Father's day (June 20th Sunday)

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    Ian woke up and unwrapped himself from Mickey. His arms were wrapped around Mickeys waist while spooning him. Ian got up making sure Mickey was still asleep. He opened the dresser drawer and pulled away clothes to reveal the present he got for Mickey. Making sure it was still there, Ian put the clothes back and went to go make breakfast. Mickey woke up a few minutes later and walked out to the kitchen. "Mmm, good morning." Mickey said, walking up behind Ian and hugging him. "Happy Father's day." Ian said then turned around and kissed Mickey. "Happy Father's day." Mickey said too after pulling away from the kiss. "Can you get the kids up for breakfast?" Ian asked his husband. "Yup." Mickey replied then walked away. "Hey Yev, wake up bud, time for breakfast." Mickey said rubbing Yevgeny back. "Hi Steve, hi bud." Mickey said picking up Steve. Steve was now almost 3 months old and his hair was coming in thick now, it was red. Mickey loved it. Steve now looked like Ian with freckles and red hair, and Yevgeny looked like Mickey since he was biologically his son. Mickey carried Steve out to the kitchen with Yevgeny following behind. "Tell Dad, "Happy Father's day."" Mickey whispered into Yevgeny ear. "Happy Father's Day Dad!" Yevgeny said walking up to Ian. Mickey smiled. "Thanks buddy." Ian said then hugged Yevgeny. "Hi Steve." Ian said then walked over to Mickey holding Steve. Ian kissed Steve on the forehead then kissed Mickey on the lips. His vision from almost 6 years ago was finally true. He had his little family, a baby who looked like him even, and a perfect husband. The man who he wanted a family with for almost 11 years. Later they went to dinner together. "Hi, reservation for the Milkoviches." Ian said to the Applebees host. Mickey just smiled. "Alright, for 4?" The host asked Ian. "Yup." Ian replied. "Okay, follow me." The host said and led the family to a table. Ian set Steve down in his car seat and sat it on a chair. Ian then helped Yevgeny into a chair, then walked over to Mickey and pulled out a chair for him being extremely over exaggerated. "Here you are darling." Ian said in a fake British accent and gestured to the seat. "Fuck off." Mickey said smiling. Mickey sat down in the seat and Ian pushed in the chair. Ian then sat down beside Mickey. Ian leaned over and kissed Mickey on the cheek. Mickey just smiled again. After they ate Mickey started talking. "I got you something." Mickey said reaching into his pocket. "I got you something too but you have to wait till we get home to open it." Ian said. Mickey handed Ian a poorly wrapped box. "I tried wrapping it man." Mickey said slightly disappointed. "It's just paper who cares." Ian said smiling. Ian unwrapped the box to show a ring box. He opened it and pulled out the ring. It read "I love you" on the inside. "It's sappy I know but it was either that or 'always forever'." Mickey said. "I love it. And I love you." Ian said then kissed Mickey. He slid the ring on his right hand ring finger, matching his and Mickeys wedding ring on his left hand ring finger. Once they got home Ian went to his and Mickeys bedroom and dug the present he got for Mickey out of the dresser. He walked out to the living room where Mickey was. He had just put the kids to bed. Ian pulled out the box and handed it to Mickey. "Happy Father's day." Ian said and sat down beside Mickey on the couch. Mickey opened the box and pulled out a pocket knife from inside the box. Engraved in the side of the knife was 'I Love You'. "Guess we had the same idea." Ian said smiling. "I love it, and I love you." Mickey said mocking Ian. "Oh shut up." Ian said and rolled his eyes. Mickey pulled his old pocket knife from his pocket and replaced it with the one from Ian. "Cmon, let's go to bed." Ian said standing up. The couple went to their bedroom. Mickey followed Ian in the room and closed the door. Ian grabbed Mickeys hips and pulled him into a kiss then pushed him onto the bed. They started undressing each other while Ian kissed Mickeys neck and Mickey bit his lip. After they were finished they laid in bed cuddling. "Do you know why you wear wedding rings on your left hand ring finger?" Ian asked Mickey as he played with Mickeys wedding ring while holding his hand. "No fucking idea." Mickey said, his other hand playing with Ian's red hair. "Because it's the only finger that has a vein that connects directly to your heart, so you wear your ring there so your love is closest to your heart." Ian said lovingly. "That's some sappy ass shit." Mickey said smiling then kissed Ian. "I fucking love you, Gallagher." Mickey said looking into Ian eyes. "I fucking love you too, Milkovich.

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