Toads and Magic

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Jean let out a scream as she felt something crawling all over her. Bolting up in bed, she swiped herself in a wild frenzy to be rid of the creepy crawlies. "GET IT OFF GET IT OFF GET IT OFF!" She shrieked. Finally, the bugs disappeared into a whole in the wall, where they peeked out every few seconds. Jean shivered, watching the large cockroaches as they darted in and out of the hole.
Pebbs burst into the room, carrying her cane. "Jean! What's wrong?!! Is there a robber?!" She cried, searching the room for an intruder. Flossie peeked around the corner, curious eyes surveying the scene.
Jean rocked back and forth on the mattress, staring into empty space. Pebbs squinted at the hole in the wall, walking over to inspect it.
She groaned at the sight of the cockroaches. "Looks like we have an infestation kids." She stated, standing back up. "Baby cockroaches."
Flossie giggled at Jean's reactions. Meanwhile, Jean went pale. "Babies?! Those things are huge! How can you call those babies?!" She shrieked, waving her arms around. Pebbs held a finger to her lips, shutting her up immediately. Pinching the bridge of her nose, she sighed. "Quiet down Jean. Alright, because of this infestation, I'll let the two of you have the day off. Floss can show you around the place, since you'll be staying until we can find your friends." She said, ushering the children outside. "Go on, before I change my mind." Closing the door, Pebbs left the children outside. Jean was still shivering from disgust, but Flossie was marching on the spot in excitement. "This is great! I can show you all of my favourite spots, and we can explore new and dangerous areas!"

Flossie and Jean trekked through the woods, the axolotl in the lead. Jean put her hands in her pockets, a bored expression on her face as she observed the surrounding woods. Something moved through the trees, catching the teens attention. Eyes widening in curiosity, she strayed off the path. Flossie noticed this. "Where are you going?" She asked, perplexed. Jean waved her hand, motioning for the axolotl to stay put. "I'm just gonna check this thing out. I'll be right back, I promise." She said, disappearing into the woods. At a loss of what to do, Flossie sat down, grabbing a nearby stick and proceeded to draw in the dirt.
"So much for a great adventure..." she mumbled sadly, oblivious to the footsteps heading her way. It was only when she felt something hit her head, bouncing to the ground as she let out a yelp of pain. Rubbing the spot she got hit, she looked down at the object, only to realise it was a rock. Her heart dropped when she heard a rustle in the bushes, realising who exactly threw it.
Standing up abruptly, she searched the surrounding area for any sign of life. "J-Jean? I wanna go home now-AGH!"
Flossie let out a scream as a pair of hands landed on her shoulder, before pushing her forward, causing her to stumble. Catching herself before she fell, the sound of laughter filled her ears as she turned to face the person who pushed her.
It was a toad child, surrounded by his two friends. The young axolotl knew this group all too well.
"Heya freak, whatcha doin' out here? You do remember this is our part of the woods, don't you?" The leader smirked, crossing his arms as his friends snickered.
Flossie smiled awkwardly, stepping away from the toads as her eyes darted between the amphibians and the surrounding forest. "O-of course I remembered! I was just passing through with a friend!" She chuckled nervously, fiddling with her hands.
The toad boys shared a look, smirking. "W-what?"
"Oh, nothing, just didn't think you'd get so lonely you'd start to have an imaginary friend!" They burst out laughing, and Flossie felt hurt. "Sh-she's not imaginary..." she mumbled, as the boys continued to pick on her.

Jean glanced behind her one last time, searching for any sign of the thing she'd seen. Seeing nothing, she let out a frustrated sigh as she made her way back to Flossie. "Sorry about that Floss, I swear I'd seen something-"
Hearing laughter sound out from Flossie's direction, Jean furrowed her brows. "That...didn't sound like Floss..." she muttered, making her way slowly and carefully toward the sound. Coming upon the clearing she'd left Flossie, her eyes widened when she caught sight of...large, toads, picking at the young axolotl.
Flossie was rubbing her arm anxiously, tears pricking her eyes as one of the toads walked up to her. "You don't belong here, freak! Go back to where you came from!" With that, he shoved the little girl, sending her sprawling to the ground.
Jean, who'd been stunned at the sight of these toads, glared angrily at the toad who dared push her friend. "HEY! Leave her alone!" She shouted, coming out of the clearing. She thought the toads would scram at the horrific sight of her, but they instead gave Jean a weird look, before bursting out laughing.
Wiping a tear away, the leader gestured to the tall human. "What is that? That the friend you were talking about?! What are you, some weird bird?" He smirked, reaching behind him and pulling out a wooden slingshot. "You'll make GREAT target practice!"
Jean glared at the large toad child in front of her in rage. "Don't be tempted...he's a literal child..." she muttered to herself. Instead, she knelt down beside Flossie, helping her to her feet. "Sorry for leaving you like that..." she apologised. The toads had began launching rocks in their direction.
To protect Flossie from the sharp debris, she placed herself between the rocks and the child.
Feeling the sting of sharp rocks on her back, she guided the crying axolotl away from the bullies. The toads laughed at their retreating form. "That's right! Run away freaks!" They cackled.

When they were far enough away, Jean sat down, leaning against a tree. "....I'm sorry for leaving you there, Floss. If I'd known that those jerks were gonna be there..." she mumbled, avoiding eye contact. Flossie smiled, wiping away her tears as she joined the human. "I-it's fine! I'm just glad you came back and helped me get out of there." She said.
Jean shook her head. "No! I should've been there to help you! Because I left you alone I failed to protect you! I'm...a terrible friend..." She muttered sadly, leaning her head against her knees. Flossie was confused. "What do you mean? You had no way of knowing there were bullies, and you DID help me. You're not a terrible friend, you're the best person I know!"

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