Ch 4~ Ayame's week. Part 2

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Ayame's POV:

I pretty much finished everything I needed to do, so here I was lying on a parks bench playing with Aoi, Sinha, and keeping watch on Miyako.

Suddenly I heard my name being called, I looked up to see my sister running towards me. "Ayame-chan!!" she squealed while she hugged me, then separated herself.

 "Sorry.." She mumbled, embarrassed, "I'm just so happy that you're back with me." I chuckled, "Chii really got more cute, its such a shame that I couldn't watch my beloved nee-san grow up" I said acting wistfully. 

We talked for a few more minutes on completely random stuff. Then she asked, "Well since you've got nothing to do for the rest of the day, why don't you come with me and my brothers, we are going on a picnic, then Fuuto's concert, I know that maybe you don't want to get along with our brothers yet, but I really want you to come."

I thought for a moment, "Well, I still have a few things to do, so I'm not sure if I can make it..." Ema looked up sad, "Oh its ok,  Ayame, I have to go, Azusa-kun is having his check-up ever since he had his brain damage disease so he has to stay at the hospital tonight, I'm heading over there to hand him some manga, I'll see you later, Ayame." She said slightly gloomy as she ran off. 

Miyako flew down and landed on my shoulder, "Let me guess, you are secretly going and going to surprise her there, right mistress?" I chuckled again, "My, my Miyako, you sure do know me well." Miyako snorted, went into thought while I did the same. 

True, I did lie, so I could see nee-san's adorable expression when she's surprised, I also took a quick mental note to take my watch-camera, also I lied, because I was sort of hoping she would give me some more information about my brothers, did I feel guilty for using Chii? No, it was for her own good and mine. 

I got up and called Aoi and Sinha over, they both crawled into my comfy bag, and we set off, I also called Miyako to watch over Chii, and tell me when she left the hospital. Again, did I feel guilty for ordering Miyako around? No, because she loves to be ordered around, for some reason, I remember when I asked her once she merely said that she enjoys carrying work for me and that it makes her life so much easier when you have someone telling you what to do, and if you don't feel like it you could always oppose and not get beaten up for it. 

Even now I thought I had seen a glimmer of happiness as she flew off.

Anyway, I should get a ticket to Fuuto's concert, wouldn't want to miss my feisty little's brothers concert. (Shin-chan: You were just the same age until your birthday a couple days ago)

Miyako's POV :

I loved doing these small missions, not many people know, but I sometimes get Mistress to let me, watch action movies where animals are involved, yes I admit that its kind of childish to pretend I am in one, but I am still kid, if I was human I would probably be about 10 years old, just much more mature.

I looked at the girl I was following, the Mistress's dear beloved sister. The first time I had seen her was on the day she first moved in with her brothers. Once mistress heard that she was moving, she became worried and asked me to find her and report her condition, of course, she was perfectly fine, she looked like a normal naive girl in my eyes. However some things the mistress does not know is that sometimes on my free wanders I occasionally follow that girl, and I am not the only one, even Aoi sometimes follows her as well, (of course with my assistance)I do plan to tell the mistress one day, but for some reason I am positive she already knows, but does not bother to question me. Thats one of the reasons I love Mistress so much, she gives me my freedom and my own choices.

I looked back at the girl who was now getting on the bus, I quickly flew to the hospital where she will arrive in about 10 min, now back to thought. Honestly, I was kind of shocked that a girl like her was related to Mistress, sure she was cute and kind-hearted, but she was also naive, easily taken back, shy, and always has that innocent attitude. It annoys me. Once Aoi told me a conversation he heard when they all went to the monks place, and the festival and ended up staying at a hotel rented by the idol. When they were talking it went sort of like this:

Brothers Conflict: Ema's twin sister- A Change of Hearts- SLOW UPDATEWhere stories live. Discover now