Ch.1 One Path Closes Another Opens

Start from the beginning

Never again, never again will he let someone look at him like that again. That look was meant for animals not humans, it was for looking at something weaker then yourself and he will never be weak again. So, that was the promise he made himself never be weak again. He grabbed his mom by the shoulders pushing her to arm lengths as he stared into her eyes with determination.

Izuku: I promise Mom this will not stop me! I will become a hero no the greatest hero Japan has ever seen! I will make you proud Mom!

Inko looked at her son with shock as she could see the new found confidence and determination burn through his eyes. She just smiled fondly at him as she hugged him again.

Inko: I know you will.

Izuku returned the hug as he felt himself calm down, he wished his mother good night and went to bed since he had a lot to think about. The week went by with Izuku just continuing his training plan as he waited for school. Soon school came with Izuku traversing his way through the maze of a school finally reaching Class 1-D his homeroom. Izuku kept to himself until orientation but even then throughout the day he wasn't able to make any friends as it seemed most people knew each other already. His homeroom teacher was Ectoplasm which took a lot out of Izuku not to fanboy well that was for every teacher to be honest.

Soon the end of the half day came with Izuku waiting until most of the students left and made his way to All Might's office using the directions All might gave him to traverse the school. Izuku made it checked his surroundings and did the secret knock so All Might knew he didn't have to buff up. Izuku entered and saw skinny might sitting on a couch motioning for Izuku to sit across from him. With two tea cups already made sitting on the table.

All Might: Nice to see you Young Midoriya. Just to let you know Class 1-A of the hero course lost two students already due to the teacher. One could talk to animals and the other was invisible i guess. Just wanted to let you know since you might get them as classmates. Anyways let's get down to business.

Izuku: Right.

All Might scanned his successor noticing something different about him. He seemed more focused like he had a goal in mind, determined and even a little confident. A completely different person from the Izuku, All Might had gotten to know, however he could tell it wasn't a bad change. Hell he was talking to All Might like another person and not an almighty being. He was proud.

All Might: Young Midoriya, what is a hero to you?

Izuku looked at the tea he was holding staring right at his reflection in the light green liquid. He couldn't help but get sickened and angry as the weak boy stared back at him. He knew his answer but he just needed to remind himself why he was doing this. He looked back up to All Might with pure determination.

Izuku: I used to think heroes were amazing no matter the power and personality since they were still helping people. Now I know better just because you have a little card that says you are one doesn't mean you truly are a hero. A hero is someone like you said that will do anything to help someone and would easily put their life on the line for the civilians. Someone that would act before they could even think about it.

All Might smiled at that and took a sip of his tea so Izuku could calm down a little since he looked angry. After a little bit of silence All Might continued as the real reason for why he wanted to see Izuku was here.

All Might: Young Midoriya, I told you I had an idea for you to catch up and outpace your peers. I'm going to be frank with you it's extremely dangerous and illegal, however it will help you greatly both get stronger with both your overall body and control with OFA. Plus the amount experience will be insane. Young Midoriya I want you to become a Vigilante.

Izuku looked at All Might with shock as he honestly wasn't expecting to hear that from him. He thought he was just going to do something but that was the last thing he expected. The Number 1 hero telling someone to become a vigilante.

All Might: I know a man that trained me and was a partner to my master. He can train you in both OFA and vigilantism with great enthusiasm and way better then me. You don't have to do it if you don't want to. I'll still tell him to train you but you won't have to be a vigilante that part is completely up to you. So, what do you think?

Izuku looked down and closed his eyes as he thought about all the things that could go wrong if he became a vigilante. He gets severely injured or dies, gets caught and loses any hope of ever becoming a hero, he goes too far one day and kills someone, he fails and disappoints his mother. So many things that could go wrong but he thought of all the things that could go right. He saves people, him getting stronger, making All Might proud and making sure to never disappoint his mother. A look of determination crossed Izuku's face as he looked back at All Might and gave him a hard nod.

All Might smiled as he handed Izuku an address and told him to go there everyday after school including weekends and breaks so his friend could train him. Izuku nodded and the two talked for a couple more hours with All Might either just giving advice to Izuku whether it be hero work, life or just common knowledge. He also told Izuku some old tales from his long hero career. Now it was time for Izuku to head home so he said goodbye and left the room leaving a satisfied All Might on his couch.

Izuku walked out and made his way out satisfied that there was a plan now set for him and his future. However, due to Izuku being stuck in his own thoughts he failed to notice a pair of yellow cross haired eyes staring at from around a corner. Seeing him leave All Might's office which no-one should know where it is yet.

*End of Chapter*


New book gents and this has been in the back of mind for almost a year now. But finally it has earned it's spot to be written. Length wise I say around 30ish chapters maybe less but it will follow the same My Hero Timeline with just a few changes here and there. Also recommend reading the manga because there will manga spoilers further down the line.

Next Chapter: Ch.2 Hell

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