Chapter 55: This Isn't Over

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Sam got a call from Cas. his grace was back apparently. Sam and I took Marcey back to the bunker (because Marcey was still unconscious) while the others packed the bags. Then they were actually going to buy food because Dean had forgotten Charlie's snacks twice now. So we met Cas at the bunker. Sam carried Marcey again with his moose powers.

"Why is Marcey unconscious?" asked Cas.

"There was Alfie and a door." I explained.Cas touched his fingers to Marcey's forehead.

She opened her eyes and sat up, "What happened?"

"Alfie hit you with the car door and you passed out."

"I'm going to kill him. What happened with the book?"

Sam explained what happened with Charlie and the Stynes and how he had burned the book. Then Cas told us about Metatron.

"Metatron put my grace in a book in a library. He said he had another angel put clues in his favorite books in as to where my grace was. I thought we were searching the shelves but he was stalling while he drew sigils on the shelves in order to kill me while he looked for the demon tablet. The demons that had the tablet must have found it before Maria took it from them. While he was looking for it I found my grace, but he still managed to escape. He probably has artifacts hidden in other safe houses. He's dangerous. I should have just killed him."

"No," I said. "He's human and as far as we know me having the demon tablet messes up his plans. He's human and you're an angel again. We have the upper hand."

"You got your Grace back," said Sam "You're back. You did the right thing."

"You did the right thing. That book needed to be destroyed," said Cas. "We will find another way." Then Charlie walked through the door carrying 2 plastic bags ending our super secret conversation.

"We're back, bitches!" She yelled before noticing Castiel. " Whoa! Is that who I think it is?" Sam introduced them as Charlie hugged Cas who awkwardly returned the hug.

"I thought you'd be shorter," she set the bags on the table and Sam picked them up. 

"I'm gonna get these to the fridge," said Sam.

"Heard you got your mojo back," said Charlie.

"Yes, my – my Grace," for a minute I thought he was about to say mojo. "it's – it's been restored."

"So, can't you just – you know... cure Dean?" she asked. 

"Unfortunately, it's not that simple," he sighed.

"Oh. Never is, is it? Do you think you could do anything about my carpal tunnel?" she chuckled.  Then Cas put two fonigers on her forehead.

"Is that it?" asked Charlie.

"Your carpal tunnel and your bullet wound are now healed," Cas smiled. "You may want to continue wearing your wrist brace at night, though."

"Did we just become best friends?" She punched him friendly like on the arm. His eyes followed her hand and he seemed confused. Then Dean walked through the door carrying a pizza. Which of course we started whispering about the Pizza Man. And from the death glare Cas sent us I think angels might have super hearing. Or maybe we just have "talking about Destiel" facial expressions.

"Hey, look who decided to show," Dean was grinning really big. "So? You're back? 100%? How did that happen?" Sam walked in as Dean put the pizzas on the table.

"Um, it was Hannah," Cas lied. "She managed to get the location of the remainder of my Grace out of Metatron."

"Awesome. I told you we were due for a win. Good to have you back, pal. "

Then Alfie walked in.

:::Time skip brought to you by Marcey trying to kill Alfie:::

When they were done hitting eachother with ancient incredibly valuable books we ate pizza. The grown up ones had beer while the child ones had soda. Not because we are children but because we like soda better, because fizzy delicioussness.

Charlie made a cootie catcher.

"Sam," I said. "you should cut your hair."

"I like my hair!"

This isn't over.


Hey peoples!

I know I'm taking forever with the updates but I have school stuff.

I'm getting annoyed with Sam's hair, therefore Maria is getting annoyed with Sam's hair.

This is my story and I will do what I wish.

You know the moose would never willingly get a haircut though.

Acuna Matata my peoples I have a plan.

Idk if I spelled that right?

WHATEVSKIS! Like 4 of you read these things anywho.

Eend hoo cars bout spelin?


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