Big Girls Don't Cry

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"Movement is a medicine for creating change in a person's physical, emotional, and mental states." -Carol Welch

Hayden Physical Fitness center, downtown Miami. So I am here, in Miami, I completely forgot I'm not in "small town" USA anymore. Southern hospitality is out only to be replaced by the do whatever "you only live once" attitude. Don't be offended, please, I'm not dissing it, but it will take some getting used to.

So I pull up and park my old black Honda Accord, and see this massive building. The front is covered with windows, there has to be at least three stories, and there are these flashing colored lights going everywhere outside. If I didn't know what this was, it could be mistaken for a really awesome club. I go inside and there's a really nice lobby area with a dark stained wood desk with a very attractive young woman sitting behind it on one side, and on the other side there are flat screen televisions all along the wall with different sports playing. There are couches and chairs across from the tvs with a smoothie place in one corner and a coffee cafe in the other corner. To the side of the desk is a set of metal double doors which I'm assuming leads towards the work out areas, but I'm not sure. The ceilings are really tall, the big round metal duct work is exposed and there are metal beams running across the entire ceiling with built in lighting.

I walked up to the desk and gave a sweet but nervous smile and said "Umm hey, I'm interested in starting some kind of workout program, and was told by a friend of mine that this is a great place."
The girl replied "Hey! Who recommended us to you?"
Damn, when I said a very attractive woman, you really would think she would be modeling or something. She had a perfect figure. She was probably five eight, maybe weighed one twenty. She had the most amazing, silky, long, dirty blonde hair with these hazel eyes that had this green tint around the edges. Not to mention her perfectly plump, edible pink lips.
"My friend, Erin, said it was the best place around, and she knew someone who worked here."
"Do you mean Erin Matthews?"
"Yea, that's the Erin I know. She is a good friend, and is my sisters nanny."
"It's a small world, she is really good friends with Kat and I'm also good friends with Kat so we all hang out all the time. I'm Lisa by the way, and Erin was right, this is one of the best fitness centers around. I'm sure we have something that will help you out. There is only a monthly fee, and you are welcome to all of our services. There isn't a yearly contract or anything like that so it's basically a per month type of thing. We have every type of exercise imaginable available as well as many diverse dance classes including the favorite Zumba, boxing, wrestling, aerobics, spinning classes, racquetball, basketball, batting cages, pool tables, foosball tables, curling, massages, beauty salons, spa rooms with hot tubs as well as cold rooms and steam rooms. Of course, the massages and beauty salons are an extra charge, but we do have specialists on hand that do a wonderful job. When you first start you meet with several trainers to find the perfect one for you. After the initial meeting you will have a physical done, and you go over your goals and past experience with workout machinery. Then you will be fitted with a personal guide to start off with. You can choose how many days you are willing to stick to a solid workout plan, and you meet with your trainer every week to discuss your progress." She finally took a breath and looked at me with a concerned smile.
I stood there gaping and sputtered out "Wow that is a lot of information, you're really informed with all of this Lisa. By the way my name is Allison, but my friends call me Ally." I managed to save myself with a small flirty smile and introduce myself. I don't know what it was about Lisa, but she seemed really friendly and I wanted to talk to her. Maybe it was because I haven't had a lot of human reaction in the past couple of months and I was rusty. Maybe it was because I really liked looking into those hazel eyes, but whatever it is, I just wanted to know her. That idea kind of struck me. I mean I know I liked girls, but I've never really been attracted to one. I never let myself get that far. I never thought it was possible for me to actually let it happen. Ok, Ally shake it off. I meant it, snap the hell out of it. She probably isn't into girls anyway, ugh. What am I even thinking? I don't even deserve a relationship.
My thoughts were cut short when she replied, "It is really nice to meet you, Ally. It's also my job to be informed about this place, and it helps to be connected to the owner of the business."
Silly girl, see it's her job to be nice, duh. I have to admit though, I really liked hearing her say my name. "Connected to the owner, how?"
"It's my uncle, and my dad is a silent partner. I have basically grown up inside these doors."
"Wow, now that is pretty cool, I bet you had awesome parties growing up," I said with a small smirk.
"Well I guess you could say that's about right," as she winked at me.
I blushed a little, "That all sounds great. I'm ready to start. Where do I sign up?" After signing a few papers and paying for the first month, I was heading into the metal doors. Looking around I was completely flabbergasted. There was exercise equipment everywhere, every kind you could think of. My insides were tingling with anticipation and horror. This is going to be hell.

Lisa guided me to a room with a table and a computer. "First you can see all our trainers profiles. Then you can pick a few out that you would like to meet."
"Awesome, thanks." I went through all the different profiles and there were only three that stood out: Katrina James, Aaron Lewis, and Whitney Simmons. I was pretty lucky I guess because all of the three that I had picked were available to talk to me. Katrina was gorgeous with red hair, green eyes and an awesome body. She was perfectly fit but not manly like some female trainers I had seen. Aaron was a normal looking guy with buzzed black hair, green eyes and a sweet boyish looking face. He seemed like he would be really sweet and not too pushy. Whitney was a freaking goddess with blonde hair, dark blue eyes and an amazing body. She seemed a little feisty but by the way she looked, she knew her shit. Katrina actually ended up being Erin and Lisa's friend and Erin had told her about me already. She was really sweet and we instantly clicked. So, I knew I could trust her and I knew she would probably be the best one for me. If I had chosen Whitney, I most likely would have acted like a teenage boy, and would have drooled the entire time I needed to be focusing and working. Not that I would have ever had a chance with that one, but I still couldn't help but to look. There was a physicians assistant that was available and immediately gave me my physical. These people have everything here, they snap their fingers and ta-da, it's done! Katrina had another person to help so I made myself scarce and went exploring. I found the basketball courts and racquetball rooms. I found out that there was a little basketball league there so I made a mental note to sign up once I got in a little better shape. I loved basketball. After awhile I found this arcade place that they had too, it was really every kids fantasy. I found out they had a really fun bowling alley too. It was like the midnight bowling experience with huge screens on the walls playing music videos with music blaring and black lights, strobe lights and colored lights flashing everywhere. I'm starting to think this place is an indoor Disney World for adults. I made my way back to the exercise equipment and Katrina was there around the water cooler.
She smiles brightly at me "Hey Allison, I've already looked over your paper are you ready to talk and get started?"
I gave a small smile and replied "Please Katrina, call me Ally, and I am more than ready."
She chucked "Ok Ally only if you call me Kat."
I smiled and nodded "Of course"
"Well it looks like you have had some history of physical fitness but you had a really bad break?"
"Yea, unfortunately. My leg really has never been the same since. It was really hard to even walk again at first."
"That is completely understandable, and with a lot of work I think we can get you better than you ever were before."
"I'm ready. I don't really have anything to do nowadays so I'm all in."
"Here is the plan. We will start with just the basics, treadmill, elliptical, bike, and after a couple weeks we will add some heavy weights in there."
"Good deal, can we start today?"

Four months later
To say I've had a physical transformation was a bit of an understatement. You know when those little kid books make the ugly caterpillar turn into a beautiful butterfly? And the movies when they take the hideous looking girl and turn her into the smoking hot girl that everyone wants? Well, that happened. To me. I went from a thirty-three inch waist to a twenty-four inch waist, a forty-five inch hip to a thirty-six inch hip, a seventeen back inch waist to a fourteen inch back waist. My boobs didn't change that much just from a thirty-eight d cup to a thirty-six c cup. So physically I was completely transformed, mentally I was mending.

I spent the last four months throwing all of myself at getting healthy. I had a hardcore routine that I did not break. Every morning at 4 I would wake up and take my bicycle and ride 4 miles up and down the beach. I come back home, take a shower, help get all the kids up and ready for school and daycare, then head to the gym. At the gym I would do the treadmill, elliptical, bike, then I would move to the weight room. I proceed to bench press the barbell and squat with the curl bar and squat machine. After that I cool down with a Zumba class on Monday Wednesday and Friday and a spinning class on Tuesday and Thursday's. I break for a late lunch and hangout with Lisa, Erin, Kat, Monica, Julie and Laura at the coffee shop until my basketball league starts up. After basketball I cool off with a nice, relaxing yoga class. By then, I am extremely beat and head towards the house to play with my nephews and niece then crash in my bed. Kat, Lisa and Julie are all roommates and Monica, Laura and Erin are all roommates. They are a pretty fun group and we have all gotten closer as in we usually hang out everyday. I occasionally go out with Erin a few nights here and there, but I haven't exactly put myself out there yet. So that's my life as of now. The only problem that I am concerned about right now is getting a new wardrobe and coming out of my social awkward shell.

If I Try (Lesbian Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz