely you would have expected that? Exploiting an enemy's weak points is your forte, after all."

"Are you trying to give me a taste of my own medicine, Ayanokouji-kun? It appears I've become too conceited."

Sakayanagi, attempting a counterattack, wrapped Ayanokouji into a hug, placing her hands on his back. She pressed her soft body against Ayanokouji's harder physique.

However, this had no effect on the boy.

Ayanokouji resumed his work on Sakayanagi's ear. He began with a very light bite on her helix, before applying brief pecks on the rest of the pinna, earning moans from Sakayanagi. Sakayanagi tightened her hug, bringing his body even closer.

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