Make This Place Your Home

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"Meditation provides a way of learning how to let go. As we sit, the self we've been trying to construct and make into a nice, neat package continues to unravel." -John Welwood

We must have fallen asleep on our respective couches. We were woken up by our doorbell ringing. Nic looked at me and I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders. I got up and went to the door. I peeped through the little peep hole and started laughing. "Hey Nic you're going to want to see this." She groaned as she got up and joined me at the door.

I opened it and was faced with three little old ladies with white hair and big glasses. They were holding a plate filled with cookies.
One spoke up "Hello there young ladies. I'm Maybel. This is Lucy and this is Glenda." She said pointing to her left then right. "We wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood. I live right next door and these old hags live in the other condo to the left of yours." She gave us the cookies as I chuckled at her.

"I'm Allison and this is Nicola. Thank you for the cookies. They look really good."
"We are around if you two need anything. Don't be afraid to ask us." We traded goodbyes and they were off.

"They were quite the professional wafflers eh?" Nic giggled.
"That was great. I feel like I've jumped into some sort of alternate life." I said shaking my head. I looked at the time and found that it was only four o'clock.
"Want to go explore our new home?" I asked.
"Brilliant, off then." She replied heading out the door.

We discovered that there was a pool, hot tub, a big community center that people could have gatherings at, and a little fitness center. I got really happy about the fitness center.
"What are you chuffed about?"
"I'm excited about the gym. I can exercise again!"
"You really did love that?"
"Of course. I was a tad bit obsessed with it."
"Well at least we won't be thrown off with any attractive birds or blokes here."
"True, it's all older people. Hopefully we will have it to ourselves."
We went back home and as soon as we walked in the house the phone went off.

"Hey Al" Hannah replied. I breathed a momentary sigh of relief. She went on "I forgot to tell you that both of your phones are sitting on the counter. They've both been charged and are ready to go."
"Oh, cool, thanks sis!"
"Your welcome. Will you two be able to make it to dinner tonight?"
"What time?"
"In an hour."
"That should be fine."
"Great I'll have a car there to pick you up. Oh and I wanted to let you know that your bike is here. You can pick it up when you come tonight."
"Yes!" I fist bumped the air. "We will be there."

Nic gave me a weird look and rolled her eyes at me. She does that a lot.
"Your eyes are going to be permanently stuck in the back of your head if you keep that up."
"Piss off" she replied while effectively flipping me off. I chuckled at her.
"We are going to my sisters to eat and I can pick up my mode of transportation there." I haven't told her what I drive. She will go crazy because she loves motorcycles.

We both took showers and then headed outside meeting our ride. The five minute drive passed by relatively quickly.
"I don't know why we decided to live somewhere where people where nothing all year round. This is going to be a bugger." Nic said almost whining.
"I know. I guess we can adopt the 'you can look but don't touch' philosophy?"
"That's one bloody stupid philosophy."

We pulled up to the house and got out thanking our driver then headed inside. The food was already on the table. They were waiting for us. I was soon tackled by my three favorite kids. After some serious hugging and spinning around I introduced them to Nic then we proceeded to sit and eat. It was good. We both pigged out with seconds.

We were sitting on the couch catching up when the doorbell went off. My sister went to answer the door. I heard the clicking sound of heels hitting the floor then a big squeal. I looked up and saw Erin running towards me.

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