The Ephemychron

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Tiger Pov:

The last thing I saw before I collapsed was all of the submarines going to the bottom, finally, finally I could stop being brave and collapse and have a good cry.

Time skip

I woke up and cried for all my friends that I had lost, something touched my shoulder and I looked, startled, toward Leaf, had she been here this entire time?

"You collapsed on the bridge, Captain. I brought you here about seven hours ago."

"Captain? You know I prefer Lieutenant, Leaf. Have you been with me for seven hours?"

"Yes, like you have for so many of us before."

I lay down again and had a drink, 

"Can you sleep with me tonight?" I asked Leaf,


I sighed as I layed down, 

Leaf came and ruffled my hair and layed down near me, 

"Rest now, lieutenant." 

Leaf Pov:

I had never seen Tiger this way, to me he was a rock that couldn't be washed away, always there for his crew.

I looked around at Tiger's personal room, very neat.

I went over to Tiger and saw a crack in the floor, curious I opened it out and took out a book,

Tiger's journal - do not read

I opened to the first page and it was an analogy of all the possible submarines ever created and what they were used for.

Something fell out and I picked it up, it was a note for page twenty-two,

-Possible that Darwin may be alive- 

I gasped and looked at Tiger, why hadn't he told us?

I opened to page twenty-two and saw a bunch of notes, Darwin was taken to hospital and kidnapped afterwards?

I looked down at the still sleeping Tiger, You have a lot of explaining to do,  I thought to myself.

"I didn't want Jade upset, so  I kept it to myself."

"Do you have mind reading capabilities?!" I asked the apparently asleep Tiger,

"No, but I do have a problem with people snooping into my stuff. Don't tell anyone that Darwin may be alive."

"Ok, but you will tell her soon, right?"


I sighed as I layed down facing Tiger, so much had happened today. I wonder what we would have done without Tiger, before darkness took over my mind.

Time skip

Ant Pov:

As I watched seawolf leave, I turned toward Mum,



"What will we do with the Dark Orca?"

Kaiko turned toward the semi-floating wreck of the Dark Orca,

"I don't know, probably let Maddy, Finn and Aleira take whatever they want off it, and I suppose we can take whatever we want and then scuttle it, maybe turn it into a artificial reef."

"Well let's not hang around!"

I grabbed the shadow knight, Maddy took an Avenger and Fontaine and Finn took the rover. Aleira said she didn't want anything off it, while Mum took the swamp knight and Dad took the white knight.

I got through the moonpool and immediately made my way to the storage compartment, I looked inside the first crate, doubloons, the next one had two pieces of a stone ball in it, weird, I picked it up, it had Lemurian symbols on it! Wow, an actual Lemurian artifact, or at least most of an artifact: the top was missing, I would have to ask Nereus about it.

I asked Nereus via a video link and he told me that it was called the ephemychron. AS we had to search for the last piece of the emphemychron and Mum and Dad were leaving on a scientific expedition to document all known underwater volcanoes, so me and Fontaine couldn't use the Arronax on our search for the final part. Nereus, fortunately knew the location of the final part, it was in a sunk cargo ship surrounded by reefs and minerals that sometimes block sonar.

I ordered Professor Fiction to make another submarine, one that could hold sixteen people but still small enough to make it through the reefs. I also wanted copies of the Arronax's knights. The professor said maybe a week to two weeks, as he already had another one he was making and just needed slight adjustments.

Time skip: one and a half weeks later

Ant Pov:

I looked in wonder at the submarine that professor fiction had made, it looked sort of like an otter from where I was standing.

"It has a special agility that most submarines don't possess, it also has a very streamlined body so it's top speed is one-hundred and seven kilometres." said Professor Fiction proudly,

"One-hundred and seven kilometres!" exclaimed Ant,

"Yes." Fiction replied,

"Huh, not as fast as Seawolf." Tiger boasted, "One-hundred and ninety kilometres per hour."

"ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY!" Ant and Professor Fiction exclaimed together, 

"Yes. I heard you were leaving to find the last piece of the Ephemychron, so, I came to join you, and before you object, Will and Kaiko ordered me to join you, along with Seawolf."

"Alright. But any artifact we find goes to Otter, and not Seawolf."

"We're only there to protect you, a sort of... submarine wolf pack. It provides protection."

Thank you for reading, check out my other work,

 Anteline, the deep, 

for some Anteline fanfiction.

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