Anne or Jean?

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A/N: ok never mind about the designs. it won't let me upload pics *cry*

All was quiet in the small town of Wartwood. It was early morning, and Flossie Harveston, an albino axolotl with red hair, sighed as she awaited her mother. Her mother Pebbles, a hard working Newt, was inside one of the shops selling her stock.
The young axolotl groaned, leaning over the wagon sides as her snail, Boris, chewed at the grass. All of a sudden, her ears perked up when Wally Ribbiton, the towns local crazy frog, burst out of the bushes screaming. "Monster! Th-there's a monster in the woods! I seen it! I seen it!" He shrieked.
Flossie tilted her head in curiosity. "A monster?" She wondered. After Mayor Toadstool got the hysterical frog to calm down, Wally began to describe its appearance. "It was horrifying! It had a huge head, a weird, stubby bump right in the middle of its face and long spindly limbs!"
Everyone gasped, while Flossie's eyes widened in excitement. "A monster? Maybe I could hunt it! Then I will finally be liked!" She smirked to herself, getting ready to jump off the wagon.
Floss turned to her mother, who gave her a disapproving look. "Oh! Mum! H-how long have you been there?" She chuckled nervously. "Long enough." Pebbs replied, placing the things she didn't sell into the wagon. "And YOU, young lady, are not going monster hunting. Leave that to the townsfolk. We're just here for our monthly visit." She stated. Flossie huffed in defeat, sitting back down. "Now we best get home. We don't want that monster to find us. Who knows what it can do."
With that, she ordered Boris forward. The snail let out a coo, before moving forward.

Travelling through the woods, the two amphibians were mostly silent. Pebbs hummed to herself, and her daughter hung over the side of the wagon, observing the ground as it rolled by.
Bored out of her mind, she almost missed the strange foot-prints in the ground. "Wait mum stop!"
Pebbs pulled on the reins. "What is it?! Did we forget something?!" She turned around, only to find the Axolotl child gone. "Flossie? FLOSS?!" She shrieked.
Flossie rushed through the woods, following the odd foot-prints. The axolotl paused by a tree, panting for breath. "Geez, I didn't realise it'd be this far." She muttered to herself.
A loud groan sounded from up ahead. Floss held her breath. Stepping forward cautiously, she peeked out from over a log.
A large, gangly creature with spindly arms sat a few feet away. Its back was to her, and all the young axolotl could see was the brown hair tied in a ponytail.
She let out a quiet gasp. "The monster!"
The "monster" spun around, having heard the axolotl. "Who's there!?" It yelled. Flossie shrunk behind the log, covering her mouth with her hands. "Flossie, you idiot!" She hissed.
Hearing a yelp of pain, she peeked back over the log. The monster was leaning against a tree, holding its leg. Its face was scrunched in pain as it searched the surrounding forest in fear for any sign of life. Flossie's eyes widened when she noticed the blood covering the monsters hand.
Leaning back on the log, Flossie's brows furrowed. "What do I do? I could just kill it and be a hero. Maybe then the toads will stop bullying me. But..." peeking back over, she looked at the monster one last time.
The beast that obviously wasn't just a monster, but a living, feeling, and hurt creature. Flossie clenched her fists, determination and fear coursing through her. "Alright Flossie, you can do this! Or you could possibly die either one!"
Stepping out from behind the log, Flossie, gave a little wave as the creature turned to face her. "Hi! I-i'm-"
She was abruptly cut off, ducking as the beast lifted a stick from the ground and threw it in her direction. "Stay away! You-weird-strange-lizard-thing!" It pointed accusingly at her, backing up. Unfortunately, it tripped over a tree root, falling over as it let out a loud "OOF!"
Flossie gasped. "Oh my frog! I'm so sorry for scaring you!" She rushed over, extending a hand. "Here! Let me help you!" She smiled reassuringly. The creature looked up at her, allowing the girl to help her. Flossie grinned as she looked up at the creature now towering over her. "I'm Flossie Harveston! What's your name?" The monster stared at her warily. "Jean. Jean Goodman." She replied bluntly. Flossie jumped up and down on the spot. "Are you that monster Wally was talking about?! You..." she put a hand to her chin, seeming to realise something. "...kinda...look like his description, save for the huge head."
There was an awkward silence between the two. Jean glanced at Flossie's belt. "You're...not gonna attempt to kill me, are you?" She questioned suspiciously, pointing to the small dagger. The young axolotl shook her head. "Oh no! Of course not! This is just my harvesting dagger!" She stated, pulling the dagger from its sheath and waving it around, much to Jean's discomfort. "It's completely harmless!"
At that, the amphibian accidentally dropped the knife. It dug into a log, cutting it open as dozens of bugs crawled out. "Ooh! Jackpot!" She squealed, picking up the bugs. Jean glanced down at her in disgust. "Ok...uh, do you know some caves nearby that I can stay in?"
Flossie nodded eagerly, trying to hold as many bugs as she could as she pointed in another direction. "A couple of miles that way! Shouldn't be hard to miss!" She said cheerily. Jean hummed in response, limping away. "Thanks kid."
Flossie watched her go, a look of concern covering her features. "So what happened to your leg?" She asked curiously. Jean stopped, remembering the incident. "Got attacked by this massive bug. Got me in the leg as I ran off. Cowardly, I know." She muttered. Flossie was concerned. "No, it was a good thing! If it was a Mantis it would've eaten you alive! You need to get your wound checked. We don't want it infected, in case we have to amputate it." Jean shook her head in confusion. "We?"
"Yeah! C'mon, I can take you back home! My mum might be able to help!" She cheered. Grabbing Jean's hand, she led her through the woods.
The tall girl pulled her hand from the axolotl's grip. "Oh no, I'm not going with you. You'll probably hand me over to be dissected or something." Her eyes narrowed as she stared down at the amphibian. The said amphibian looked up at her with innocent, worried eyes. "Why would I hand you over to anyone? I can see you're no monster. You're just scared and lost! Here! If it makes you feel any better-" the axolotl cleared her throat, placing a hand over her heart. "I swear by King Andrias that I will not hand you over to someone who can hurt you! There! Now do you trust me?" She grinned, holding out a hand.
Jean hesitated for a moment, before gently taking her hand. " better not go back on it." She muttered, as she allowed Flossie to lead her through the woods towards her wagon.

