Here's The Thing...

Start from the beginning

"What does this mean?" Finn asked as he examined the test over Rebekah's shoulder. Lexi couldn't bring herself to respond as she began nervously tearing away the flaky skin around her nails which she had been anxiously biting earlier. Lexi's heart began to race as she anticipated her mates' reactions as their expressions where currently being blocked by the shield her legs had formed.

Nik, being the first to piece together what the test was and the result, spoke.

"You're pregnant." 



Lexi nervously decapitated a jelly snake as she tried to relax her body against Nik's. In response, Nik tightened his arm around Lexi's waist, his other hand resting on her lower stomach. Currently, it has been a day since Lexi confirmed and explained that she was apparently pregnant. 

"Hello, family" Damon cheered as he paraded into the kitchen, Stefan following behind him.

"Damon" Finn acknowledged, bitterness clear in his tone. "Stefan" He uttered in a slightly less harsh manner. 

"Careful, Finny" Damon warned, "I might start to think you don't like me. Then I'd have to send my girl on your ass."

"What is Elena going to do?" Lexi asked, genuinely confused by his statement.

"I was talking about you, Munchkin." Damon remarked, narrowing his eyes at Lexi. 

"Ooh, yeah" Lexi mumbled as she stole another jelly snake from the bag in her hand before passing it to Stefan who had come to stand next to her. 

"So what did you want to tell us?" Damon asked as he began raiding the Mikaelsons' pantries. 

"I'm pregnant" Lexi blurted out, ripping off the band-aid. Damon instantly stopped moving for a moment whilst Stefan appeared unfazed and continued to search the bag for a purple snake. 

"What?" Damon spat as he turned around. "You're telling me you let one of the assholes knock you up?" Damon asked, gesturing to Finn, Elijah, Kai, Klaus, and Kol who were all currently residing in various places around the kitchen.

"Pretty much" Lexi mumbled before turning to Stefan. "Did you not hear what I said?" Lexi questioned as she watched Stefan's unbothered demeanour. 

"I pieced it together pretty quickly." Stefan explained as he picked up the pill bottle on the counter.

Those fucking prenatal vitamins... Damn you Finn for making me take those.

"When did you find out?" Damon asked as he recovered from his initial shock and returned to his raid of the cupboards.

"Yesterday." Lexi answered as she stole the packet of snakes from Stefan. Damon gasped as he turned back to her.

"Are we the first people you have told?" Damon asked, feigning shock.

"Nope" Lexi replied, dulling his mood.

"What? Who found out before us- actually- I don't want to know." Damon said as he opened the bottle of bourbon he had just found. "What I do want to know however, is who the father is."

"I would love to tell you but that would imply I knew." Lexi said as she watched Damon pour a glass of bourbon.

"You want a glass?" Damon asked as he watched Lexi's reaction to the drink. Kai and the Mikaelsons instantly responded, a combination of glaring at Damon and watching to see what Lexi would say between them.

"I just told you that I'm pregnant."

"Is that a yes or a no?" 

"Obviously a no" Lexi responded, genuinely concerned for Damon's lack of common sense. Damon let out a displeased hum before he replaced the cap on the bottle. Damon's gaze then raised enough to take note of the six glares he was receiving.

"What?" Damon asked cluelessly as he turned his attention to the Mikaelsons and Kai who appeared to be plotting his murder. 

"They all have a breeding kink." Lexi explained as none of her soulmates responded. Stefan had to stifle his laugh as Damon's expression dropped. 

*insert dramatic sigh*

I am going to have too much fun with this.

"I do and do not want to know more."

"Oh trust me." Lexi started, "You don't want to know."


"How did you know?" Stefan asked as he continued to watch Lexi dissect one of the orange snakes. 

"Know what?" Lexi questioned.

"That you were pregnant." Stefan clarified.

"I don't know." Lexi started, "I guess everything just kind of felt off and I had some of the symptoms so once I pieced together that all of the magic on me was down it just all fell into place." As Lexi stopped speaking, she noticed the Mikaelsons, Kai and the Salvatores appearing distressed to say the least. "What?" Lexi asked to no avail.

... I know I should have been tracking my period better but I hardly think it's that big of a deal-

"Is that-" Stefan started but was unable to finish his sentence.

"Yes." Finn whispered in response, understanding what he was referring to.

"Context, please." Lexi requested, taking note of the Mikaelsons', Kai's, and even the Salvatore's expressions. After a moment more of the vampires' shock, Stefan spoke.

"There uh-" Stefan started but began stuttering over his words as his gaze flickered between Lexi's eyes and her stomach. "There's-"

"A heartbeat" Elijah continued as Stefan trailed off.





"Come on" Elijah encouraged as he looked down at Lexi and began trying to pry Kol's arms off her, "We have your appointment soon." Lexi whined as she recalled how frantic Elijah and Finn had been in regards to getting her an appointment at an obgyn last night after she had told them she was pregnant. 

"What appointment?" Damon asked. 

"With the fetus' second mother." Lexi answered before receiving a glare from Rebekah. "Third mother." Lexi corrected, pleasing Rebekah.

"An obstetrics and gynaecology doctor" Elijah explained as he helped Lexi stand out of Kol's arms. 

"Yeah, that one" Lexi said as she leaned into Elijah's hold. 

"We are going to be leaving soon so please-" Elijah started before Damon cut him off.

"Stay here, eat all your food and drink all your booze?" Damon started, "I was already planning on it." 

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