Adelaide's POV

Nik has been stuck to me like glue ever since I woke up. When I went to go get food he would follow me and even offer to make it for me. I appreciate it and it's cute but what happens when I need the toilet. I hear a knock on the door and I immediately know who it is because of mine and Damon's previous texts. I stand up to go get the door but Kol beats me to it opening the door to reveal Elena

"Oh it's just you" he says disappointment clear on his features. He walks back towards me to continue our game of uno when Elena speaks

"Mari. Is it ok if I speak to you?" She seems really nervous shifting her weight between her legs

"No" Kol says. Everyone gives him a look while he shrugs his shoulders

"We're playing uno. You can't just pause the game"

"Yes you can. Pause" I say standing up and walking towards Elena.

"No eavesdropping" I say as I lead Elena upstairs into Nik's room.

Once I close the door she immediately wraps her arms around me and starts apologising profusely. She was crying hysterically and talking so fast I didn't even catch some of what she said but I did catch a few things.

"I didn't realise how bad of a mistake I had made until you died. She said the originals were gonna die and I thought it wouldn't be to bad"

"What mistake?" I break away from the hug

"Giving her my blood. She said that we would only be sacrificing one life which would save load of others and that you were an imbalance of nature so at least if she did it you could die with someone you care about"

"So you knew I was gonna die and you still gave your blood to Esther" I start backing away from her not believing my ears. Her eyes become watery again and she looks like she's about to start the waterworks all over again

"I thought-" her head jerks to the side and a small echo of the connection from my hand hitting her cheek can be heard. When she finally lifts her head to look at me tears are freely falling from her eyes as she cries silently

"I'm sorry" her voice is shaking and her lip is trembling but right now I don't care

"I would've never done that to you" I give her one last look before I make my way downstairs. I want to visit Caroline or Osa just someone with a semi outside view

"I'm going to Caroline's " I announce before leaving the house

I know they were listening, they're all too nosy not to listen. I wonder what they'll do to her now that she's there all by herself. Now even the most level headed of the originals doesn't want to protect her.

Elena's POV

She slapped me. I know she's angry at me but we could've talked it out. The look of pure hatred she gave me makes even more tears well up in my eyes.
I would've never done that to you.
It's true she wouldn't. She's tried to help me numerous times even when she doesn't agree with what I'm doing and I just signed her off to be killed without a second thought. All of the originals are downstairs, every single one of them. I know Klaus needs me to be his human blood bag but I don't think that's even a defense I can use to keep me alive at this point.

I've just managed to piss off a whole family off originals and my only protection has left me stranded. How am I gonna leave? Will I even manage to make it through the door before one of them kills me. Rebekah already doesn't like me and now she's probably just heard that I sent her only friend to be killed. Elijah has never showed any malicious intent towards me but I can see how close him and Mari are. He'll kill me. They all will. They'll take turns ripping me to shreds. I try calling Damon for some sort of protection. I know they won't kill Damon, Mari and Damon are way to close. If they kill Damon, Mari won't speak to them again

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