Elenoir II

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(A/N: I just wanted a chapter to introduce some information that becomes relevant in the school arc, this is more for plot continuation and fluidity as well as for newer readers.)

Arthur POV:

I woke up from an immense pain covering my body. Cold sweat had already covered my body as the feeling of my body burning intensifies.

"AARGH!" I clutched my body tight, trying to endure when Alistair comes near me and places both his hands on my sternum, where my mana core is located, and started to emit his own mana into me.

Slowly, the pain subsided and I was left panting, my clothes drenched in sweat.

"T-thank you," I managed to wheeze out, keeping the burning question of how he was able to help me to myself.

Suddenly, the door burst open and Grandpa Virion ran inside. He was shocked when he saw how Alistair had managed to stop my pain.

"H-how?" he asked in a daze. Alistair looked at him in seriousness before going and whispering something.

Grandpa's ears sprang up and his eyes widened in pure shock after what Alistair told him. After Alistair was done, Grandpa robotically nodded his head before turning towards me, "It's a bit early, but let's start training now."

Looking out the window, I noticed that the sun had yet to even rise. I probably wasn't going to be able to fall asleep again so I nodded and follow him out into the courtyard.

Sitting cross-legged, he took a long look at me before explaining, "Until now, you've been purifying your mana core and manipulating your mana using your mana channels. While, for normal mages, this method is sufficient, for beast tamers, we can't rely on this approach. Instead, we do something called assimilation."

I sat down facing him. My face must've tipped him off that I had no idea what he was talking about.

"Haha! Don't worry, you'll know soon enough. What it essentially is, is integrating the mana from your core directly into your body's bones and muscles, hence the method, assimilation. Unfortunately, throughout the period of assimilating, your mana core won't develop at all, but that isn't the point of this. Once the mana from your new core is absorbed throughout your body, you'll be able to start utilising whatever power your beast's will had."

"Slowly release the mana out of your core and don't be tempted to use your mana channels. Instead, let it seep out into your body and slowly have all of your muscles and bones absorb the mana. This will take time and effort, but throughout this process, your mana core should reject your body less and less," Virion instructed. "There isn't much I can help you with for the first part of your training however Alistair most definitely can. But even he won't make the process go much faster, so you'll have to do the real work."

Training continued on with me meditating, dispersing the mana out of my core and into my body while Alistair helped me guide it. I had gotten the hang of it after a few days but I realized how long of a journey this would be. Directing my mana to form a core when I was an infant took a couple of years but this was doing the exact opposite except with more mana and an extra step further of assimilating the mana directly into the muscles and bones.

I didn't leave the castle during this time because I wouldn't know when my body would act up again. I was really grateful for Grandpa Virion for sticking by me throughout this time. Unfortunately for Tess, this left her very little time to play with both Al and I as he was also helping me a lot.

'He still went out alone with her though,' I thought while resting my room, my body aching from being imbued with mana. 

After several weeks of assimilation, my body acted up less frequently and I was allowed to go out into the city. So after promising Tess that I'd go touring around the city of Zestier, I went to sleep.

Rise of Legends - DISCONTINUEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora