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"My mom says I should not have friends"  Armin began in a low voice, reunited with the group on the lunch table.

"I've been with you long enough, to know that woman does not only cooks delicious meals but is fucking crazy" Eren added, pissed of at the constant yelling she did.

"She's still his mom Eren, I think we should try helping him instead of shitting on her." Mikasa commented

"Yeah, Why did she say that" You continued, a bit focused on Armin clenched fist.

"I've been to distracted,my grades slipped"

"From what to what"

"Straight A's to  B"

"B?? I'm barely on c right now what" Eren said.

"whatever, I think we should all study today,at my place. It's your choice Armin, not your mothers" You said placing your hand on Armin's clenched fist forcing him to release his strong grip.

"Yeah let's do that, I don't think I can focus in that house anymore"


"I'm sorry this is all I have" You apologized, placing the hello kitty Band-Aids, on the cuts on Armin's hand.

"It's fine I brought this on myself either way"

"no it's not, don't do it again or I swear"

"You'll do what?" Armin finally smiled for the first time in days,. More of a smirk, making fun of your baseless threat.

"Get that smug smile of your face" You joked, giving him a bigger smile.

"Let's go study before before you melt my heart and brain"


"Bye!!" You waved Mikasa and Eren goodbye, leaving both you and Armin alone again.

"Hey" Armin emerged right at the back of you, as you turned, making you jump a little.

"Hi" You responded

"I know you said you forgave me, but I think there's still a bit more to talk about."

"Yeah I think so too" He dragged you to the couch, were you both sat cross legged.

"I like you, Like, Like Like you, Like, like you more than a friend"

"That's a lot of likes" You laughed, your eyes completely fixed on Armin's.

"Not enough for you, I've liked you since our first year of highschool and not just cause you were the first person to talk to me other than the
janitor. It was just how you did everything, your smile especially."

"HEY that's my line and you talked to the janitor, I thought he didn't talk to anyone?"

"Well a lot of people think I don't talk to anyone and here I am, talking to the one and only"

"Your one and only"


"My biggest mistake was not talking to you when I had the chance, I would see you in the hallways and it would be a classic glance with "the quiet kid". Yeah I'm glad you slept in class that time. I'm glad you took you time to write those letters. I'm fucking glad you exist."

"I never thought I would get to talk to you"


"It's easier with ink"

A/n : Y'all this is not the ending, the next chapter was supposed to be but I just realized I have a whole internet personal arc, I've to shed light on so y'all have two more chapters :o

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