Pebbs stopped yelling for a moment, panting for breath. "Frog dangit Flossie-"
"Mum! There's someone I want you to meet!"
Pebbs turned to the voice. Flossie was walking out of the woods, helping a horrible beast over a log.
"FLOSSIE! GET AWAY FROM THAT THING!" She screeched, reaching into the back and pulling out a cane.
Flossie waved her hands around frantically. "Wait, no! Mum! She's a friend! And she needs help!" She tried calming her mother down, gesturing to Jean's leg. Pebbs stared down at the beast, but didn't lower her cane. Flossie sighed. "Mum, she's hurt and all alone. I couldn't leave her out there! She'll die if we don't help her."
Pebbs frowned, lowering the cane to her side. "Floss, darl, you've only been gone ten minutes. You don't know it. For all we know Wally could be right! It could be tricking you so it can eat us!" She said sternly, not taking her eyes away from the creature.
Jean sighed. "That's fine. I know when I'm not wanted. I'll be on my way." She muttered. She started walking away, as Flossie stared after her.
Pebbs felt a pang of guilt as she watched the strange creature walking away. Glancing down at Flossie's heart-broken expression, she sighed angrily to herself. "I'm gonna regret this, aren't I?" She muttered.
Jean was almost out of view when she heard a voice call out to her. Looking over her shoulder, she realised it was the Newt. "Do you need a place to stay?" She asked. Jean raised an eyebrow.
Flossie was smiling widely, her eyes filled with happiness as she rushed over to Jean. "YOU GET TO COME WITH US! YES YES YES!" She squealed. Dragging poor Jean toward the wagon, the creature had no choice but climb into the wagon, a fair bit away from Pebbs and her cane.

Jean held her knees to her chest as Floss jumped in her seat. "This is so exciting! Can I ask questions now? 21 questions! First off, what are you and where did you come from? We've never seen anything like you before!"
Jean leaned away from the excited Axolotl. "Uh...well, I'm a human, and I've come from another world. Don't know how, just woke up here." She explained.
Pebbs listened to the creature's story, her face scrunched up in thought. Flossie gasped. "Another world?! Is there magic?!" She squeaked. As Jean was about to reply, the wagon stopped.
"Well, we're here. Welcome to the Harveston's cabin." Pebbs stated. The cabin stood in the middle of a small clearing. The amphibians hopped off the wagon, followed by Jean.
"You can sleep in the spare room. It has a window and we can put a mattress down if you want." Pebbs said, heading toward the small house.
The human was surprised by the newts sudden change of attitude. It almost frightened her how barely ten minutes ago she wanted to hit her with a cane.

Jean was now in the guest room of the Harveston's home, looking around at her new surroundings. The room was small and mostly bare, with a mattress now taking up one of the corners. A desk sat near the window, while a wardrobe took up the left side of the room. Sighing, she took off her jacket. "Guess this is where I'll be sleeping from now on." She muttered. Hearing a knock at the door, she turned to find Flossie holding a book. "Haha, thought I'd give you one of my books to read, might learn about our world a bit better?" She asked shyly, holding out the book.
Jean raised a brow, surprised. "Oh...thank you." She answered, taking the book and reading the title, 'Land of Amphibia: A Polliwog Guide'. A small smile made its way to her face. "That's...very considerate of you."
Flossie beamed. "No problem, Jean! Well, goodnight!" She waved, making her way out the door.
Watching her go, Jean's smile never left her face. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a photo. It was of Anne Boonchuy, Sasha Waybright and Marcy Wu, her adopted siblings. Smile falling, Jean felt a lump form in her throat. "I'm gonna find you guys, if your ARE here...." She mumbled, sitting down on the mattress.

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