Bottlebrush Manor

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Flossie looks around, noticing a flower-looking phone with a pipe connected to it that lead into the earth (y'know those cup things kids in the movies make to communicate? With the plastic cups and wire? Like that). Clearing her throat, she spoke into it. "Uh, hello? Anyone home?"
There was a moment of silence, before a muffled, female voice says from the other end. "Hello, this is Lilly's assistant speaking. How may I help you?"
"So formal." Jean snickers, as Flossie giggles along quietly. Hushing the teen, she clears her throat once more.
"Uh, hi! I'm Flossie Harveston! I came here to visit Lilly Bottlebrush?" She asks hopefully. The voice hums, as a pen scratching on paper could be heard. "Do you have an appointment? I don't see your name anywhere." She says blankly from the other end. Flossie chuckles nervously at this. "Oh! I'm sorry about the confusion, but we haven't made an appointment. You see, I'm actually her daughter? And I came by to visit her?" Flossie says questioningly, hoping that that might ring a bell for the lady.

There was silence on the other end, before a loud, shrill laughter filled the phone. Flossie was stunned, and Jean glared at it in confusion. What was so funny?
"Oh, you kids! We've had a few prank calls every now and again, but by frog this has to be the best one yet!" She cackles.
"B-but this isn't a prank, I swear! If you just ask Miss Bottlebrush, maybe she can confirm it?" Flossie stammered for a reply. The lady's laughter died down, but they could still hear her catching her breath.
"Alright, kid. I'll humour you." Clearing her throat, she talks into another phone. "Miss Bottlebrush. There's a child here by the name "Flossie Harveston" here to see you. She claims she's your daughter." She chuckles the last part, to which Flossie's cheeks flare red for a brief moment.

The lady's laughter was cut short as a muffled voice talked to her, cutting her off. "A-are you serious, ma'am?" The lady asks in a hushed voice, but the two could still pick up on it. There was a moment of silence, as the two waiting outside heard a muffled voice, but couldn't make out what she was saying.
"O-of course, I'll let them in!" The receptionist answers the voice. Speaking clearly into the phone, she talks to Flossie and Jean. "I'll be there in a moment."

Jean and Flossie look at one another. "M-maybe it was all just a misunderstanding! Surely the lady had forgotten that my mum had a child, right?" She asks Jean, unsure of her own statement. Jean looks back up at the gate, spotting a newt walking hurriedly to the gate. "I don't know, Floss. But I think we're about to find out."

The newt finally reaches the gate, opening it for the hooded axolotl and her human friend. The newt gives Jean an odd look, but lets them in. "Right this way."


The lady newt led them into the Bottlebrush Manor, and they were currently walking down a long hall. Flossie stared in wonder at all the intricate designs and souvenirs from the celebrity actor's travels. Jean only stares at it in confusion. "This is a LOT of money for an actor." She mutters. The newt overhears her.
"That's because Miss Bottlebrush has excelled in many talents. Singing, acting, and all kinds of arts. Many amphibians have come far and wide to see her and buy her pieces."
Jean frowns. "This just raises more questions than answers."

The newt stopped in front of a door. "Miss Bottlebrush will be waiting in here for you. Please, mind your manners." With that, she opens the doors. Inside was a large lounge room. Jean and Flossie could see a blue axolotl with auburn hair sitting at one of the many lounges, pouring herself some tea.
"Miss Bottlebrush, I've brought you Flossie Harveston." The newt says. The axolotl hums. "Yes, yes, you can go now, Erica." The axolotl mutters. The newt quickly leaves, closing the door behind her.

With that, the blue axolotl turns to them. Flossie grins excitedly. "Oh my frog! Miss Lilly! I'm so excited to finally meet you!" The young axolotl squeals, pulling off her hood as she hurriedly sits opposite Lilly, Jean quietly sitting beside her. "I'm so sorry about all that. I'm Flossie! And I-"

"Stop right there, kid." Lilly cuts Flossie off, raising her hand. Flossie hurriedly shuts her mouth, confused.
"Alright, why are you here? Did Pebbs send you? Does she need something? Money?" She asks in a tired manner. "Well, you can tell her..."

Flossie waves her hands, smiling awkwardly. "Oh, no, no, no, no! This is all just a misunderstanding. My mum didn't send me. I actually came here to meet you!" The axolotl explains. Lilly raises a brow, scoffing at that statement. "Well, you wasted your time, then." She mutters mostly to herself.

The young axolotl tilts her head, not sure if she heard her correctly. "Uh, wha-what do you mean?" She asks, chuckling nervously. Lilly continues to stir her tea, not bothering to make eye contact.

"Oh, you know. A young axolotl has to live her dreams, right? But after I got pregnant with you, I realised that kids would just slow me down! So, I left you with my ex. I knew she'd take you in. Pebbs always had a soft heart. And she always wanted kids. So, win-win." She chuckles the last part, taking a sip of her drink.

Flossie stared at the blue axolotl in front of her. " left me there? On purpose? B-but weren't you gonna come back for me?" She asks, voice cracking. This all had to be a joke, right? A misunderstanding? Surely, her own mother hadn't meant....

The blue axolotl chuckles. "Come back for you? No. I'd forgotten you existed, honestly." She says matter-of-factly. "This whole thing is pathetic. I only let you in because I thought Pebbs sent you, and I have a few comments to say to her. Who's living their best life now..."

Her words started fading as Flossie zoned out. She completely shuts down. Her cheeks heat up from embarrassment, and tears prick at her eyes, as she tries so hard not to cry in front of the blue axolotl she waited so long to meet. Twisting her tail like a cloth, the axolotl looks down, ashamed.

Jean had been sitting quietly as she listened to their conversation. The whole time the two axolotls spoke, Jean was praying to herself that it wasn't the kind of situation she thought it was. But now, the human was bubbling with rage. Standing up, she slams her hands on the table.

Amphibia x Oc: Soul Sisters (Season 1 & 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora