How are you doing that..!"
Hawks said as he found himself in a perilous situation.
His heart was beating so fast that even a human could hear it.

Midoriya pulled out a lighter and lit all the feathers on fire.
"Now you have no way of escape"
He said as he ended his laughter.

"Are you a relative of Izuku Midoriya!?
You look too much like him!"

"A relative?

I am him."
Midoriya laughed as he transformed into his human verison.

Hawks felt his mouth run dry as he struggled to come up with a way of escape.
"All those people...!
You have all those people fooled!
Your classmates!
Your teacher!?
Your best friend!

Just what are you!?
And how could you?!"
He screamed as he wanted answers to any question that came in mind.

"I suppose I could tell you"
Midoriya sighed as he transformed back to his true self.
He practically loomed over Hawks who was several times shorter than he was.

"But first"
Midoriya stole his phone.
"I can't have you revealing my identity"
He stuck Hawks's phone in his pocket.

"...what do I do...!
That was my only way of getting help!"
Hawks's breathing became shallow as panic unsued throughout his entire body.

"Let's set things straight.
I'm not a human.
You may have already guessed that during the internship, it's why you brought all that food to test me I figured"

"What are you then!?"

"My looks speak for themself."

"...a vampire!?"

"Hey you're not entirely dumb.
Good job."

you were in the sun!
And you ate the food!"
Hawks screamed as he couldn't wrap his mind around it.

"It's not a quirk.
I've been alive for far longer than anyone else on this earth."

"...how old are you..."

I was able to watch the pyramids in Egypt get built if you want that for perspective"


"If it's impossible then why am I here?"

"...all those innocent people...!
How could you kill all of them...!
And what about everyone else that you're fooling!?
Like eraserhead!
Like Bakugo!
Like your adopted mother!
Don't you think they'll be devastated!?
How could you live with yourself like that!"
Hawks screamed once more.

"Humans are far from innocent.
Besides, you eat chicken.
It's the same thing for us vampires.

"...plural vampires...!?
There are more!?"

"I'm getting to it.
Bakugo stuck by me by his own accord.
Whatever happens to him is his own fault.
My 'mother' I don't care about.
She was a pain to deal with, that's why I put her in a coma."

"You put her in a coma...!?
How could you do that to that innocent woman!?
And what about eraserhead!?
Do you know how much praise he gave you?!
Just for you to be a villain?!"

Midoriya laughed, "Aizawa should be the last of your worries.
Wanna know why?"
He paused.


"He's a vampire too!
Infact, he's my apprentice.
I've known him since he was 5 a couple thousand years ago!
And to also put it into perspective, he also watched the pyramids get built."
Midoriya sneered.

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