❁Chapter 12: Iron and Stone❁

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❁(Y/n)'s POV❁

We arrived at a camp that had many people. I looked more to see the others were chained up and being taken to an area.

Cole: "They're headed towards that area. But I don't think they're going to see a show."

(Y/n): "Because they will the ones on the show."

Wu: "Then we have to go in there and break them out. Come on!"

Wu was gonna jump off to save them but Cole and I acted quickly and grabbed him from his hoodie.

(Y/n): "Wow, bud. We aren't going in there and just break them out that easily."

I pulled him back up and sat him down to the ground.

Cole: "She's right. The place is crawling with hunters and getting caught isn't on my to-do list. We're gonna have to wait it out."

Wu: "Don't put off till tomorrow what can be done today."

Cole: "Uh? Did you-? Did you just use my words against me?"

Wu: "They were my words first. You just borrowed them."

Cole: "I'm not putting anything off. I'm trying to come up with a plan. What do you expect me to do? Take them on all with me and (Y/n)?"

Wu took out something out of his pocket and used to look more closely and cleary.

(A/n- I actually don't know what's it called so can anyone tell me what it is?)

(Y/n): "Ok, where did you get that?"

Wu: "I borrowed it earlier. Like how Cole borrowed my wisdom."

He was looking at clothes that were drying outside.

Wu: "There. We can use that. We can use disguises."

Cole: "Ah... I don't know. Disguises haven't worked out so good for me in the past."

(Y/n): "Is it because your mustache and scar came off when you were singing at the bar while Zane was showing us everything?"

He looked at me in shock while I smirked.

Cole: "What!? Zane was showing you that?! Oh when I get my hands on his, I will- wait, where's Master Wu?"

We looked back down and saw Wu running to the clothes. We started to freak out.

Cole: "Master Wu! Get back here!"

We went down and ran after him

(Y/n): "Wu! Be careful!"

๑Lloyd's POV๑

The truck came to a halt once we entered an unknown place.

Lloyd: "What is this place?"

Pixal: "It appears to be a garbage depot."

Skylor walked towards us.

Skylor: "I call it the rest of the resistance. First things first. Intros. You've already met Karloff, Turner, and Shade. And that's Neuro, Master of mind. And Tox, Master of poison."

☆The Jadeite Princess☆ {Lloyd x F!Reader}☆Where stories live. Discover now