Pumpkin patch

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Adam's: POV


October 29th 1996: New Jersey

My family and I made our annual trip a pumpkin patch. Annabelle were so excited. She ran in and laughed happily. Then she ran up to me and hugged my leg.


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"Scary monster." she sobbed. I saw a scarecrow and smiled. "It's just a scarecrow, he keeps the crows away." I said. Annabelle went up to him and looked at it.

"I'm not afraid of you Mr. Scarecrow. I love your pumpkins. Is it okay if we take one?" she asked. It looked like he nodded his head. "Thank you so much." said Annabelle. She chose a pumpkin and she wanted to carry it to the car. She got angry when mom tried to help her. I love my little sister so much.


We were sitting in front of the fire place and played games. Annabelle had tea party with her dolls and her pumpkin.

"What's his name?" I asked

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"What's his name?" I asked. "Jack." said Annabelle. "It suits him." replied Emily and she smiled. "I can help you crave your pumpkin." said dad. "No one touch Jack, he's MINE!!" screamed Annabelle and hugged her pumpkin. Mom picked her up and comforted her. "We won't touch him, we promise." said Lorraine. "I'm sorry honey." replied Ed. "Jack needs a friend." said Annabelle. "Of course Jack must have a friend." I replied. "Thank you." she said.

-End of the flashback-

Annabelle really loved her pumpkin

I hope you liked the chapter


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