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A writers purpose for writing is often to escape reality, the same could be said for Armin. Facing his reality, he dropped his anonymous writer facade. The letters were a way to escape reality, the reality that you wouldn't like him back. He didn't stop because your feelings for him had become a reality, but because his feelings for you became more real than some cheesy romance novel lines he threw into in the letters. Unfortunately reality hadn't prevailed itself for you yet.

A/n : the following text chapter us between Armin and Eren, Eren's the right and u get the rest.

Armeen 👱🏻‍♂️

I knew it

yes I like her

nothing new I see, so what's our game plan here

there's no plan, I'm just
goin to stick with what I've now



and I thought Y/n helped u
loosen up

yeah she taught me slang, not fourth grader Grammer

someone didn't learn their alphabets 😔

and u r supposed to be the Shakespeare here

I don't even write what

mhm sure

wdym sure

I just meant okay, bro it's not
that big of deal

you know something, but
I'm not gonna risk it, so change of topic

text her or else

ok mother

wait speaking of mothers
would I be a milf if I was a woman?? 😻


she responded wat do I say

bro have u not texted her before?

no, mostly just video call  with Mikasa and you actually

ok but u have texted girls

no, well kinda but it was more off ...
it's complicated

( if u didn't already know he's talking about "6pnssyslqyer9")


Eren please just tell me what to say

send dick pics

u first

bro send it to her

no wtf

bro I'm joking

so u want me to send
it to u??

no tf don't send it to anyone I
was joking bro


what did u think I was gonna do with it, compare dick sizes??

umm yeah ...

bro mines bigger




bet its small

*Armin attached image

it's edited


A/n : the next chat chapter is between Armin and Y/n. Armin's on the right and u get the rest.

Y/n <3  

sent at 7:30

sent at 7:30
bro u gon make me cry
RESPOND sent at 7:46

wait I'm sorry, I was tryna ask Eren for help on how too talk to someone and fuck he's not helpful at all


wait sorry I just don't really
talk to a lot of ppl online

it's fine lmao, I just think
it's cute u ramble online too

oh thanks :)

oh yh and never ask Eren for advice, speaking from personal experience bro 😔 #survivor

lmao yeah lesson learnt

huh can I come over I'm bored

is Mikasa coming? I can tell Eren

no actually, could it just be us?
I'm pretty sure Mikasa and Eren hang out without us so it should be fine, no pressure tho

oh yeah sure

"fuck" Armin cursed at the disarray of his room, he couldn't even blame it on Eren this time. He had obviously been to distracted to care.

A/n : Cutting it short cus of writer's block rn, I'ma try to get the next chapter published as soon as possible. Also I apologize for any spelling errors to lazy to proof read au revoir :)

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