26.Our first trip.

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I woke up with the sound of alarm.
Lazily, dozing I realized I was in his bed. We didn't slept separately.
Looking here & there he was no we're to be seen.

He came out rubbing his hair from the bathroom.
A fresh face & a perfect smile
I looked at him paused& shy.

Don't blush. Wake up we are getting late he sounded kinda strict.
When did you wakeup? I asked him.

20mins ago may be.

Go freshen up,get ready
I will go and order a breakfast?

Can we do a take away?
I don't wanna eat anything.

Okay responding to my words he went downstairs while I rushed for shower.

In 15mins I went downstairs, saw him having conversations with a people around there.
I headed towards him.


We started our journey.
The bright orange color of sun was lying at the tip of the peak making it look so beautiful.
The fresh air blowing and making us so feel more fresh.

Ahead of us, we could see one couple & even behind us we could see many people/ couples.

The more we were heading, the more the sun was rising, slowly and warmly.

It was peace, only sound we could hear was the air blowing , the warmth of sun & far away snow shining.

Phew!! This stairs I exclaimed while taking steps of stairs.

Let's take it slow & steady he responded.

One of the couple reached us and we're walking together.

The view is so mesmerizing she said looking at me.

It kinda felt like she already recognized Namjoon but was feeling awkward talking to him so she approached me.

I'm Lee Sho, she introduced.

I'm Emma

Looking at Joon she paused & said this is my boyfriend Tan

& He is Joon I replied.

They were waking ahead of us talking while we were behind them talking slow steps.

He is Namjoon right she whispered slowly.

I just smiled.

Giving a gesture of this will be a secret don't worry she made me feel good.
She felt safe talking to.

Talking about views, mountains,stairs, sun, sky we kinda started being friends on journey.

While both of the boys were ahead of us.

Walking for almost 4 hours we reached the top.

Walking for almost 4 hours we reached the top

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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