Chapter 3

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Chatter and muttering was thundering around the arena that was soon to be filled with the contenders for The Chunin Exams,
Y/n was now staring around,next to him was Mitsuki and Sarada,his eyes darted around and he caught wind of The five kage,they were all sat down on some pedestal far above the blabbering crowds

"It's time"-Naruto's voice suddenly hushed the entire arena-"I'm certain you're all aware but the third round consists of individual matches,you may even come up against a teammate who knows all your skills"-Rock Lee's voice thundered around the arena explaining the rules-"Are you ready?"

Y/n had made his way across the arena to sit next to Himawari and Hinata,now,Boruto was fighting a random shinobi called Yurui,their names were plastered on a large TV screen.
"Yay big brother is gonna go first"-Himawari excitedly said clasping her hands together and letting out a quick warm smile.

They quickly clashed each other,Boruto with his kunai and Yurui with his katana,Boruto side stepped making Yurui almost collapse on the floor before he regained his footing,Boruto threw a shuriken towards Yurui but the cloud shinobi managed to deflect the shuriken with his katana before they collided with each other.
"You're all going down in one full sweep"-Yurui said to Boruto as he blew a gum,the gum was getting bigger and bigger until it exploded in front of Boruto.
"What the hell was that"-Boruto muttered barely making it out of that-"I see...exploding bubblegum"-Boruto talked to himself as he grabbed a shuriken from his back,he threw it forwards and it bended almost a bit too unnaturally,it collided with the gum and it exploded in front of Yurui,effectively knocking him out.

"Good move Boruto"-Y/n cheered on with fury as he fist bumped the air-"That's my brother"-He screamed again.
"How did he bend it so much"-Sarada questioned before she started moving away from the stand.

The next match was Sarada against some random Suna shinobi,the match was quite uneventful with Sarada ending it in one punch.

A few matches passed with Shikadai catching Y/n's eye with his shadow manipulation technique.

"The next match is between Suna's Shinki and The Leaf's Mitsuki"-Lee mentioned as the two fighters now where face to face.

"Shinki"-Mitsuki pointed at him-"Go all out"-He told him-"I excpect the same from you"-Shinki quickly responded as his iron flared up almost like he was getting into attack position.

"Lightning style:Snake lightning"-Mitsuki waved several handsings quickly as he released his lightning style not really moving an inch,Shinki absorbed it completely with his iron,he threw his arm forward as the iron almost instantly shot forward attacking Mitsuki,Mitsuki managed to dodge by sidestepping to the left before he threw a few kunai towards The Suna shinobi.
His iron release thinned out to protect him and Mitsuki saw this as an oppurtunity to break through,he kicked through it shattering it momentarily as he rushed towards Shinki,Mitsuki quickly went on the offensive managing to land several light blows to The black haired boy but Shinki who seemed to be trained in even taijutsu manged to repell a few of the hits until finally his iron release caught Mitsuki by the arms and threw him into the air-"Wind Release:Great Fury"-Shinki said weaving a few handisngs and releasing the jutsu which blew Mitsuki even further into the air.
"Mitsuki's getting beat"-Boruto mentioned the obvious-"Yeah,he's...I think he's still holding back"-Y/n who was looking at the fight with intrigue,responded to his brother-"He isn't fighting to hurt him"-Sarada who was seated behind the two mentioned as Y/n nodded.

The arena was booming with noise both from The Suna and Konoha civilians who hadn't seen such a fight yet.
"What can I do?"-Mitsuki murmured to himself-"I"-He cut himself off as he started falling towards the ground before releasing an Earth Style jutsu to break his fall.
He was again face to face with Shinki who was staring at him intently his iron pieces now forming a neat coat around his body.

"I think I told you not to hold back"-Shinki said to Mitsuki with an unsual calm manner as the latter fixed the ends of his blouse.
"Yeah"-Mitsuki responded with the same unusual calmness-"But I don't wanna end it just yet"-He said now his tone hinting at a bit of cockiness.

Shinki's iron shot forward again with Mitsuki backflipping away a few times he extended his arms and grabbed a handful of Shinki's iron throwing it right back at the caster,but it stopped before colliding with The Suna Shinobi.
"Okay,let's go"-Mitsuki sprinted forward now face to face with Shinki,he threw a few shuriken and as Shinki dodged every one Mitsuki extended his arms and tried to wrap his fist around his opponent.
In one swift motion,the Iron fist made contact with Mitsuki sending him flying back in the air.
"He's got speed",Y/n mumbled under his breath.
Mitsuki launched an earth style jutsu forcing Shinki to use his iron to shield himself from the ground under him.

"I think this has gone for long enough",Shinki spoke out as his iron flared up,it flew forward contacting a Mitsuki that wasn't ready for this type of speed,it collided with The White Haired Boy and set him flying,he grunted as the iron surrounded him like several tree branches about to penetrate him,Y/n had gotten up on his feet,he was sure Mitsuki would die,this feeling horrified him,the world around him dissapeared,leaving only a black space,all that mattered was that Mitsuki was to be safe.

And then he heard a click inside of his mind,something inside of him shifted,something that would transcend the boundaries of a normal ninja-"Protect him"-A cold voice spoke into his mind as Y/n felt an outflow of chakra overcome him,he suddenly switched positions with Mitsuki,now he was in danger...

"Almighty Push"

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