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"hello!!" You exclaimed opening the door.

"hi what are you doing here?" Armin said surprised by the fact you were in his house.

"Y/n? what are you doing here?" The taller questioned, coming in right after Armin.

"oh so basically the place you guys dropped me off at was a friend's, she kinda bailed on me and my apartment is getting renovated so like I needed a place too stay for the evening and Armin was gave me his location Incase of an emergency so like here am I, laughing out loud." You blurted out really quickly in an attempt too make the awkward situation, less awkard ...

"Oh yeah and I already talked to your mom about it Armin. She was fine with it, except I might have lied about my grades to impress her. So if anyone ask, I'm an honor role student"

Both Eren and Armin could do nothing but laugh, it seem stupid but they were here. You joined into the laughter, a bit confused though.

"I'm gonna help pack"

"Sure that will be very nice thank you"


"So Armin, why you didn't tell me you had a female friend?" Armin's mother's questioned

"Because it's normal  and she's just like every other friend"

"oh yeah and who exactly are the every other friends"

Armin took a pause, realizing you were his only friend apart from the girl online.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but he's my friend" Eren butted into the conversation a bit upset on how a mother would treat her son like that, that's not how it was supposed to go. He wasn't really sure actually since his mother was barely part of his life, but he had seen real families and this wasn't how they worked.

"Be careful" The spiteful woman send walking out of the kitchen, where the weird conversation took place.


"Don't apologize I'm used to it, she never had a life outside of books and school. So I guess I can't have one either"

Eren Looked at the boy who had looked as if he were about to cry. He put his arm around him comforting him, as Armin ooked down too the ground.

"Are you okay?" You asked, worriedly barging into the kitchen.

"yeah I'm fine and you?" Armin's face brightened up and he lifted up his head.

"yeah thanks, your mom's lunch was delicious by the way"

"Thanks i guess" his mood dulling, due to the mention of his mother.

"Wait are you two friends now?" You questioned taking notice of Eren's right arm around Armin.

"let's just say I got too know him better" Eren responded. It was partially true, he had gotten to know Armin not really the other way around.

"That's great, I was thinking we should go out for bubble tea. Mikasa just texted me, saying she was free for the rest of the night and I could stay with her, I didn't really wanna leave like this"

"I'm down for it"

"That will be very much appreciated"

You smiled at both their responses and got your bag, getting ready to go out.


"I knew it, she has like a reading buddy"

"So you are telling me this guy
Y/n is texting, that improved her grammar is obstructing her from her obvious feelings towards Armin?"

"Yes Mikasa"

"I always forget how smart you are, nice try but you are wrong. Y/n has a secret admirer, he sends letters to her, but he's too cowardly to show his face. Y/n got this reading buddy to be able to write well as her admirer, she's too devoted to the writer to realize anything else. I always figured the shy boy liked her and she might like him back too actually."

"Not fair you had more information than I did"

"Not the point Ereh"

"Still hung up on that nickname from elementary, I thought we-"

"you're right, Yeager, I'm sorry."

An uncomfortable silence was created between the two, Mikasa stood up and walked towards you and Armin. The both of you had been hung up on the arcade game, on the other side of the shop, while Eren and Mikasa caught up in a conversation. Just before Mikasa had gotten to your spot with Armin, Eren took a glance at you two.

"Maybe he does have a chance" Eren thought, noticing the newly found boldness and courage 
Armin built up when he was next to you.

A/n : Sorry this chapter is written  pretty badly, I'm sorry y'all to lazy to go over.

𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 ❥︎ 𝐀𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧.𝐀Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin