Can You Feel The Love Tonight

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"It saddened me that sometimes shopping was far more perilous than dealing with zombies and vampires."
-Anton Strout

My alarm went off and I stretched out as far as I possibly could. Today was already a great day. The smile I had on my face last night is still plastered there, and I don't think it can be removed. I did not know what I have been missing all these years. I have always been the good girl. I'm twenty-seven years old and I've never gotten drunk. Until last night I'd never had a one night stand. In reality what goes on in my mind and what I let come out of my mouth has always contradicted itself. I have to admit I kinda like being bad. Why not live a little? I got out of bed and continued with my routine. I really loved my routine, but I realize now that there is no harm in breaking it. Lunchtime came around and here I am wearing this stupid big ass smile and smirk. Of course the first one I see is Monica.
She looked at me and her eyes got huge, "Well I'll be damned. Someone got some last night."
I blushed "Shhh please keep your voice down. I don't want everyone to know my business."
"What business is there to know Ally?" Julie piped in.
"Who has business and what don't we know?" Kat jumped in.
Well I'm so glad everyone conveniently decided to show up all at the same damn time. "Nothing, no one knows, because there is nothing to know"
"I think this has something to do with a certain someone leaving yesterday and skipping out on yoga classes." Kat said.
"What the hell? So what, I missed a class, what's the big deal?" I rolled my eyes.
Erin decided to throw her two cents in "Um when have you ever missed a class before? Oh yea and why didn't you come home last night? The kids were asking where you were."
"First of all I did come home. It just happened to be really late when I got there and you were already gone. Second I had an offer I couldn't refuse. And well there's kinda something y'all need to know I guess. I'm not into guys, I like women. I'm gay, and I kind of hooked up with someone last night." Wow was it really hot in here just now or what? I think the air conditioning system just broke in here.
They all looked at each other and shrugged. Everyone said "We don't care about that." At the same time.
"Seriously?" I asked. They all nodded.
Monica had this shit eating face grin and said "Yes! I knew it. You are way too hot to let some guy have all that. I like both myself." I shook my head and laughed.
"Well I'm glad y'all aren't all weirded out by this. Back home I would have been ostracized. They most likely would have sent me to some rehab clinic and told them to fix me."
"There's nothing to fix Ally that's how you were born, and it is nothing to be ashamed of." Laura said.
"Thanks y'all. I'm glad I found some pretty awesome friends who understand."
"I'm just glad you're finally starting to legitimately open up to us. We have been hanging out for almost five months now, and all we know is that you're hella determined, awesome at everything you do, and love your nephews and niece like crazy." Laura said.
"You forgot to mention her adorable southern drawl and hilarious mouth." Monica threw in.
Julie added "Yea and her ocdness and incredibly sweet persona"
"Ok y'all that's quite enough about me. I'm working on the whole opening myself up thing. Hey where is Lisa at? I thought she would be here by now."
Kat spoke quietly "She is picking up her sister, and will meet us at the mall later."
I pulled Kat to the side after the conversation turned away from me finally. "What's wrong?"
"I don't know I just can't believe you hooked up with Whitney. I mean she is a total bitch."
"She may be a bitch but she knows her shit. Look it wasn't serious ok? It was really for me. I have never been with anyone other than my husband. Even then when I was with him it wasn't what it should be. I knew things were wrong. I knew I was lying to myself. I thought I was stuck, and then one day I wasn't. I never even kissed a girl much less hooked up with one. I just wanted to see if I would even like it, and if I was even good at it." I looked at her and she smiled at me.
"I know it wasn't serious. She just isn't a good person and would completely break you if you let her. You've become one of my best friends and I don't want to see you hurt. By the way, I heard you were amazing over and over and over again?"
I blushed "Yea it was a long night, but it was so very worth it. How did you hear?"
"She was telling Mindy about it this morning while changing. I think she said she was sore." That figures, Mindy was her best friend who was one of the massage therapist there. I've heard she was really talented with her hands, but I'm not into that sort of thing. I get so ticklish I don't think I could stand it.
We both cracked up at that. "Yea, sorry that's probably more than you want to know."
"Lisa also saw you leave last night and texted me asking if y'all were friends."
I nodded, that would make sense, "Yea that was kind of an awkward situation." She gave me this questioning look and I shook my head and gave her a 'you don't want to know' look. We finished eating and made our way to the mall.

If I Try (Lesbian Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin