Chapter 14: Explanations

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I frowned. "Why were you kissing Ashton? And why are you crying?" Was she crying because of me?

She looked down submissively.

"Is that what it is? You don't love me?" I said it confidently, but a part of me feared she would say she doesn't.

"I-I do. Its just that-"

"It just what?" Anger rose out of me. I grabbed Ashton's collar and held him up, leaving him choking for air.

"Its just that you are a monster," she cried out.

"Oh really," I smirked, punching Ashton in the stomach. He groaned.

She panicked, knowing that anything she says will be used against her.

"Please don't hurt him." She was so cute when she begged.

I held back a smile.

But why wasn't she getting up?

"Get up."

"She can't," Ashton struggled to get the words out.

I looked over at Emerald, "Of course she can. Now get up."

"No, actually I can't." she squeaked.


"Put him down, then I'll tell you."

"Tell me, then I'll put him down." I think I was having too much fun with this. Then again, she was cheating on me with a delivery man...

"Fine, after you almost killed me, I got hit by a car. Now I can't move my legs. Happy?" she said it all in one angry breath.

"W-What?" I dropped Ashton, his head hitting the ground, hard. "Get out. Now. I'll deal with you later."

He ran, lopsided, due to the blow to his head.

My eyes softened a bit, "Em?"

"Get out. I want to be alone."

She threw a pillow at my chest. And another.

I caught the second one and took a careful step closer to her.

She brought her hands to her face, "P-please don't hurt me."

She's so cute when she begs. Wait, did I already say that?

I smirked, but it wasn't a joke. She was really afraid of me. I could see it in the way her body cringed at my touch.

"I won't. Were you telling the truth... about your legs?"

She looked at my neck, tears threatening to spill. "Yeah."

I could not process it. Emerald... couldn't... move...

She closed her eyes.

I placed my fingertip on her shoulder.

She moved over not-so-subtly.

"Can you uh go now?" No wonder she'd kissed Ashton. He was actually nice to her. I wasn't. I always thought of my relationship with Emerald as a game. If I made a mistake, I could just restart.

But the fear in her eyes made me realize that she was a person and the things I did to her can't be refreshed, or unplugged. Her life isn't a game.


"Y-Yeah." She still couldn't look me in the eye.

"I'm sorry." she looked at me. Prompted to say more, I spoke again. "I'm not used to these. But here goes. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for hurting you. I hate the fact that you are afraid of me. I won't ever hurt you again, I promise. If I do, you have full permission to stab me with a knife."

She didn't say anything.


"Luke? You think you can almost kill me and expect me to forgive you, just like that?" her tone wasn't angry though. It was clouded with sorrow and guilt.

"Well yeah, but that was stupid." I felt powerless. This must be how Emerald feels all the time.

"I don't think I can fully forgive you, but I-I think we can have another chance."

"Uhh thank you." Why did words that came so easily to other people struggle to come out of mine?

"I know. That Michael... that Michael uh saved me."


"He told me." She must have seen the anger in my eyes because she backed up her statement. "But I'm not angry. And its not that hard to believe you didn't save me..."

She shrugged.


"Because you lack compassion. You wouldn't help someone in need, especially if you didn't know them." Her tone was ignorant but indifferent at the same time.

"Is that what you think?" she didn't reply. "I would have helped you if I saw you. You came to the hospital in my car. I cleaned up the blood. I dragged your limp body all the way to the hospital. If I was there, I would have murdered those guys."

Emerald pinched the bridge of her nose, not knowing how to reply. "I know. I'm sorry."

I let out a breath, my anger fading away. "Its ok."

It was true. When I saw Emerald, my immediate reaction was to help her.

I got on my knees, but not for the reason you might think.

"Emerald, will you be my date to Taylor Swift's 30th birthday party?"

Her eyes widened and then she chuckled, playfully hitting my arm.

"You scared me for a moment there. Yes." Why was she scared? "You're so cheesy."

I stuck out my tongue. "Well then I'll get you some pizza. Seriously, come on." She sat on the wheelchair and I ran out of the apartment.

"I'll come in a second."

But 2 questions still itched the back of my throat.

Was she going to cut it off with Ashton?


Was she ever going to live with me?


Nick's back in the next chapter.


Is she ever going to live with Luke... hmm the world may never know.

10 comments for this chapter. pwease?

And yay Emeruke made up, so much happiness. Unless you ship Emshton. Then, not so much happiness.

Who ships Emshton? Emeruke? Emnick? Haha I don't think anyone ships Emnick... Right?

She told Ashton, so I wonder how Nick's going to take revenge.

- Neke


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