Chapter 6

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                        "VS Otsotsuki Part 2"

Momshiki wasn't a patient being and he had been at this for hours,constantly extracting chakra from Naruto's torso,he had found a few sweet spots but it seems that The Fox kept changing his main chakra points,"What a ridicolous amount of chakra",Momoshiki complimented The Fox,he was met with a cold smirk though,"If you think I'll give up that easy,you're horrendously mistaken",
Naruto spoke,and those words hit Momoshiki deeply,who was this inferior creature,to speak back to him,yes he had complimented him,but he didn't appreciate the rudeness,Momoshiki quickly gave Naruto a taste of his strength with a punch that cracked his insides,The Otsotsuki chuckled before saying,"Sorry 'bout that",but as he moved to extract some more chakra from him he felt a woosh of air behind him,when he turned around he felt a sharp metallic tool lodge itself in between both of his eyes,"Seems I missed",The One who Momoshiki had taken The Rinnegan from had suddenly appeared behind him,with almost instant speed.

Momoshiki tried to counter him but he jumped over The Otsosuki and cut the wood that had been encasing Naruto before throwing the kunai he had used to cut the vines onto the ground,there he reappeared,with Naruto laying across his arms.
"We're even right dad?",Y/n asked with an excited voice,referring to when Naruto had initially saved him from Momoshiki's first attack.
"Yeah",Was all that Naruto said as he stood up quickly,behind him appeared all their allies,The 5 Kage,Sasuke and Boruto.
"We'll take on The Bigger One",Kurotsuchi spoke out and Naruto quickly reaffirmed her with a nod,"Me and Sasuke will take on Momoshiki",Naruto said,explicitly leaving both of his offsprings out of the fight.
"Y/n,Boruto",Sasuke spoke as he came closer to the two placing hands on both of their shoulders,"Remeber why you're here"

Y/n and Boruto nodded and began walking away,"Oh",A thought dropped onto his head giving him a sense of determination,"Take one of his eyes for me"

"That kid needs to deal with his temper",Sasuke spoke with a hint of laughter as they charged towards Momoshiki,Y/n and Boruto climbed a big hidden part of the tree and spectated the fight,Y/n only cared about the fight against Momoshiki though.

Naruto and Sasuke were both at either end of Momoshiki,Sasuke threw his katana straight forward,but Momoshiki caught it with his bare hand,after a few seconds he flipped his wrist and sent the blade sailing straight back,Sasuke managed to dodge the attack however,and sheathed the katana back quickly after catching it as Naruto had launched a quick succesion of attacks after Sasuke's distraction,a flying kick bruised Momoshiki's cheek and he let out a grunt as a pain shot through his face,he slipped under Naruto and blasted him with a punch on the back sending him flying,"Pay attention",Momoshiki heard Sasuke's annoying voice next to him as he felt blood spurge out of his arm,he had lodged his katana deep into Momoshiki's arm and then suddenly it became a wave of electricity,it shocked The Otsosuki for a moment before he smiled madly,the lightning was quickly consumed by Momoshiki,but as he was doing this he felt his head almost fly off,he found himself collided with the three that had been holding Naruto a few moments ago.
"You're outmatched Otsotsuki",Naruto spoke,he had been the one to almost decapitate him with a deadly kick.

Momoshiki hated this,he didn't wish to feel such,inferiority,he was a god,he was above them,right?
He looked around,the one with the rinnegan was hiding somewhere,so he couldn't get another infusion of easy chakra,but...his eyes met those of Kinshiki,he had been encased on a stone and sand wall.
"Yes Master",Kinshiki announced as Momoshiki gave him a devilish smile,he held his hand out and almost instantenously Kinshiki became one with him,giving him a new appearence,and an incredible boost of power.

The 5 kage jumped up to Naruto and Sasuke,and now they looked at Momoshiki's new stature,"A whole new beast",Naruto spoke out as he pulled his fists up,"Or the same monster"
"Oh,please",Momoshiki spoke as he floated casually a few centimeters above the ground,"Are you pretending you're not a monster Demon Fox?"
"Enough with this insolence",Momoshiki shouted  as he suddenly appeared in front of Darui giving him a powerful kick that sent him flying into the ground like a meteor,creating a crater where he was knocked out cold,he then appeared behind Gaara and grabbed him by his head throwing him next to Darui where he appeared quickly to give him a back shattering punch,suddenly he was surrounded by the rest of his enemies but in a quick show of power he left the rest of the 5 kage besiedes Naruto on the ground in a show of power.

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