Controlling Monumentials / Devil Daniel's Demise

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A/N: Sadly I have had to write this part without the support of @maddystone06 as her account has been terminated, presumably by her government.

Fontaine Pov:

"We are go. We've launched the Skywolf's. You will move in to rescue the Monumentials at 22:14. Correct? " Leaf's voice came in through the comlink,

"Correct." I said, 

Leaf Pov:

I watched the radar in horror as two RCDD's or Remote Controlled Defence Drones appeared and rapidly moved toward our radar dot,

"Prepare for a dogfight!" I yelled over the comms,

I turned the helicopter into a tight spin and put all power to the rotors immediately gaining altitude to 3 km above sea level before going into a dive, guns screaming like thousands of Valkyries all at once. The RCDD's disappeared into a blindingly bright explosion that sent shockwaves rippling across the ocean, when the shockwaves reached our attack squadron I immediately went down as low as possible to avoid most of the shockwaves, 


Fontaine pov:

I watched the timer closely as the distant boom of an explosion reached down into the depths and into the Arronax.

"What was that?" Ant asked,

"I presume it was your room blowing up." I said drily,

"WHAT?" Ant looked at me incredulously and Jeffrey nudged Ant in his Jeffrey knight as if to say that was a joke. I swear one day that fish will one day become a global dictator...

"Fontaine! Focus!" Will said, "We've got bigger problems than you teasing Ant! 

Skywolf Attack Squadron...

Mechanic Pov:

I watched the furious dogfight over the screen monitor I knew I had to bomb the locks myself. It was that or fail. Simple. I got over to the last remaining Skywolf Bomber and the rotors started whirring a satisfied humm of a cat rolling in catnip. I launched and immediately two drones were on my tail. Immediately in front of me a huge flight of Scorpion Defense Drones hovered into view and began to engage the other Skywolf Aircraft. Suddenly the intercom crackled as the tailgunner at the back of the aircraft shouted out about two drones and missiles on our six, ( a term for behind an aircraft, so 12 is straight ahead) I immediately went into a barrel roll and the missiles had been locked on our flight path and so exploded sending shrapnel and bits of metal flying everywhere.

"That son of a b***h Devil Daniels and his rotten drones" I cursed, as yet more shrapnel went flying through the air. I spotted the Island complex after about two minutes, as I held the bomb toggle to release the bombs, I felt a strange sense of calm even though I held enough explosive to destroy an aircraft carrier. I focused and lined up the crosshair of the bomb toggle with the lock gate control. I released fourteen 300 kg bombs in a line. With the lock gate no longer receiving the 'stay locked' signal, all the Nektons had to do was enter a new command, 'open'. The intercom came on as the tailgunner reported the damage 

"... four bombs struck the main building with six hitting a automatic power station and the other four missed and hit an... embankment...? Thats a anti-aircraft battery! Lucky your bombs hit it or we would be dusting the bloody pacific with our damn atoms! 

"You can tell the Nektons to proceed with their crazy plan now..."

On the Arronax...

Ant Pov:

"Right, we're all set, go!" Will shouted,

I stomped on the accelerator and the Avenger shot forward like a meteor,

"Yeah! This is more like it!"

As we moved through the water, we could see wreckage of the dogfight above us. Suddenly out of nowhere a ray-mecha attacked us and wrecked Dad's engine. While Fontaine picked him up, I turned to destroying the mecha, I reached down to try and find the unfamiliar firing button, wait, WHERE was the firing mechanism? I strained to see and pulled a knob on the handle accidently and a string of lasers flew out and the mecha burst into nothingness.

A few minutes later...

We landed and evaded the guards at the bomb site and I suddenly realised how big of a crater those bombs made. I turned as I heard a ear piercing screech followed by a rumble that continued for a minute or two.

"We've done it!" Fontaine whispered in astonishment,

"YES!!!" I yelled, "Go Monumentials GO!!"

"Alright Ant, let's go before the Devil shows up." Will chuckled,

A/N: Sorry this took so long but exams... 

Please forgive me by giving me feedback. I do use it to improve storyline/layout e.t.c.


Comment what you like/dislike about this chapter/storyline.

I am not going to make any promises about when the next one will be released. 

Also shoutout to Gentlerose689s for not being afraid of asking a clarifying question.


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