Hate and... Leo Howard?!?!

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Elizabeth’s P.O.V

Sparrow had settled into the guest room, and was now walking around in the house.

“What are you doing Arrow?” I asked her.

“I’m looking for the living room” she said.

The boys house were HUGE, so I’m not surprised she got lost.

We walked over to the living room and found the boys talking about some random band stuff.

“So, what’s happening?” I asked them, they all looked up at me, and then all heads turned towards Zayn.

“Elizabeth Wolf Payne, you know good damn well that it’s NOT what’s happening, but vas happenin!” he yelled.

I giggled, knowing he would yell at me.

“Of course she knows Zayn, she’s just kidding with you” Emma said while her and Sky walked into the room.

“Sky, Em, so good to see you” I yelled and gave them a hug.

“HI Lizzie, it’s good to have you back” Emma smiled.

“Now, are you going to introduce us for this lovely lady or do I have to ask her myself?” Sky whispered/yelled.

“No need for that Sky. Gang, this is Sparrow, or, Spar or Arrow. Sparrow, Spar or Arrow, this is the gang” I smiled.

Liam rolled his eyes at me, then he got up.

“Hi love, I’m Liam” He smiled.

“Hi” Sparrow smiled back and took his hand.

The rest of my friends introduced themselves to Sparrow and we ended up talking about some random stuff.

I could see, in the corner of my eye, that Louis looked over at Sparrow from time to time.

Then I remembered they were mates.

Now everyone had a mate, I think.

I’m not sure, but I can feel something between Sky and Liam.

But they haven’t noticed themselves yet.

And then there is Zayn.

Zayn’s a LONER.

He is ZONER!


I need help.


“Hallo, earth to Lizzie, can you hear me” Niall said and waved his hand in front of my face.

“Huh? Sorry, I got lost in my head” I laughed.

“No shit Sherlock” Sky giggled.

And soon, everyone was rolling on the floor laughing.

“Oh my god, that was funny” Louis said and got up.

“Guys, I’m hungry” Niall said.

“And when are you NOT?” Harry asked and messed up his hair.

“Hay-“ Niall started.

“Is for horses” Liam said and cut him off.

“I’ll go cook something” Emma said and stood up.

“I’ll help” Harry said and followed his girlfriend in to the kitchen.

I yawned.

“I’ll go and get some sleep, come get me if something is on fire” I said and got up.

Adopted Wolf (1D/Niall Horan)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz