You're My Best Friend

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"It doesn't matter where you're from - or how you feel...There's always peace in a strong cup of coffee." -Gabriel Ba

I came home that night and changed into my tennis shoes, shorts and a T-shirt and decided that I needed to blow off some steam at the gym. It was unusually late but I needed a distraction. I made it to the gym and went right to the treadmill. I ran as hard as I could for an hour and a half until I couldn't go another step. I passed out by the water station as I chugged the water bottle.
"Easy there killer" a high voice said.
"Oh hey there. Sorry if I'm in your way" I managed to get out during deep breaths.
She looked at me quizzically and said "You're fine. I haven't seen you around here at nights. I usually see you early in the mornings."
"Hmm stalk much?" I playfully said with a smirk.
She laughed "No I'm just observant I guess. I like to know what's going on around me. You know like where the exists are and all that good stuff."
I quirked my eyebrow at her "So you're not dangerous you are just acutely aware and observant."
"Sure. I'm Sarah by the way." Reaching her hand out for me to take.
"I'm Allison." I took it and firmly shook it. She has really soft hands and long fingers. Shake it off Ally.
"What do you do Sarah that keeps you out and makes you work out this late?"
"I'm actually one of the assistant DAs for Miami-Dade County."
I looked at her clearly impressed. "Now I see why you are so observant. You seem so young to have such an important position."
She laughed "So now you are calling me old?"
I chuckled "No. Definitely not old." I smirked at her and shook my head. "I don't want to take anymore of your clearly valuable time. I guess it's time for me to call it a night. Very nice to meet you Sarah."
"You too Allison."
"You can call me Ally or Al. Most of my friends do."
"Alright Ally. Hey do you want to grab a bite to eat?"
"Sure. Are you going to shower first?"
"Me too. I'll meet you upfront?"
"Sure thing."
I don't know what it is about this week. I went from barely existing, to sort of functioning, and now I'm a damned social butterfly. Oh well right? This is what I needed to do anyway. Pick up the pieces and start putting them back together.

Feeling refreshed, I walked up front and sat down on one of the couches. I saw Aaron talking to some girl across the room and I smiled. He sure knows how to work it. Sarah came out and I got up to meet her. She gave me a smile and we walked out the doors. Aaron saw me and gave me a questioning glance. I smiled and waved bye as we walked past him. I was lucky I had a pair of nice clothes still in my locker or I would have been really embarrassed. We walked to the parking lot and she started walking towards this black Porsche convertible. My mouth dropped. Damn that is a nice car.
She looked at me and laughed "Get in. I'll drive."
"Yes M'am." I couldn't help that my southern drawl made it sound super redneck and drawn out.
She looked over and smiled at me "You are really country you know that."
"You have no idea" I responded.

We drove to this mom and pop diner and got out. "This place has the best burgers in the world" she said as we were walking inside.
"Saweet. I love burgers." We slid into a booth and I looked over the menu. I'd finally decided I was getting a burger with fries and a coke. She didn't even look at the menu and said the same thing. I looked at her and smiled. I didn't really look at her before. She was breathtakingly beautiful. She had long dark blonde hair and pale blue and grey eyes. Her body belonged on a goddess. She was tall and tan. Didn't have much of an ass but what she lacked in that department she made up with her chest and long legs. She had these round pink lips that weren't really big and luscious but were plainly perfect. Not that she was plain she was anything but plain. You could tell that she was smart just by looking into her eyes. It's kinda like she knew exactly what you were thinking and if she didn't know she was trying to figure it out. She had a really mature feeling about her. I felt instantly comfortable with her.

