Devil Daniels and The monumentials

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Third person Pov:

"Hello loyal viewers! Today my underwater drones have revealed a magnificent thing! They are some of the biggest marine animals I have ever seen! We are currently above one right now! I see it, it's... a giant turtle! And with it are more magnificent animals that need a new home." Devil Daniels said with a flourish

"They must be worth millions! Perhaps even billions! All that lovely, lovely, money." Dolos said behind Devil Daniels,

"Have you got the fleet of ships I asked you to bring?" 

"Of coarse! I would never miss an opportunity to make money!"

"Well let's do it, tell the ships to have it in a giant semi-circle and herd them toward their new massive enclosure, it took me millions to build, they won't be able to break out, that's for sure."

"We'll see." said Dolos

Meanwhile, Ant, Fontaine, Finn, Maddy and the Seawolf crew have been knocked out by an Electromagnetic Detonator.

"What are we going to do? Just about everything needs to be repaired and Devil Daniels is hunting the Monumentials." Ant said in a panic,

"Kids, are you ok?" Kaiko's voice came in over the radio,

"We're fine, but the Knights aren't." Fontaine said anxiously, "What should we do?"

"Come back to the Arronax, we are going to need help with Devil Daniels as he's got net's 14 kilometres long and almost down the the seabed. The Monumentials are being herded into an island complex! We need help!"

"We're coming mum!" Ant yelled,

"Seawolf! Follow those Nektons! They might need our help!" Tiger yelled to the Avenger mini-subs,

Forty-two minutes later

Tiger Pov:

"Load torpedoes!" I yelled and the automatic torpedo loader swung into action,

"What sort of torpedos do you want?"  the Artificial Intelligence said,


"Security code needed to authorise use of conventional torpedos."


"Loading conventional torpedos now."

"Leaf?" I called out,


"Target the nearest ship and wait for my signal."


I watched as the ship suddenly turned and the net came suddenly toward us.

"FIRE!" I yelled and the streak of bubbles streamed away from Seawolf and hit the net, splitting it in half, we powered through the remains of the net and surfaced, I watched through the periscope and aimed Seawolf at the nearest ship.

"Fire!" I watched the torpedo as it streaked toward the ship, closer and closer with every heartbeat, I lost sight of it and a few seconds later the ocean was an indescribable fiery orange, even now I could feel the heat,

"We must have hit their magazine!" Jess yelled,

Suddenly there was a plume of water right near us, 

"DIVE! They've got a deck gun!" I yelled,

Seawolf dived and the firing stopped, 

"Line up on that b*****d who fired on us." I ordered,

Third Person Pov:

Seawolf fired many torpedos that day, sinking all but three ships with one heavily damaged, Devil Daniels still managed to trap the monumentials, The Dolphin, The Turtle, Moby Dick, and the Crab from Kenji's Island.

Leaf Pov:

"Thank you Arronax, over and out."

"What's our plan to free the Monumentials?" Tiger asked as I set down the headset,

"They want us to place a bunch of our torpedos at various places, and then detonate them all at once."

"WHAT! That's insane!" Tiger shouted, "We'll blow up this ocean with that many torpedo's at the same time, half or even quarter of that number would be sufficient. What do those Nektons think they're playing at?"

Ant Pov:

I looked over at the clock and sneaked a glance at Maddy, she truly was beautiful, long dark hair tied in a loose ponytail.

I leaned over and hugged her,

"I love you Ant."

"I love you too sweetheart."

"ANT? MADDY? What do you think you're doing?" I jumped as Kaiko, my mother came around the corner,

"Mum?... I have something to tell you, Maddy and I are sort of... boyfriend and girlfriend." I said awkwardly,

"Mmm, it's ok, I already have photos of you two and Finn and Fontaine."

"WHAT!" I screamed as I realised what had happened, "TIGERRRRRRRR! I'm gonna beat you into a pulp for this!"

"Now, now, Ant, I only offered him five dollars to give me the album. I actually don't mind that you two are together, I actually like that idea."

I turned around as Fontaine rushed into the room with Finn in tow,

"We have a message that needs you answering."

"We'll have to continue our chat later Anteline."

Kaiko Pov:

I ran to the bridge where Will was explaining that I would be here soon,

"Hi, what's the matter?" I asked,

"Well it's about your plan, we have a problem and a possible solution, but we need a marine biologists advice if it works." Tiger said tilting his head toward ka

"What sort of advice?" I asked slowly and cautiously,

"Well, first the problem, the torpedo's only activate on firing and then contact with water, that way they can't blow up inside the submarine like the Kursk disaster a few years back, but they need to be fired, otherwise the onboard computer that detonates them can't detonate them."

"Right, so you have a possible solution?" I asked,

"Well yeah, Seawolf has many vehicles: mini-subs, drones, scuba gear, and two Skywolf helicopters, capable of flying around the world three times with no refuel required. We propose an airstrike against the locks not the entire wall, we'll use the torpedos for that."

"An Airstrike?" I asked puzzled,

"Using the Skywolf helicopters, we want to know what the impacts on surrounding sea life would be."

"As long as you don't nuke it, which would be pointless as you destroy the Monumentials, you should be fine with only krill or other smaller organisms affected as there aren't that many fish around here."

"Good. That's what we want. The Airstrike will go ahead tonight at 21:20 hours, or nine twenty at night."

"Copy that." I said and ended the call, "Kids? get changed into the stealth swimsuits. Red protocol."

Hey guys, sorry it took so long but I got sick and couldn't write, but it's here now.


Comment (shoutout to @maddystone06 for not being a silent reader, I don't like silent readers)

Next part out in 2-4 weeks due to school banning Wattpad, and me being busy all the time.

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