The Sleepover

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"Follow me! Only me and Fontaine know where it is, so do try to keep up?" said Ant

Third person Pov:

Ant and Fontaine led the way to an unused part of the Arronax they had set up for 'sleepovers', immediately the others noticed that there were cushions, pillows and blankets everywhere.

"Wow. That's. One. Heck. Of. A. Room." Tiger exclaimed, "We don't have nearly a good a room as this on the Seawolf, Leaf, make a note to improve our room."

"What? You guys are dating! When did this happen?" Ant asked

"Dating? Seriously! Ant, I thought you would know better! Especially since your  girlfriend is here...anyway the reason we all share a single room is,

 one: we enjoy each others company, 

two: a complicated reason. Do you want the long story that will literally take hours or the short version?"

"Well, we still have a movie to watch..." said Ant, "Ok, the long answer, please."

"Well it was like this, we were tracking a fleet  of pirate submarines. We didn't realise that we were only following one  of like, eight."


"Yes eight, now as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, we were only tracking one, the other seven were, following us at different angles and all of a sudden the blip we had on sonar turned and we saw the other seven blips come rapidly toward us, I ordered Seawolf into a crash-dive, but before We even had time to turn, approximately  twenty-eight torpedoes crashed into Seawolf at different point's, causing armour to buckle and in one point the hull held but we couldn't go along that corridor, it was completely inaccessible. By now five of the eight submarines had actually been sunk by the crew below loading and firing torpedoes, the last three were badly crippled. When we went back later, about seven submarines sunk at the immediate battle site with the last one sunk near the floating black market, presumably scuttled. We had four  of our ten man crew dead with two injured, one badly the list as is follows

Leut. Maj. Buttsworth: head torpedo loader, dead

O.s.(Ordinary seaman) Luke: torpedo carrier, dead

O.s.  Darwin: torpedo loader, presumed dead

O.s. Frank: torpedo loader, dead

Sergeant Willow: head of Armament (munitions), injured

 O.s. Jones: torpedo loader, injured

All crew were either given our highest award for gallantry in person or posthumously awarded it.

Anyway, we had to beach Seawolf and it took a number of months to fix her.

Sometimes during the night I would have to go to one of my remaining crews cabin as I would hear sobbing or screaming, I would stay with them or even sleep with them so it would be  quiet for any others, I think everyone must have been in prolonged shock because I didn't need to help anyone for about a week to a week and a half, eventually I created what is now our collective room where all four of us sleep, the torpedo loaders are now automatic so no one has to venture down there during a battle ever again." 

"How old were you when it happened?" asked Ant,

"Fourteen. All of us except the lieutenant were fourteen." said Jade looking sleepy in Tiger's lap.

"Woah! I thought this sleepover was rated g! When did you get there Jade?" Finn asked 

"Shhhh, she's asleep. She doesn't like talking about what happened, her boyfriend, Darwin was presumed dead when we didn't find his body, the compartment he was in was completely flooded with a hole big enough for several torpedos to get through." whispered Tiger.

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