She started talking "So, how old are you?"
"I'm twenty seven. How about you? Do I get to know?"
She nodded her head "I'm thirty four."
"See I told you that you weren't old" I said with a wink.
She let out a light laugh "You know what I do for a living but what about you. What do you do?"
"Well I have a degree in computer engineering and finance. I used to work from my house when I lived back home. I'm basically a computer mastermind and a financial wizard. I'd contract myself out to various companies and get into their systems and sneak around. Sometimes I would find out who their company moles were. Other times I design or fix software that would better suit them. I'd go peak into their finances while I'm there. Then tell them what they were wasting money on and different ways on how they could get a better profit margin. It's all about that bottom line, you know."
"Nice. You said back home. Where is home?"
I laughed "Well it's here now, but I'm from Texas originally. Are you from around here?"
"Me? Oh no I'm from North Carolina. The job just brought me here. I started working for a private firm straight out of college. I worked my way up to a junior partner position. I was actually on the other side of the law until I got involved in a really bad case that uprooted my entire life."
"Wow so you went from the dark side to the light side huh?"
"You could definitely say that. So why did you move here?"
I knew that question was coming. I took a deep breath "I was married for six years. My husband and mom died in a car accident. I was pretty messed up afterwards, so my sister demanded that I move in with her and her husbands family. I've been here ever since."
"How long has it been?"
"Six months in a couple weeks."
She nodded her head. "This is completely weird but is your brother in law named Adam by any chance?"
My mouth dropped "Yes he is."
"It's a small world. I used to work with him now I work against him." She said laughing.
"That is awesome! I hope you kick his ass in the courtroom."
She smirked "I usually do."
Our food arrived and we kept the conversation going while we ate.
"So I'm guessing you're single?" She asked.
"I am. How about you?"
"I am."
"Are you straight?" I asked her.
She laughed "No actually I'm not."
I let out my breath. Wait what? Was I actually holding my breath waiting for her answer? Wow ok not sure what that was about. I shook my head "Me neither."
She looked at me with a puzzled expression and arched her eyebrows.
"I was married, yes, but it was all a lie. I did love him but I was in denial the entire time. I only realized it a couple years prior to his death. I felt more guilty after he died rather than sad for losing him."
"Oh" she tilted her head to the side. "So you like females."
I nodded my head "I do."
She gave me this extremely sexy smile and laughed. "Well I guess I was right about you then."
"What?" I questioned her.
"I have noticed you for a few weeks working out. I just wanted to get to know you. I had my suspicions that you were gay but I didn't know. I decided that it didn't matter. You looked like you'd be a good friend no matter what outcome."
I gave a big smile "Gotcha. I agree I can be an awesome friend" I winked at her.
"Do you ever want to get married?" I asked.
"No I don't. I don't have time for a marriage. I put in too many long hours, I work way too much. I've never been one of those girls who wanted a big family or even kids."
I shook my head in agreement.
"What about you. Do you want to get married again?"
"No. Not at all. Kids are not for me. I have two nephews and a niece. I love them to death. Anyone else's kids are horrible little demons."
We both laughed. "Seriously though, this is really nice. I'm having fun. It's weird that I feel so comfortable with you when I've just met you."
"I like that you're so comfortable with me already. It's the beginning of a great friendship" she said with a smile.
We talked for hours about everything. She was just too easy to talk to. After going through a couple pots of coffee we checked the time only to realize it was six o'clock in the morning.
"Oh shit I have to be at work in an hour" she said frantically.
"Are you serious it's really six? You can go. I can get a cab or bus or call someone to come pick me up."
"No it's ok. I don't live too far from here. Would it be ok if we went and I showered and dressed real quick? Then I can drop you back off at the gym to get your car."
"Yea that's no problem."
We got up and she left money on the table for the food.
"You didn't have to do that."
"Nonsense it was my treat."

We got in the car and she sped to her house. It was a really nice place in a gated community. She had a stone pool in the backyard with a hot tub beside it. There was an outdoor kitchen, a fireplace and a few different seating areas. Her place was really modern and sophisticated. I really liked it. I sat on the couch and waited as she got ready.

I must have dozed off for a few minutes but woke when I heard heels clicking on the hardwood floor. I looked up and saw her wearing a grey pencil skirt and a simple white blouse with a grey coat she was putting on. Her hair was up in a bun and she had makeup on. Wow. The term sexy librarian came to mind. When in reality, she was a much sexier and demanding ass kicker. She came over and put her hand on my chin and closed my mouth. She started laughing at me.
"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to stare. You just look extremely hot. Like seriously 'fuck me against the wall until my legs are numb' type hot."
She kept laughing at me and shook her head. "You're too funny. Come on are you ready to go?"
"Yea definitely."
We pulled up to the gym and as I was getting out I said "Since you're the busy one of you want to hang out again just text or call me. I had a lot of fun. It was really great meeting you Sarah."
"Likewise it was great meeting you too Ally." She drove off.

I walked to my car and Aaron was leaning against it smirking at me.
"First of all its not what you think. Second of all move out of my way."
He laughed as he said "Damn Al you only pick smoking hot ones huh? You must have had a long night. Those are the same clothes you had on last night" he winked and started walking off. "You better rest and get your ass here for basketball."
"Bye jackass I'll see you then." I ended up falling into my bed when I got home. I was exhausted.

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