Swamp and Sensibility

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TW: Homophobia implied in this chapter. And obviously, whatever Jean does in this episode, you shouldn't do awifukhj

Hop Pop guides the fwagon through a valley, Polly by his side while Anne, Sprig, Flossie and Jean were inside watching a series on Anne's phone. Jean was now awake and wrapped in a blanket as she sipped on a hot chocolate like drink (she didnt want to know how it was made). The brunette beside her made sure she wasn't drinking any buggachino's, much to the older teens annoyance.
But right now, all were invested in the show.

"Don't you get it, Mother? I know you want me to be a ballerina, but my heart belongs to hip-hop." Mariah exclaims, doing a ballerina pose before performing a brief breakdance. She looks up at her mother mournfully. "Are you disappointed?"
Mariah's mother tears up, smiling warmly. "No, I'm proud of you! All that hipping and hopping was breathtaking!" She states, bringing her daughter into a hug.
"Oh, mother!"
"Oh, Mariah!"

Anne starts bawling for a brief moment, before clearing her throat. "And that is the masterpiece, From Pointe to Poppin." She says, turning her phone off. Sprig grins. "Talk about an emotional roller coaster- whoa Jean are you okay?"
The trio turn to Jean, who was crying her eyes out. "Th-that...was beautiful." She sniffled. Flossie hands her a handkerchief, which the older teen gladly takes. "All she wanted was her mother to accept her!" She wails, blowing her nose.
Anne pats her back. "Maybe that wasn't the best choice to watch..." she chuckles nervously to herself.
As Jean finishes drying her eyes, the fwagon abruptly stops, causing her and Sprig to fall off the bed they were all seated on. They let out yelps as they fall.
"Sprig! Jean! You guys alright? What the heck is going on out there?" She ponders, looking over the bunkbed. Flossie joins her, wincing in pain as she spots her two friends laying on the ground, groaning in pain. Jean raises a thumb slowly. "Just peachy..."

Outside the fwagon, Hop Pop is encouraging Bessie up a steep hill. "Come on, Bessie. Come on!"
Bessie chirps, managing to make it to the top of the hill before her reins snap. Anne, Flossie and Sprig, who'd all clambered to the trapdoor in no time, gasp. The older teen peeks her own head out. "What's going on?" She asks, confused as she rubs her back.
Hop Pop held what was left of Bessie's reins in his hands. "What happened is that the ding-dang reins snapped!" He explained.
The harness falls off Bessie, but she was still connected to the fwagon. Spotting a sheepbug, her eyes light up with curiosity. The snail zooms toward the sheepbugs, who all scattered in fear. The snail was determined to make a friend, however, and started chasing them. The amphibians and humans were left clinging on to the fwagon for dear life as Bessie drags them along for the ride.
"We gotta get these reins fixed or we can't control Bessie!" Hop Pop screams.

Sprig grins, pulling out a map. "Don't worry, Hop Pop! There's a town right down the road. See? Ribbitvale!" He states, pointing to the map. Jean leans further out to take a closer look at the map. "Huh. What a coincidence."
Hop Pop scowls at this news. "Ribbitvale? The most expensive town in all of Amphibia? No way!" He yells.
Bessie stops, as she finally catches up to a sheepbug. Jean fell out of the fwagon once more, letting out a yelp as she hit the ground.
Flossie jumps down hurriedly to get her to her feet. "You okay?" She asks. Jean just nods, face in the grass as she mutters out a tired "mhm"
The axolotl looks between Bessie's broken reins and Hop Pop. "It doesn't look like we have much of a choice, Hop Pop." She explains, holding Jean's arm up. Hop Pop lets out a tired sigh of his own. "You're right. But when we get there, don't get sucked in by the fancy." He orders.


The small group arrive at the gates of Ribbitvale after pulling and pushing Bessie with them. It was one heck of a struggle, but they managed to get to the town.
Polly gasps, pointing at their destination. "Guys, look!"
All around them, the amphibians and their human companions could see a lot of fancy buildings and frogs around them. Everything glistened in the early sunlight.
Flossie and Polly gasp, hugging each other. "So shiny..."
"So sparkly..." the two say, entranced with wide eyes. They're suddenly sprayed with water, ripped back to reality. Screaming and hissing, they glare at their Hop Pop.
"Hey, hey! I said look away from the fancy!" He scolds.

Jean chuckles to herself, arms across her chest as she looks over to the town. "I gotta say, it sure is something." She comments. Sprig jumps on her shoulder, pulling at her hair. This gains a yelp from the human, but he ignores her.
"Something? Something?! It's like nothing I've ever seen before! A ten-tier fountain. A solid gold snail carriage! There's even a One-Eyed Wally!" The pink frog pauses, doing a double take. "Wait, what?"

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