Fort in the Road

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The Plantars, Flossie and Jean pass by several signs reading "Now leaving the Valley" and "May frog help you!"
Sprig jumps up and down excitedly. "Did you see that sign? We've officially left the valley!" He shouts. Jean laughs. "I also read the other sign."
"This is the most exciting thing that's EVER happened to me!" Flossie squeals. Sprig starts shaking her shoulders. "It's the most exciting thing that's ever happened to anyone! Guys! You should be more excited!" The pink frog states, turning to the two humans.
Anne smiles. "I'm excited-"
"We're excited."
"-You know, it's just, there's a lot riding on this trip for us, and I wanna keep my exceptions in....what?" Eyes widening, the two teens eyes sparkle. There in front of them, was the land of Amphibia. It was a beautiful sight to behold.
Even Bessie was amazed at the sight.
"It's amazing! It's majestic! It's...hurting me eyes." Anne states, rubbing her eyes. "It's even better than I could've dreamed!" Sprig exclaims, shaking Flossie's shoulders once again. This time, the axolotl didn't care. She was too busy staring out at the land.
The pink frog, finished shaking Flossie, jumps onto Bessie's shell. "Full speed ahead, Hop Pop. Keep driving and never look back!"
"Hold on, Sprig. Look back here for a second." Hop Pop says, and the young frog looks back at his grandfather. Hop Pop continued.
"Now that we're out of the valley, things could get dangerous fast." He explains. Pulling out a book, he guided the group of kids in doors for a moment. He slams the book on the table, revealing it to be titled "Hop Pop's Road Rules". Jean and Anne shared a quick glance, not liking where this was going.
"So....from now on, we're gonna follow Hop Pop's Rules of the Road. By me, Hop Pop." All the kids groan, even Flossie and Jean. "Another huge book? Seriously?" Anne asks. Hop Pop glares at them sternly. "You kids got a problem with books? Why, without books...."
"...our civilisation would crumble to nothingness." The kids droned, copying Hop Pop. The elderly frog nods approvingly. Picking up his book, he clears his throat. "Now, the only way we'll get to Newtopia in one piece is if we follow these rules. Like this one here." He points to a page, where a frog is striking a pose. "Rule number 98: "Never strike a heroic pose on the fwagon." It's a sign of hubris that invites disaster." Looking up, he sees Sprig striking the very same pose. Flossie giggles.
Hop Pop slams down some activity books and pencils. After closing the blinds, he straps Sprig into a baby seat. "That should keep your sense of adventure in check." He states. Opening the fwagon hatch, he climbs into the drivers seat. "Alright, kids, let's stick to the rules, and we should have a safe and completely uneventful trip. Okay, thanks. Byeeee!" He closes the hatch, sealing the kids inside.
Sprig groans. "Man, this stinks!" Using his tongue, he opens the blinds to look out the window. "All those adventures out there, and we're stuck in here with these dumb rules." He grumbles. Polly, who was previously colouring in a page of the activity book, angrily throws the pencil down and crosses her arms, agreeing with her brothers statement.
Flossie looks shocked. "Wait, we're stuck in this fwagon for two whole weeks?! I wanted to go out on adventures too!" She whines, leaning on the window sill and looking out longingly at the scenery. Anne shrugs, leaning against Sprig's seat. "Not much we can do. My dad was the same way back home. One time we drove to the Grand Canyon and didn't stop once." She explains.
Jean was laying back. Flossie turns to her. "Aren't you disappointed too, Jean?" She asks. The older teen shrugs. "Well, he is older. He must know what's best, right? I mean, he can't be totally serious about all the rules." She chuckles. Anne, Sprig, Polly and Flossie stare at her. "Oh, you don't know Hop Pop well enough." Anne says darkly.
Jean chuckles at their reactions, but deep down, she already knew. No, she didn't want to follow Hop Pop's rules. She didn't like the idea of being stuck in the fwagon for two whole weeks. But after hearing how dangerous Amphibia really was and everything that happened with Sasha and the toads...she didn't want any of her family getting hurt. She had to protect them at all cost, even if it meant they had to suffer a little.
There wasn't going to be a repeat of Toad Tower on her watch.

Like you could change anything.

Sprig grins. "Well, if anyone can figure out how to have fun with these rules, it's us!" He claims. Everyone cheers. "Newtopia, here we come!" They chant together.
"Road rule number 29: "No shouting" Marauders will follow the sound and steal your skin!" Hop Pop said in the drivers seat. They all let out sighs.

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