Lost in Newtopia

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A/N: Let's play a game called "can you spot the camp camp reference?"

"Welcome, ladies and gentle-phibians, to a safe uneventful afternoon of touristy nonsense. It may not be as eventful as other tours but did I mention it's safe?"
Jean groaned at the boring tourist guides voice over the speaker. "This is sooooo boriiiing." She said, sliding down in her bus seat.

The Plantars and their human companions were currently riding on a tour bus through Newtopia. An activity picked by their guardian.
Anne nodded at her friends statement. "This is the last time we let Hop Pop pick the activity."

The elderly frog, now wearing a cheese hat, lowered the pamphlet he was currently looking at, turning to face the two humans with a disapproving and tired stare. "Look, girls. We've got a few days to kill before King Andrias reveals his findings about the music box. And what better way to spend that time than learning?" He asks in a more cheerful manner. At that, all the kids groaned.

Flossie huffs, looking out the window and playing with her cloak hood. She was currently seated between Anne and Polly, and had a pretty good view of the outside. Her eyes widen in wonder at the busy market outside, filled with interesting foods, objects and more.
"Oh, wow, what's that place?" Anne asked curiously, also looking out the window. She lets out a surprised yelp as Flossie half climbs over her, wanting a better view. The axolotl presses her face against the glass, eyes sparkling. "So cool! I wanna go!"

"It's imminent danger. Look away!" The guide exclaims, rushing up to the girls. "But imminent is the best kind of danger!" Polly whines.
Jean raises her brow at the guide's statement. She was currently seated next to Sprig. "It's just a market. How scary can it be." She scoffs.

The guide gets into her face, glaring at her in a creepy manner. "Oh, you think it's funny, huh? But do you know what happens to people with that kind of attitude round here? They end up rubbing the wrong mob the wrong way. And do you know what happens then, creature? They disappear. And their precious, gangly bodies are never. Found. Again." He says in a dark, hushed voice.

Jean stared at the newt in shock, as the guide returned to the front of the bus, a smile plastered onto his face once more. "What the frog..."
"Now then, what's the most important thing to do when visiting Newtopia? Any guesses?" The guide asks, completely ignoring Jean worriedly glancing around the bus, seeing if anyone else had seen or heard him. "Did nobody else see that??"

Anne raised her hand excitedly. "Ooh, ooh! Eating like a local? Looking like a local? Partying with the locals?" She asks.

The guide shook his head. "Nope. It's getting to know the city from a safe distance. Like on this bus." He explained calmly. Hop Pop smiled at the newts words. "Such wisdom."

Anne, Polly and Flossie sigh. "This is just like when I'd go traveling with my mom." Anne said.


A younger Anne sat in her car with her mother. She looks out at the market, with all the tasty foods. Some locals laughed and chattered amongst themselves.
"Mom, can I please try some of that?" Younger Anne begged, impatiently tapping her hands on the window. Her mother shook her head.

"No, sweetie, your California stomach can't handle it." She explained. She hands Anne a small bag. "But you can have carrot stick and trail mix."

Young Anne whimpers, looking back outside with tears in her eyes.

(End flashback)

Anne sobs, looking back on the memory. "I didn't want the baby carrots, mom! I didn't want 'em! Why? Why? Why? Why?"

After her small breakdown, she turns to the two amphibians sitting next to her, pulling them in. "You know what?"
"This time I'm gonna experience the city the way the locals do! Not sit on the bus like some dumb tourist!" The human decides. Flossie grins. "Yes! Let's do it!"

"And now for our tour of the tour bus." The guide said on the speaker. He points to the roof. "This is the ceiling, what a good ceiling! Not to be outdone by the floor!" He then gestures to the floor. The other amphibians on the bus "ooh!" at his words.

"Count me in! So, what do we do?" Polly asks. Anne looks around the bus, coming up with a plan. She grins. "Follow my lead."

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