"I would also like to learn more about lightning magic if possible," Alistair added from behind.

"Fine. I can make that happen, and I can even give you both a pass to permit you to observe the upper class top mages' mock battles as well." She sounded magnanimous but I only eyed her suspiciously.

"Okay... So what's the catch?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Arthur, I'm heartbroken! I only wanted to do this for your growth!" She over-exaggeratedly placed a hand on top of her heart, as if genuinely offended.

"Art! You're being rude to the director!" Elijah looked a little panicked, as he couldn't see the director's facial expression as she did this.

I smiled at her, waiting silently for an answer.

Goodsky sighed. "Very well. Of course I believe it's only fair to receive some compensation for doing these kinds of favours for you," she caved in, baffling Elijah.

"What I want from you is to be a part of a committee that is going to start this year. The disciplinary committee. Actually, I want all three of you to be part of that committee."

I knew she would want me to do to something like this. "Forget it. We don't need the theory classes. I'll just teach myself from the books in the library." I shook my head.

"The books on deviants aren't accessible to underclassmen and even for upperclassmen, you need to show that you are a deviant—something you can't do right now, right?" She calmly refuted my plans.

"Unlike the student council members that are chosen on a broader criteria, the disciplinary committee will be strictly based on strength. Your responsibilities won't nearly be as much as the student council, and being in the disciplinary committee will give you the chance to work with students, some of which are also deviants, that are all strong in their own fields." Her arguments were getting stronger.

"..." My head bent down as I thought things over. On top of regular and extra classes, I would have to do committee work, putting a big strain on my individual training time, which I was still figuring out where to do in secret.

As if she read my mind, she threw out her final offer. "Since the amount of work may be a bit too much on top of class and independent study, how about I offer you access to a private training facility where you won't need to worry about anyone intruding." She pointed at my bracelet.

"Please, Arthur, I really feel like this could be a good deal for the both of us in the long run." Her face softened a bit as she showed sincerity.

I started thinking about how being in the disciplinary committee would fit into my plans, and finding no particular detriment in agreeing to this, I answered. "Fine, I'll agree to be a part of the disciplinary committee." My shoulders loosened as I let out a sigh.

Alistair then nodded as well in agreement. 'He relies too much on me,' I thought with another sigh.

"Good! Since classes start tomorrow, I will give your new schedule to your first period professor. Here is your new uniform I prepared in the case of good news. The knife is just meant to be the symbol of the disciplinary committee, but it is quite expensive so do take care not to lose it." She gave me a wink as she threw me a tailored uniform with a sheathed knife and strap. It irritated me that she already had this prepared before she came in, even if it was 'just in case'.

It dawned on me that even with my previous life and this life put together, both Grandpa Virion and Director Goodsky would still be older than me; after all, I only lived until my late thirties, around where I was getting past my prime as a duelist. I'd been so caught up in the fact that I had two lives that it didn't occur to me that there were still people here that were older. Of course, I still had the advantage over traditional mages here because where I came from, the 'magic' usage was a lot more advanced.

The advantage that the older mages from this world had have, however, was that they were used to the amount of mana in the atmosphere here and had mastered it to a certain degree.

I guess even with two lives, there was still bound to be someone wiser.

I involuntarily shook the thoughts out of my head, causing Director Goodsky to tilt her head in curiosity.

"The second matter here is that Gary has got his eye on three of you," she said. I frowned before asking, "What does that mean?"

"Oh nothing much, he just wanted you to participate in the Xyrus Academy Tournament. There are only 16 participants in the tournament, and he was missing three. Luckily, he found you guys!"

I looked at Alistair and Elijah before agreeing. This would be a good way to test my strength as well.

"Here take the tournament brackets. It will take place in two weeks, so you should get ready! Now that the matter I've come to settle is settled, I shall take my leave!" She wisped away, leaving me wondering why she didn't just enter like that. It was probably to respect our privacy or something.

I looked at the tournament brackets in my mind while Alistair and Elijah peered at it from over my shoulders.

I looked at the tournament brackets in my mind while Alistair and Elijah peered at it from over my shoulders

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