Battle against the Guardians of Lemuria

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Ant pov:

As soon as Leaf called out that there was two battleships I went cold inside. Seawolf acted immediately, the auto retaliation coming into play, as It could successfully surmise where the torpedoes needed to hit. The SkyWolves launched, followed by a single fighter bomber. "Mechanic! Do you copy?" Tiger's voice came over the radio, "What is it Tiger?" The man standing next to me replied, hands on the bridge controls. "Launch TerraWolf. Its our only hope." I heard The Mechanic sharp intake of breath hissing though his teeth. "It's not ready yet, I still have to complete testing and prototype-" "Mechanic. I said, LAUNCH IT, WATCH OUT LEAF! GET HIM!" The radio transmission came to an abrupt end, before the Mechanic looked over the control panel, hesitating before pressing a button on the control panel. "Authorisation code needed to proceed." "Alpha, Terra, Alpha, Beta.""Code confirmed, launching TerraWolf." 

A huge panel on the top of Seawolf receded and a hydraulic system pushed up what appeared to be a laser cannon. Seawolf had fired the rest of her torpedoes at the incoming fleet. The deck gunners had 20mm cannon belts that they were pouring into the oncoming melee of enemy ships, sinking many small vessels. Suddenly Seawolf was rocked side to side, "Are we hit?" I asked in terror clinging to Maddy. The Mechanic looked at me with a confused expression on his face, arms crossed. Seawolf rocked again and The Mechanic finally caught on to what I was talking about and laughed while pointing toward TerraWolf. "Its just the recoil from TerraWolf." I felt my heart rate go slightly back to normal and TerraWolf fired again, the mighty battleship still coming at us, guns blazing. A deck gun went up in a huge fireball just as the crew of the deck gun leapt out of the way. 

A Sergeant came along and tugged on The Mechanic's arm whilst talking quietly. The Mechanic's arms dropped to his side in shock. "Is Jade okay?" He asked, "Oh, she's absolutely over the moon, in fact, she wasn't even aware of the battle or battle stations until I told her to go to her battle station." A extra loud whine and then an explosion right on the bridge sent shrapnel flying everywhere, but no damage to the exterior of Seawolf. In the distance I could see the Skywolf helicopters attacking a medium size fleet of what appeared to be a mixture of light cruisers and heavy cruisers. 

The massive battleship had turned away before keeling over and half-sinking. TerraWolf fired again and literally ripped the battleships' hull in two, causing it to sink for good. Seawolf turned toward the half-decimated fleet of heavy and light cruisers and fired another fan of torpedoes. Some smaller support ships carrying explosive blew up on impact and sinking instantly. Four light cruisers went down within the minute and a heavy cruisers keeling over on a 20 degree angle, but not sinking. "Set TerraWolf to maximum." Tiger said behind me and I jumped, Tiger and Leaf had obviously landed to rearm and refuel but instead stayed to watch the carnage. The Mechanic hesitated, "Can I confirm that the Commander of Seawolf has ordered me to set TerraWolf to max?" Tiger nodded his head once while replying. "Affirmative." The Mechanic took a deep breath and flicked a switch and I could hear TerraWolf humming as the power increased. 

"Fire." Seawolf almost flipped ninety degrees at the recoil, but when Seawolf had righted herself, all I could see was an empty ocean filled with burning oil and a few scattered lifeboats here and there.

"WHAT HAPPENED!" Jade strode over to the bridge holding someone's hand, and with a shock I realised it was Darwin, while Jess checked Seawolf's stats. "We still have a few systems to come back online, but otherwise we're fine." Jess said looking up, looking startled as she looked at Darwin then back at the sergeant from earlier. "Mechanic, Willow," she whispered while gesturing to Darwin. 

"He was found at Lemuria in a prison, he was kidnapped by the Guardians." Willow explained, before looking at the Mechanic and linking her arm in his. Jess raised an eyebrow and Willow smiled before sticking out her tongue. "You snooze, you lose." Jess threw a tablet at her, which Willow swiftly caught. "You naughty rascal." Jess laughed and placed each of her hands on The Mechanic and Willow, looking meaningfully at Tiger before heading toward the crew quarters. Jade and Darwin followed them, heads leaning in against each other. 

The Arronax surfaced and Kaiko called to say they were coming aboard Seawolf. Finn rushed up to Fontaine, giving her a hug before pulling her away to go somewhere a little quieter. I rolled my eyes at Maddy gesturing to Finn and Fontaine, before Maddy surprised me by kissing my lips, I stared at her in shock and then smiled. "So its going to be like that?" I asked teasingly before I picked her up bridal style, Maddy squealing and kicking, to somewhere quieter.

Leaf pov:

I stared as all the people on the bridge slowly disappeared, couples that I never thought existed following one after another. "Its finally over. We can stop fighting." Tiger collapsed just like he had before. I went over to him, but before I could help him up he pulled me down with him, I rolled around, trying to get up, but he planted his foot on my chest before giving me a hug. "We did it." Tiger repeated over and over. I felt a sense of elation as I realised what that meant. We could have a normal life, no more fighting bad guys constantly. We could once again go for joy ride on the Avenger speeder bikes (Like jet skis that can go underwater, should've explained that a while back, sorry)

Tiger scooped me up and carried me back to his personal quarters, before setting me down on the bed. "Want to play chess or something?" Tiger asked, I stared at him in shock, for years Tiger had been no nonsense seriousness and now he could finally relax I was seeing his true self. "Why not." I replied and Tiger went over to his drawer and pulled out a chess set.

Two hours later...

"HA!" Tiger looked dumbfounded as I moved my bishop to take his queen. "Checkmate. Go another round?" I asked innocently. Tiger looked at me a sad smile on his lips. Alright, if only so that the many lovebirds on this sub can have some more time before roll call-" Tiger broke off head in his hands. "Old habits, die hard." he muttered. I grinned, before taking his King off the board and hiding it under my shirt. When Tiger finally looked up at me his eyes roved the chess board for one lazy second before moving back to stare at my eyes. I could barely control my mirth and threatened laughter. "Leaf, give it back to me. NOW." He finished his palm upraised. I shook my head and laid back on top of the bed. "Oh you are so asking for it." Tiger packed up the remaining pieces of the chess set and I watched with great interest as he placed it under the bed. Suddenly Tiger jumped and landed on top of me. I exhaled, winded and Tiger snatched it up and grabbed the chess set, placing it back in with the other pieces and putting it back in the drawer it came from. I stealthily got up behind him and jumped onto his back. Tiger staggered for a few seconds before walking backwards towards the bed and lying down, pinning my leg between him and the bed. I snuggled up to him, arms wrapped around him. "I love you." I whispered, Tiger went stock still while he processed what I had said. "I love you too." he said wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer for a hug.

"OH MY GOSH!" Jess stood stock still in the doorway then quickly took a photo on her tablet. "JADE! WILLOW! WE HAVE ANOTHER PAIR OF LOVE-BIRDS!" Jess sang in a singsong voice. Tiger smiled and opened a panel with buttons on the wall, sealing Jess outside and locking it. "Well, at least they won't bother us anymore." Tiger grinned and then yawned. "I don't know about you but I'm so tired. Imma go to bed now, scootsies." Tiger shoved me off the bed and I pouted, arms crossed staring at Tiger. "Oh all right." Tiger said and I grinned and laid down next to him, eventually falling into a deep sleep for the first time in years.

A/N: Hope enjoyed this chapter, and no, I will not do a sequel unless profound interest is shown and wanted. This is the second last chapter of this book,


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