Wax Museum

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The Plantars and their human companions arrive at a new town called Stony Gulch. The children chanted excitedly, "New town! New town! New town!"
Jean and Anne both have cloaks on, covering them completely. While Anne was chanting along with the others, Jean walked quietly with Hop Pop, observing the shops and amphibians they passed curiously.
"Food! Shops!"
"This place is so cool!"
"What should we do first?"
"Could we go get some ice cream?!" Flossie flaps her hands up and down excitedly. A couple of amphibians walked by, a mother and her child. Spotting Flossie, the mother hurriedly grabbed her child's hand and speed-walks to the other side of the street. The axolotl doesn't seem to notice, but her human friend sends a glare after the amphibian mother. Just because Flossie looked and acted different, didn't mean she deserved to be treated like an outcast. People like that made Jean's blood boil.

At the kids questions, Hop Pop pulls out his wallet. "Let's see." He opens the wallet, only to reveal no money. He looks sadly over to his grandchildren. "Nothing. All we can afford is window-shopping, kids." He explained.
All the kids let out sad sighs. "Aw..."
Anne waves her face, sweating. "Man, it's hot!" She breathed. Taking off her hood, she lets out a sigh of relief. "Ah, better." Jean shakes her head at her friend. "Anne, that really isn't a good idea-"
She was cut off as surrounding amphibians gasp, staring at Anne with a mixture of horror and curiosity. Anne snapped her fingers. "Riiiight. Sometimes I forget about the whole "I'm a freak in this world" thing."
Jean facepalms.

A tadpole starts crying at the sight of the younger human. Anne waves his hands in front of her. "Whoa, whoa! Don't cry! I'm not a monster, I'm just weird. See?" The human tries reassuring gently. She wiggles her nose and ears before striking a pose. "Tada!"
The townsfolk "ooh" and "ah" at her performance. The tadpole starts laughing. "Mommy, mommy! Give the freak money!" He says, clapping his hands. The mother holds out money for Anne to take. "It was a lovely performance. Here."
"Do it again! Do it again!"

Anne glances back to the Plantars. Polly, Flossie and Sprig give her a grin and thumbs up. "Milk it!"
With that, the polliwog pushes her bucket labelled "tips" in front of the human to collect money. Anne does a "magic trick", by pulling her own thumb off. The crowd gasps, throwing money at the human. As the amphibians cheer, the Plantars and humans overhear one conversation in particular.
"This is so much better than that creepy oddities museum."

"Oddities museum? What the heck is an oddity in amphibia, am I right?" Anne chuckles. The crowd was silent, not getting the joke. Anne smiles awkwardly. "Stick to physical comedy. Got it." With that, the human punches herself in the face. The crowd laughs.

As the day went on, Jean noticed how quiet Flossie had become. She was still watching Anne, but she would glance around anxiously at the surrounding crowd, which had gotten noticeably larger as the amphibians came to watch Anne.


Flossie watched the surrounding crowds warily. She could feel their eyes on her, watching her every move.
Even though she didn't show it, she had spotted the mother frog and her child hurriedly walking away after seeing her earlier that day, and that small, seemingly harmless gesture reminded Flossie that she was different.

That she didn't belong anywhere, even among the amphibians.

And now, there was a whole crowd of amphibians not only watching Anne, but also watching her. Everything around her was becoming louder and brighter with each second.
The axolotl was tempted to cover her ears, and shield her face from the stares. But she couldn't move.
Instead, she shut her eyes tight. Maybe if she pretended they weren't there, it would stop?

Feeling something cover her head and shoulders, the axolotl hurriedly looked up to see Jean placing her own cloak on the axolotl. The crowd around gasped at the second human amongst them, but the human ignored them. The eyes stopped watching the axolotl, instead moving over to stare at Jean.
Jean gently lifted Flossie to her feet, guiding her away from the crowd. When they were far enough away, Jean got Flossie to sit down on a tree stump. "This better?" She asks softly. Flossie nods, leaning her head on Jean's shoulder. Taking in deep breathes, she closes her eyes, pulling the cloak tighter around her.

They couldn't see her anymore.

Lifting her hand, she starts twirling droplets of water between her fingertips, distracting herself enough to calm down.


The day was almost over, and finally the crowds dispersed, leaving the humans and the Plantars alone. Anne collected her money into the tip bucket.

Amphibia x Oc: Soul Sisters (Season 1 & 2)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن