Are We Out Of The Woods Yet

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"Holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go."   ~ Herman Hesse

We were up at the crack of dawn like a couple roosters so we decided to go for a long run. We ended up on the beach watching the sunrise. "Seeing this" I said pointing at the sky "makes everything worth it. It's just so beautiful and it's never the same."
"Agreed. This certainly adds a different perspective on life. With each new day there is a beautifully laid out 'good morning' that spreads over the horizon. It's like we get a fresh start every day." Nic added.
"It's exactly what we need. The thing that gets me is that we've always had it." I said.
She nodded her head "But we've never embraced it, only took it for granted."
We got up and made our way back home. After taking showers we sat down to eat the pancakes, bacon and fruit that we made for breakfast. Just as we were finished our doorbell rang. We went to the door and opened it to find two completely different women starring back at us.

One of the women had jet black hair that flowed down to her shoulders. Her eyes were a deep brown. Her face was very chiseled with strong cheekbones and a pointed jaw, but still, she was very elegant and feminine. Just looking at her gave me shivers, the bad kind. It's like the scary librarian look. The look that says you know that she knows what you were just doing being the old stack of books, which means you're about to get chewed out. She was dressed in khaki pants that made her legs look even longer, with a blue button up dress shirt and grey heels. She was very professional and uptight looking. She held a brown leather briefcase.

The other woman was the polar opposite of this business looking woman. She had long sandy blonde hair that fell past her butt. There was a headband made from burlap that wrapped around the top of her head. She had a very soft, curvy, feminine face that matched her body. She was petite and utterly adorable. Her electric blue eyes were shinning as she was grinning ear to ear. She was wearing a white flowing dress with sandals. She was carrying one of those recyclable bags around her shoulder that was full of who knows what. She just seemed so happy and laid back I wanted to hug her.

I took a deep breath and said "I'm guessing y'all are our sponsors, come on in." They followed us inside. "I'm Ally."
"I'm Nicola" Nic said in a bored tone.
"My name is Alex. I'm paired with Nicola." the dark headed woman said with a polite smile as she shook Nic's hand. Nic tensed at first but then smirked.
"I'm Sage! Ally, we are going to hit it off great." The blonde said still grinning. She gave me a big hug and put her hands on either side of my face. She was still grinning like a fool as she studied me closely. Of course, she was so happy I couldn't help smiling back at her even though I was awkwardly standing like a robot. She starts nodding at me as she speaks in a very relaxed voice "I'm reading you babe and definitely seeing some orange and there's a small trace of bright lemon but you mostly have a white aura."
"What does that mean?" I asked curiously. I've never been one to believe in all that mumbo jumbo. I have turned over a new leaf though so maybe I'll give this stuff a chance.

"Well an orange aura relates mainly to reproductive organs and emotions. It is the color of vitality, vigor, good health and excitement. It means that you have lots of energy and stamina. You are creative, productive, adventurous, courageous, and usually are outgoing in social settings. You are possibly currently experiencing stress related to apetites and addictions. The bright lemon aura means that you are struggling to maintain power and control in your personal or business relationships. You also have an intense fear of losing control, prestige, respect, or possibly power. Since you did lose control of yourself you probably feel like you've lost respect and power over your life. Now you are possibly worried about loosing control again. The white aura reflects other energy. A pure state of light. It often represents a new, not yet designated energy in the aura. It could be in the form of spiritual, etheric and non-physical qualities, transcendent, or higher dimensions. A big part of white aura is purity and truth. This totally makes sense to me. You seem to have reincarnated yourself. You are starting fresh. Like a clean slate."
I stood there in a bit of a shock. She started to laugh at me. It was such a happy, light sound. It was almost addictive.
"Let's go outside and talk more. I do my best when I'm surrounded by nature." She said grabbing my hand pulling me outside. I looked back at Nic and she had a doe eyed comical expression. I smiled while giving her a thumbs up behind my back with my free hand.

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