(4) Dinner to Die For

Start from the beginning

I refused to wait around to see if they had listened or not, there were other matters to attend to. There was one other person in this house and I had left her alone for too long. Sliding my glasses into place I started down the hall to search for her. We had been playing hide and seek but I already knew she was hiding underneath the bathroom sink.

"Fufufu. Oh, Lami it is only you and me now... Well, at least for the time being. Oh, Lami come out, come out wherever you are!"



"Doflamingo, snap out of it!" I had not realized it although as Elizabeth's hand left mine, I came back to my senses. Thinking about that time would not do me any good and now I had worried my little guest. "Are you okay? You were grounding your teeth together" I had a tendency to do that although tried to push it to the side. "It was not my intention to scare you I was just remembering something unpleasant. I am fine so you do not need to worry. Let us go enjoy something to eat while it is still hot"

"You're a terrible lair" I had not told a lie so I could not be sure of what Elizabeth was getting at. "What do you mean, Elizabeth?" She was just staring at me for a couple of seconds however when she pointed at my hand, I shifted my focus toward them. "People don't usually twitch their fingers when telling the truth. You could just be weird though"

"Was that an insult?" Even though she had just entered my world this brat was already walking on thin ice if she continued to speak like that. "It was an observation. So, are you lying, or are you just a weirdo?" Now, that I thought about it her words did not mean any harm and she was the first one to really make comments about me. "I am not weird"

"Okay, you're a liar then. Good, we got that out of the way. Where's this dinner you promised me?" She was rather good at changing subjects and for now, I would play along since I knew before the end of the night my bloodlust would finally be satisfied for a couple of days. Well, I intended to give in to her demands right after I gave her a taste of her own medicine. "I think the weird person is you Elizabeth" I fully expected to hear her argue against my claim although that was not the case. "Yeah, I know"

She was definitely different from the others that came before, I was beginning to like it. With her around, there would never be a dull moment. Too bad she would only last so long then the fun would come to an end. Oh well, I will enjoy it while it lasts. "Fufufu. Follow me" Leading her into the dining room was easy and as I watched her eyes light up my smile widened. "All of this is meant for just us?" I would not be eating any of this food, it just refused to sit well with me. I craved only one thing and right now she needed the time to ripen. "No, it is meant for you. I already ate but I will find some dessert later"

"Where do I even start?" I had gone a little overboard with what was prepared although it was all to impress so it was not worth caring whether or not she ate much. Half of it would end up in the trash although some could end up being left to rot depending on if I decided to clean up the mess in the timing fashion. Regardless of that, I went to receive a special drink I had prepared just for her earlier in the day. "Fufufu. Sit down and drink this. A type of punch I prepared earlier today" She did not question it as the glass found itself within her hand. "Thank you" As the liquid poured down her throat, I could already feel my mouth start to water. "No, thank you, Elizabeth"

It was only a matter of time now before I could take a sip although Elizabeth was sending me an odd look. "What did I do?" She had called me a lair earlier but as long as that did not happen again, I could say whatever I wished to convince her that she was ever so special. "You are keeping me company. It is so lonely here you know?" In a way it had been true, no one else had been in the castle since the previous girl and the only pass time was talking to myself. Such activities could make a person grow insane but who was I trying to fool I was never particularly sane, to begin with.

"If you're lonely then why are you alone? You don't make much sense, Mingo" It was not my intention to make this much small talk with her but I never did stop her as I replied to her question. "People are cruel. I am better off alone most of the time until the point where I cannot stand it anymore... Here, try this" The drink was already doing its job although I wanted her to at least have something to eat before the main event. She would feel less pain in the morning that way instead of just spending the day in bed. "That's quite sad but I guess we're the same"

"Are we?" I was nothing like this brat. "This is really good soup" She could enjoy her food once I had gotten an answer about what she had said about us being the same. I refused to believe there were any similarities between us. "How are we the same?" She had swallowed what little food had been in her mouth before turning to face me. "We're both alone" I had already known this was not the case but clearly, she needed to be reminded. "No, you have parents"

"I'm an adult and for as long as I can remember I was always trying to get them to see me but they never did. It was all about work and they set a goal for me to achieve, I never reached that goal. Even moving to that house wasn't what I wante-Yawnnnn" There were a few details I picked out from her words although I would think them over later. "Getting tired Elizabeth?" The drug had taken effect sooner than I thought it would however I probably added a tad too much this time around. I was out of practice although I knew it would not end her life so I did not dwell on the mistake. "A little bit. I-I should go... I'm sorry"

For someone who had already decided this place was fiction, she was in quite a hurry to flee. "Fufufu. You can stay right here. This is a dream, remember? You will wake up tomorrow back in your bed without a single worry in the world" It was easier that she did not realize this place was real and it would be amusing watching her expressions change the moment reality set in. "You make a good point. Where can I sleep?"

"My guest room is available. Right this way" I would move her before the end of the night however that room had been prepared a few days ago. If I wanted her to stay longer than I could, but the sooner she left, the sooner she could return to continue my game. When I looked over my shoulder, I noticed my little guest had been struggling to keep up with my pace. "Keeping up, Elizabeth?" She was tired, fighting off the sleep but I knew that could only go on for so long. "No, y-you're walking too fast"

"Here I will carry you" The moment I got too close to her she took several steps back. "I might be tired but my feet still work" If she did not let me carry her to bed then she was bound to fall asleep in the hall. "Do not be silly it will be faster this way" Her eyes stared directly into mine but there was this cute sound that exited her mouth before she looked away. "Tsk. You better not drop me"

"I would never. You are much too precious. Up we go. Fufufu"


To Be Continued...

Doflamingo x OC {Don't Open The Door} RemakeWhere stories live. Discover now