The Day of Frank's Funeral (March 25th)

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       It was the day of the funeral now and Ian hadn't slept all night. Mickey kept waking up in the middle of the night, because of his restless husband. Ian finally was able to fall asleep, he looked at the time, it was 2:30 a.m. He woke back up suddenly and checked the time, 2:35 a.m. Why couldn't he fall asleep, it's not like he liked Frank a whole lot. He was his fathers least favorite child, and the entire family knew it, plus Frank wasn't even his real dad. He looked too much like their mother and had her bipolar disorder. Ian woke Mickey up. "Mick." Ian whispered into Mickey's ear. "Mick" He repeated now almost sobbing. "What Ian, you okay?" Mickey finally answered. "No, I'm crying over Frank. He's not even my real dad." Ian says now sobbing. "Hey hey, it's okay you can cry it's okay." Mickey says comforting his husband and letting him cry into his shoulder. "He was a horrible dad. But I just keep thinking of all the good memories of him. Like at our wedding, Fiona is his favorite and he ruined her wedding to protect her, and at ours he was happy and didn't ruin anything. It makes no fucking sense." Ian says still crying into Mickeys shoulder. "You know, I was talking to Lip after the wedding. He said that Frank told him he was happy to see us together, even though i'm a Milkovich. Told Lip how he thought we were perfect for each other." Mickey said trying to comfort Ian. "Really? What the fuck." Ian says. "Why didn't Lip tell me?" "How the fuck should I know now try to fall asleep it's like 3 a.m. and we have to be up at 9 and I'm fucking tired." Mickey says.
    The alarm Mickey had set went off waking him up. Looking over he sees that Ian looks like he's had no sleep. "Morning." Ian says staring up at the ceiling. "You look like shit. How much sleep did you get?" Mickey asks. "I fell asleep around 3 and woke up at 5, so around 2 hours. Fuck. Mick, why couldn't I fall asleep. I just feel like something bad is going to happen." Ian replies. "Well I'll fight whatever bad thing you think is gonna happen." Mickey says smiling and kissing Ian. "Come here." Ian gets us and hugs his husband. "Softie." Ian whispers into Mickeys neck. The couple stayed in that position for 10 minutes. Ian head laying on Mickeys neck while Mickey ran his fingers through Ian's hair. Until they had to get up. "Ian if we don't get up now we're gonna be late now get your ass up." Mickey says. Once they arrived at their old home the Gallaghers were all somber. Liam was most affected by Franks death, and was crying. Frank and Liam had spent lots of time together before Frank passed. Lip and Debbie could've cared less that Frank was dead they had stopped caring for him years ago. Carl shed a few tears now and then, but he didn't miss Frank a whole lot. Everyone went to greet Mickey and Ian as they walked through the door. Lip pulled Mickey to the side, "Jesus, did Ian get any sleep last night? He looks like shit." "Barely. Frank must've really left an impression on him he was crying into my shoulder for 3 hours last night and told me he only got 2 hours of sleep." Mickey replies. "Let me go talk to him. Want a beer?" Lip asks. "I can get myself a beer, go talk to him." Says Mickey. "Yay! Uncle Mickey and Uncle Ian are here!" Franny yells, running up to both of them and hugging them. "Yeah your favorite uncles!" Mickey says flipping Lip, Carl, and Liam off lovingly. "You should go take this to Uncle Ian." Mickey whispers into Franny's ear handing her a beer. Franny ran over to Ian giving him another big hug then handing him the beer. "Mick you can't just make a 5 year old bring me beer." Ian said, rolling his eyes at his husband. "Why the fuck not i've seen Debbie give her beer. Not like she wasn't gonna start drinking it on her own." Now everyone was looking at Debbie. "Oh don't give me that look. We were all drinking by the time we were 2 thanks to Frank." The funeral was a quick ceremony with the siblings saying words like "Fuck you, you were a horrible father." Besides Liam, when he talked about Frank he made him seem like a good father. When Lip got up to say a few words though Ian was surprised Mickey hadn't been lying this morning. Lip said, "We all know Frank was a shitty dad, he definitely favored Fiona, somehow Ian was his least favorite and he showed it, but I've never seen the man happier then on the day Mick and Ian got married. He told me they were meant for each other, like how he and Monica were. The 2 were crazy but they did love each other. He couldn't have been more right though. They're soulmates. I choose to remember that Frank, the one who seemed like he actually gave a shit about his kids." And with that Mickey leaned over and whispered into Ian's ear, "See what did I fucking tell you." Then kissed his husband. After the kiss, Ian melted into Mickeys arms lightly sobbing again.

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