5 years later...

73 2 8

A/N: This is the song I used to loop and then read Wattpad stories, and then actually write stories. It's what got me started into Wattpad in the first place.

Tiger pov:

As we entered Arctica Base (Shown above) I glanced fondly at Leaf. We had started dating five years ago and had gotten married two years after we started dating. The Mechanic and Willow had also gotten married recently and it was good to see Darwin and Jade together after all they had been through. They too, had gotten married and were expecting their first child, Darwin fussing over Jade like a mother hen over her hatchlings.

"Welcome back home Seawolf, you and your crew are getting a good rest now." Professor Fiction greeted me as we docked in the enormous submarine pen built to house Seawolf and her crew. 

Seawolf and her crew had all agreed five years ago that Seawolf needed a home base to de-barnacle the hull whenever it needed it, and just generally have a place to go in case something went wrong with Seawolf. And so Arctica Base was born, a home under the ocean where  you could go and relax after adventuring for a number of weeks, rescuing animals and hunting down any new threats that might arise. New pirates always made one fatal mistake when they first got started, no matter how much money or equipment they had. They didn't count on the new anti-piracy signal equipped on all vessels fifteen metres in length for free. 

Leaf nudged me out of my daydream with a start and glanced over her shoulder teasingly, "Can't you keep up in your old age?" I easily caught up to her and wrapped her in my arms. "Do you remember? We're the same age! Maybe you should go and relax for a bit, help relieve the stress that's causing you to lose your memory." I started to massage her shoulders and she relaxed underneath my touch. "Tiger? I hate to interrupt you and Leaf, but the Nektons are here now and-"  I turned around and immediately started walking over to where the Arronax's submarine pen was located. "Ah, good," I said unwrapping my arms from Leaf, as we entered the open glass corridor that exposed us to the rest of the ocean. A manta ray was lazily basking in the sunlight in the crystal clear waters, and a pod of dolphins were doing flips and splashing in the water.

Finn and Fontaine had also gotten married and lived at Atlantis base, built on top of the ruins of old Lemuria. Finn and Fontaine had also had twin girls, Ingrid and Kyrre,  Ant and Maddy were engaged and had commandeered the Otter after it had been left at the Arronax's home base with Professor Fiction after the search for the Ephemychron.

As I entered the Arronax's submarine pen I shook hands with Ant and Finn while Leaf was fussing over Ingrid and Kyrre, who had already started walking. Maddy was helping Fontaine with unloading a crate. The reinforced aluminium crate clanged heavily against the edge of the submarine pen. Kaiko and Will were also busy unloading another crate, this time made out of wood. 

"What's that?" I asked curiosity seeping into my tone.

"This," Will gestured to the crates, "is the key to finding Lemuria. The one that still exists, that is." I stared at Will uncomprehendingly for a few moments before it finally clicked, "You mean, Lemuria still exists?" I asked growing excited. "Yep, and these two artifacts are used to help find and locate it." Kaiko said gesturing to it.

I nodded while Leaf got up from playing with Ingrid and Kyrre (More on these two later) and walked over to the crates and turned to look at me quizzically. "Well? Where are we going this time?" Leaf smiled at me and it sent my heart beating rapidly. "Lemuria." I tilted my chin as Leaf stared at me uncomprehendingly, "Lemuria? You mean Atlantis Base?" Leaf turned to look at Will and the rest of the Nektons. "No. I mean the City of Lemuria, not the ruins of old Lemuria." Leaf's eyes grew round as saucers and she turned to stare wide-eyed at me. "We have proof that such a place exists?" I nodded and gestured to the 'maps' crate.

"Anyway, we still came here to have some fun, so let's use the Avengers for a race!" Ant grinned and went over to the moonpool, and pressed a button. An Avenger jet ski moved along the conveyor belt to the unloading ramp and splashed in, remaining buoyant long enough for Ant to jump on board, rebreather mask equipped. I smiled and launched another for Leaf, Fontaine, and Finn.

 Finally, after they were all in the water waiting I launched one for myself, jumping on board while equipping the rebreather mask Ant had given me. I signaled to go down and we all dived one after another. 

We left the confines of Arctica Base, a pod of dolphins keeping up with our Avengers easily. As we broached the surface and headed toward the island I glanced back toward Arctica base. The Island looked like a mini version of Norway with Fjords criss-crossing the Island until it reached a sunny bay in the centre of the Island. "Tiger? Status report." The radio said, "Tiger here, we are entering Crescent Island as we speak." I replied. "Copy that. Over and out."

I sighed and circled around to catch up with Leaf. "Wanna race?" I asked, Leaf looked at me with enthusiasm, wind drying her red hair and reflecting the sunlight. "Where to?" she asked slyly. I grinned even more. "The Sea stack maze." Leaf looked a little taken aback, but agreed. I glanced over at her. "Good luck." She mouthed before concentrating ready for Ant to start the race.

"Ready... 3... 2... 1... GO!" Ant jumped up and we sped off, Leaf's custom Avenger easily cutting through the open water, while the rest of us were jostling for a good position. I smiled and easily overtook Ant and Finn, while Fontaine was a little way behind us.

As Leaf slowed down to enter the sea stack maze I raced straight past her, heading for what I knew to be the way through, my own custom Avengers increased maneuverability slicing off seconds and In a few minutes of concentrating hard I had come out the other side of the sea stack maze and when Leaf came out five minutes later than me I was doing donuts with my Avenger. "Looks like I won." I smirked at Leaf's annoyed expression as the rest of our group came out of the Sea stack maze.

Third person pov:

The New Guardian of Lemuria stood atop the mountain, watching all of the young adults race around on their little Jet skis'. The Guardian sighed and turned away, the wind blowing his new cloak off his head, exposing what appeared to be raven black hair. He had been chosen to protect the Lemurian people who were awaiting his new report of where the Nektons and their allies were at during the hunt for Lemuria. It had been a shock when Rebel Atlanteans had taken over their old city of Lemuria a few thousand years ago with the Kraken, although, Seawolf HAD taken the Kraken down, and defeated the Rebel Atlanteans way of life. The descendants of Atlanta now lived in their old city again, after they had sought refuge with the Lemurians during the Atlantis Wars. Maybe, just maybe, these Nektons and their allies were not so bad after all.

A/N: Thank you for reading this book, it was my first ever fanfiction and it took me a year to complete, and for that I am sorry. I just wanted to conclude this story to continue other projects, and, maybe in time I will want to write a sequel to this, as Season 4 was... disappointing and it put me off writing about The Deep for a while.

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A shoutout to all those who helped me so far,

 Maddystone06Gentlerose689sNot_human_111 and of course,

 Fanfic_Writer_03 who inspired me to do a The Deep Fanfiction in the first place, and all you others that have commented and asked questions that motivate me to write more.


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