Family Fishing Trip

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A/N: I don't know which episode came first, bizarre bazaar or family fishing trip, but I decided to make family fishing trip after.

A cool breeze swept through the town of Wartwood. It blew in the sails of Hopediah Plantar's boat, as the door of the family's home opened. Out walked Sprig, carrying a fishing rod and bucket, who was followed by Anne and Polly. "Ah, the annual Plantar fishing trip. I can't wait to cast off." He stated, placing his bucket down. "Me either, my froggy friend." Anne said. "But I'm not fishing." Reaching off screen, she pulled something out from a pile of things they were planning on taking for their trip. "I'm parasailing, baby!" She cried, lifting the homemade parasail above her head. Polly stared up at the parasail in adoration. "Wow! Flying? What a great way to spy on my enemies." The polliwog cackled to herself. Anne glanced down at her for a moment, before turning back to the frog. "So what do you say, Sprig? Why fish when you can fly?"
"Ooh, tempting." Sprig commented, but he shook his head. "But, nope. I'd rather fish. It's what Hop Pop and I have done on this trip ever since I was a polliwog."


A small Sprig gasped at the huge worms looming out of the bucket.

"First we'd get the bait ready."

Hop Pop grabbed the largest worm, pinning it to the boat as Sprig kicked a smaller worm, knocking it unconscious. Hop Pop gave him a thumbs up, but the worm took this as an opportunity to throw him overboard.

"Then he'd let me steer the boat."

Sprig clung to the wheel, balancing between the handles as he steered. Leaning too far to the right, he suddenly starts spinning uncontrollably.

"Then we'd spend the rest of the day fishing together."

Hop Pop and Sprig sat at the edge of the boat, holding their rods as they watched the sun setting on the horizon.

(End flashback)

"It's our special time, and that's never gonna change." Sprig stated proudly. A tooting sound could be heard in the distance. Anne, Sprig and Polly glanced to each other, before racing out the front. Upon opening the door, they noticed a wagon coming closer. Driving was a newt they'd never seen before, with purple skin and dark spots, but the next two figures they recognised immediately as Flossie and Jean.
Anne let out an excited gasp. "Jean! Flossie! What are you doing here?! Are you gonna come with us?" She asked excitedly, running out to meet them. Jean nodded, wrapping an arm around the unknown newt and Flossie. "Yep, Hop Pop invited Pebbs, Floss and I to hang out with you on your fishing trip! Said something about us spending time together to get better acquainted, since I've been staying with the Harveston's."
Getting down from the wagon, Flossie reached into the back and grabbed a small book, along with a fishing rod. "I'll be writing down what fish we're gonna catch!" She stated happily.
Anne squinted at Pebbs curiously. "Do I know you from somewhere?" She asked the newt. Pebbs looked her up and down, smiling. "I don't believe we've met, you must be Anne. As for where I might look familiar, and knowing Hopediah he would've shown you his family tree." Anne gasped in realisation. "EMMA PLANTAR! So that's how Hop Pop knows you?!"
As the two got along, Polly hopped up to Jean. "You got any of the candy you promised?" She whispered, looking around suspiciously to make sure no one was looking. Jean chuckled, handing her candy. "All yours kid."
Sprig glared at the newcomers, but calmed himself down. "It's fine, as long as nobody else interrupts Hop Pop and I too much."
"Hello children!" A voice said behind Sprig. Everyone looked up to see Sylvia standing in the doorway. She let out a loud gasp when she caught sight of Pebbs. "My my if it isn't Pebbles Harveston, why haven't you grown!" She exclaimed, walking to Pebbs and giving her a hug.
"Oh hey Sylvia." Anne greeted, now holding Polly's bucket. "You're coming too?" The polliwog asked. "Cool!"
Sprig seemed more than uncomfortable with all the people now joining them. "Oh, hey Sylvia."
After everyone introduced each other, Sprig looked around, seeing the main host missing. "Has anyone seen Hop Pop?"
"Morning, everyone! Ready for the brisk open waters?"
Everyone's jaws dropped in disbelief at the Hop Pop. He wore a sailors cap, with a collared t-shirt and shorts. The scarf he wore blew in the wind. Winking, he tilted his cap at the small audience on his front lawn. "Ahoy, there."
Anne was impressed. "Dang, HP. Looking good." She commented. Sylvia sighed dreamily. "Isn't he dreamy?" She asked. The elderly couple chuckled, as Hop Pop linked his arm with Sylvia, leading her back to the boat.
Pebbs chuckled to herself, smirking as she watched the young couple walk off. "Hmm it's been a while since I've seen those two together." She followed after them, carrying her picnic basket to take on the boat. "Be right back kids."
Sprig was taken aback by Hop Pop's appearance, and he gestured angrily at the retreating couple. "What the heck? He can't fish in that ridiculous outfit!" He exclaimed. Anne grinned. "Looks like Hop Pop's fishing for something else." She remarked. Jean fell into a fit of laughter, while Polly let out an "Ew. Gross, Anne. You're no better Jean!"
Sprig waved his hand at the immature humans. "Pfft, this doesn't change a thing. He and I are still gonna spend the day together and have our special time."
He made his way toward the house, followed by Jean, Anne and Polly. Flossie, however, was trying to carry all her things together, and ended up dropping her bucket. "Uh...can someone help me? Please?" She called out. When no one replied, she let out a sad sigh.

"Anchors away, and here we go!" Hop Pop pulled the horn. Everyone cheered as the boat took off.
"Boat trip! Yeah!"
"Let's do it!"
"Bring it on!"
As the boat departed, they all heard a snap. Looking back at the house, the Plantar and Harveston family looked down at the now broken dock, realising none of them had untied the boat. Hop Pop waved his hand. "Eh, we'll fix it when we get back. To the sea!"
The house collapsed, leaving nothing but rubble.

Gliding through the swampy waters, each and every member upon the boat was doing their own thing. Hop Pop and Sylvia steered the boat, teasing each other and giggling like Love Doves.
Sprig watched the elderly frogs, standing in front of a bucket of worms. Flossie sat on the floor not too far away from him, fixing up her fishing hook. One worm slapped Sprig across the face while he wasn't watching, knocking him off his feet. The axolotl winced, getting up to help the frog, who only looked at her suspiciously before standing up on his own and going back to the worms.
Pebbs sat on a lounging chair, sighing in content as she placed a hat over her eyes.
At the end of the boat, Jean, Polly and Anne stood with the parasail. "Parasailing is easy. The wind does all the work." Anne exclaimed, holding the parasail up for demonstration. Polly looked skeptical. "Where did you learn all this again?" She asked critically. "Hours and hours of extensive research." She gloated.


Anne was back home, watching a guy parasailing on a video. "Sweet. Mom! Can I try parasailing?" She called out. Her mother answered from the kitchen, speaking Thai. "No, but you can fold your laundry if you want."
Anne groaned. "Never mind!" Turning back to the video, a whale jumped from the ocean the guy was parasailing over, crashing into the man and causing him to fall underwater.
"I'm sure he's fine."

(End flashback)

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