The Next Morning (Monday March 22)

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      Ian and Mickey woke up to the sound of Ian's phone ringing. It was the number to a hospital. Upon answering the phone Ian was notified that Frank had died the night before due to many reasons. "Who the fuck was that calling this early?" Mickey asks. "A hospital. Franks dead." Ian replied. "Oh fuck. I'm sorry man. You okay?" Mickey asks. "I mean I hated him, and I was his least favorite, but i'm gonna miss him a little bit. I guess i'd better call my siblings, ask them about it." Ian said distantly. "Okay well do you want me just call us in sick today? We could go over to the house right now." Mickey suggests. "Yeah. Yeah, okay." Ian said still distant. Upon arriving at the Gallagher house everyone had heard the news. They all had to talk about the funeral. "I say we just cremate the bastard and do a little something here, not like anyone else would show up to his funeral." Lip says to his family. Everyone decided that was the best plan, and set the funeral for 3 days from then, March 25.
*Mickey and Ian driving back to their apartment, then walking up to their door* "I'm suprised Frank didn't die sooner. I mean all the drugs and alcohol, I thought the first liver would've killed him." Ian says. "I mean if you would've let me go through with it, the fucker would've been dead years ago when he caught us fucking in Kash and Grab and I swore I was gonna kill him." Mickey says chuckling. "Yeah" Ian says laughing "He was a pretty shitty dad. It just makes me want to be one even more, so I can not be one you know?" "I get what you mean, but are we really ready for a baby? I mean we've only been married a year." Mickey says skeptically. "Mick, you know it's been over 11 years since we first started hooking up?" "Yes I fucking know dumbass. Guess I'm just irresistible." Mickey said smiling. After a few minutes of silence, Mickey blurts out, "Yevgeny. Ian what if we adopt Yevgeny? I haven't seen the little fucker in years but i'm sure Svetlana wouldn't mind. She has that rich husband now. I could talk to her." "Are you sure Mick? A few days ago you didn't want kids." Ian says back. "I know-I just- I mean he's already 7 now right so I can't screw him up too bad, plus I like seeing you happy, and if having kids will make you happy. Well then fuck it let's have kids." Mickey says. "Fuck, I love you." is all Ian can say back. "I love you too" Mickey says, then kissing his husband as they approach their apartment door.

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