Chapter 9: Salem in the Flesh

Start from the beginning

"That's a nice thought, but I'd rather keep my son where I can see him," Terra told Abe gently. "Couldn't I just cover his eyes during the scary parts?"

"The entire show is the scary part," Ren pointed out, before shaking his head. "But I have a solution. If you would allow me to hold Adrien, Ms. Cotta-Arc, my Semblance will keep him from becoming frightened." Terra and Saphron looked at each, then nodded their consent. Ren walked over, and took Adrien from his mothers, who babbled happily. Then Ren turned back around and took his seat next to Nora, who immediately began fussing over the baby in his arms.

"Alright, that works for me," Abe said with a shrug. "Let's start this thing." He dashed back up the theater aisle, and into his booth, before slipping the next reel of film into the projector, and starting the episode. Everyone settled in to watch as the lights dimmed.

The episode began with Jaune regaining consciousness inside the shack he had stumbled into. To his surprise, he found himself lying upon the stained mattress of a crude bed, rather than the floor where he had collapsed. The Huntsman yawned and stretched, then rubbed his weary eyes.

"What happened?" he asked quietly.

"You passed out a while back, kid," a voice replied, causing Jaune to jump. He looked over at the table in the middle of the shack, where Torchwick was currently seated. "That Lagartodile must've really done a number on you, huh?"

"Wait a minute! Isn't that Roman Torchwick?" Saphron demanded. "Why is Vale's most notorious crime lord in this?!"

"Guess you could say I'm doing your brother a favor, doll," Torchwick said with a smile, causing Saphron to squeak as she realized he was in the audience as well. "That's the second time I've had to save his ass now, by the way."

"I was keeping an eye on you during the fight, and it's a good thing I did, too," Torchwick continued. "You were out cold for so long, the sun went down!"

"What?!" Jaune leapt off the bed, crossed the shack's interior, and threw open the door leading outside. Sure enough, the sky had gone dark, and the moon was starting to rise. "Gods, this is not how I expected this rescue mission to go," the Huntsman groaned, once he had finally regained his composure.

"So it's nighttime now?" Sun hummed. "That's gonna make things a bit spookier..."

At the sound of his Scroll going off, Jaune reached into his pocket and pulled out the device, before holding it up to his ear.

"Jaune, it has been six hours since our last transmission," Winter's voice greeted him, 'I was starting to get worried."

"Don't you mean lonely?" The Huntsman cracked, attempting to lighten the mood. This got a chuckle out of Torchwick, but nothing from the Specialist. Realizing he was going to have to admit to what happened, Jaune groaned. "Anyway, I was feeling really tired earlier. I guess I must've lost consciousness."

"'Lost consciousness?' Jaune, you need to be more careful!" Winter scolded. "Summer is in danger, but you will be of no use to her if you get yourself killed!"

"Sheesh, Ice Queen, you sound less like his informant, and more like his mother," Qrow chuckled, causing Winter's cheeks to tinge pink.

"Can it, drunkard!" she growled.

"Oh, don't let him get to you, girl!" Terra smiled at Winter. "You only scold because you care."

"Okay, I get it!" Jaune groaned, preventing Winter from launching into a tirade. "Look, I'm all right now. I'm gonna continue my mission." He hung up his Scroll, and turned back towards Torchwick. "I suppose you're also going to lecture me?"

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